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This is a Blades in the Dark character played by TLB. in the campaign, Denizens of the Drop.

Ashlyn Morriston[edit]


You think I was born in this? I had a family once, one that was important. We sold some of Skovlan's greatest exports, lumber and stone. We weren't fancy like some noble houses, it was something real. Make real coin that way. Then we had some of those fucking shitbirds from this continent come and say whatever they want. If we were smuggling, we'd be making actual coin with it. We'd not be fighting for what we had to just to get to the main continent.


Once I got to Duskval, away from the rest of my family, I found my way. Not like there's much to do for a former merchant type legitimately. So, I learned. People don't need all those slugs, and it was easy enough finding nice enough clothes to get close enough to pick some purses. Got to be fast enough to keep out of jail, sneaky enough to not get my face seen. I could come out here and say I was the best, but I know better. You're not some mark I gotta impress. I was good, though. And I kept learning. You do a lift, you can do a dozen. You learn how to get someone to give you something? You can make real coin.