Aukan "Brightblade" Thuliaga

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Aukan Brightblade Thuliaga[edit]

Aukaun Brightblade 22nd level character

Str 14 (6) 18 - 26 (all ability increase + book) [+8] [] 32 (+11)

Dex 12 (4) 10 [+0] [] 16 (+3)

Con 14 (6) 20 [+5] (book) [] 26 (+8)

Int 14 (6) [+2] [] 20 (+5)

Wis 18 (6) [+4] (book) [] 24 (+6)

Cha 16 (10) 21 (level 20 ability increase + book)[+5] [] 27 (+8)

[] = after magic items

Class Levels

Paladin 12

Warpriest 10 (Pg 75 Complete Divine)

Alignement - LG

Deity - Hieronious

BAB +22/+17/+12/+7/+2

Melee +33/+28/+23/+18/+13

HP 312 [] 378

AC 41

Flat Footed 41

Touch 28


Fortitude +31

Reflex +18

Will +21


Concentration 25 = 33

Diplomacy 25 = 35

Knowledge (Religion) 5 = 10

Knowledge (History) 5 = 10

Ride 10 = 15

Sense Motive 25 = 33

Spellcraft 5 = 10


Combat Caster

Power Attack

Divine Might (Pg 106 Complete warrior.)

Improved Critical (Greatsword)

Improved Sunder

Shield Specialisation (+1 Shield Bonus) (Pg 82 PHB 2)

Shield Ward (Add shield bonus to resist bulrush, trip, disarm, grapple and overrun attempts. Add shield bonus to touch attack AC) (Pg 82 PHB 2)

Holy Strike [EPIC] (any weapons wielded by Aukan count as holy unless they already have alignment, dealing 2d6 extra damage to Evil foes and counts as good aligned)

Racial Abilities

+2 on Sense Motive

Powerful Build (counts as large when it is to its advantage ie bull rush, trip and grapple attempts. Can wield large weapons without penalty)

Mountain Movement (can make standing long jumps and high jumps as though they were running. Can do accelerated climbing with no -5 penalty)

No altitude penalties

Languages - Common, Gol-Kaa, Dwarven, Giant

Class Features


Aura of Good

Detect Evil

Smite Evil 3/day (+8 attack roll, +11 damage)

Removed Disease 3/week

Divine Grace

Lay on Hands (96)

Aura of Courage

Divine Health

Special Mount

Turn Undead (13th level - 17th with items)


Bonus Domain (Glory)

Rally (+10)

Inflame (+8)

Mass Cure Light Wounds 1/day

Fear Aura

Heroes Feats 1/day

Haste 3/day

Mass Heal 1/day

Implacable Foe

Spells (Caster level 17) not factoring bonuses for charisma (yet)

1st 4/day

2nd 4/day

3rd 4/day

4th 2/day


Aukan had been born to the Goliath tribe near Altendorf and was the son of one of the merchants of the tribe who used to trade various goods in the local town. On one of these trips Aukan accompanied his father and managed to get lost. In his wanderings around town he eventually made his way to the local temple of Heironeous and stood there for a while fascinated by the statue depicting the god in the centre of the building.

When his father eventually found him the young boy's life choice had already been made, something in the statue had called out to him. He began to accompany his father and other traders on every trip he could, going to the temple and speaking with the various priests there. Eventually he left the tribe altogether to live there, acting as a lowly acolyte in the temple. He worked up from this to the status of a paladin, eventually being sent out to work in some of the religious crusades being done in the world.

He returned ten years later to find his old tribe as it currently is. Still traumatised from their captivity, many of them dead and their dignity striped from them. In an attempt to thank his people saviours (and also to get a chance at revenge) he has asked to accompany them on their quest to slay those who instigated this invasion.


+5 adamantine full plate of heavy fortification 102K (+13 AC, Maximum Dex Modifiers +1, -5 Armour Check Penalty, DR3, 75% chance to negate criticals or sneak attack)

+6 Belt of Magnificence 200K (+6 all stats)

Amulet of Invulnerablity 600K (epic) (DR 10/Epic)

Books of +4 Str, Con, Wis, Chr 440K (stat changes factored in)

Ring of Protection +5 and Freedom of Movement 90K (+5 Deflection Bonus, Freedom of Movement)

Ring of Universal Energy Resistance, Minor 84K (epic) (resists 10 points of energy damage)

+5 Animated Tower Shield 50K (+10 AC, Armour Check Penalty -10, Animated)

Strand of Prayer Beads: Greater 96K (1/day can cast bless, 1/day can cast choice of cure serious wounds, remove disease or remove blindness/deafness, 1/day can cast spells at +4 caster level for 10 minutes, 1/day can cast choice of chaos hammer, holy smite, order's wrath or unholy blight (Will save DC17 partial), 1/day summon creature of appropriate alignment to aid user for a day, 1/day cast wind walk)

‘Erin Gwyndor’ +5 Morningstar Icy and Flaming Burst

Int 18 Wis 18 Cha 18 Speech, Telepathy AL:NG

Detect Magic at will

Mass heal 1/day 170K

+6 Large Great sword Fiery Blast (Snurre’s Sword)(epic)

Mantle of Heironious (Turn Undead 4 levels higher and Death Ward) 61K

7 League Boots (Boots of Speed, striding & springing & teleportation)67K (may act as though hasted for up to 10 rounds each day, +10 foot movement, +5 jump checks, may teleport 3/day)

Ioun Stones: Clear, Dusty Rose, Iridescent 27K (no need to eat, drink, breath, +1 Insight bonus to AC)

Gauntlet of Rust 12K