BPRD Fringe Scientist Doctor Möbius
Dr. Möbius[edit]
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d4*, Common Knowledge d4-1*, Healing d8, Notice d6-1*, Persuasion d4*, Research d8, Science d10+2, Shooting d4-2/d6 (powered up from none by the arc projector device), Stealth d4*, Weird Science d10
Pace: 6" (24" in flight), Parry: 2, Toughness: 7 (2)
Clueless (Major; distracted with maintaining his form and uninterested in mundane goings-on)
Driven (Minor; They doubted me, the FOOLS - but I'll show them! Show them ALL! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!)
Obligation (Minor; employed and funded by the B.P.R.D.)
Reckless (-2; risky experimental technology causes havoc if you fail to activate or use a power), This has no mechanical game effect, but we can just say that when you get Incapacitated you're reduced to a lump of undifferentiated protoplasm, and recovery involves you literally pulling yourself together.
Scholar (+2 to Science)
Super Powers (free; Level II, Limit 10, Power Points 30+2)
Ageless 1 = 1pp (immune to aging)
Altered Form 2 + Reach 1 = 3pp (called shots have no effect, halve knockback and damage from falls and collisions, Reach +1)
Flight 5 + Device -1 = 4pp (fly at Pace 24", roll Athletics -1 to avoid collision if Shaken/Stunned/Wounded)
Force Field 8 + Device -1, Life Support 2, Requires Activation -1 = 8pp (-8 incoming damage, full life support and hazardous environment protection to self)
- switchable with Force Field 4 + Area Effect 4, Device -1, Life Support 2, Requires Activation -1 = 1pp (-4 incoming damage, full life support and HEV protection to all in LBT)
Genius 2 + Fast Learner 1 = 3pp (free reroll on Smarts and Smarts-based skills, no unskilled penalty on same skills)
Minion Chum the Monkey 2pp
Ranged Attack 6 + Device -2, Lethal -1, Spread 1 = 4pp (12/24/48, +2 to hit, 3d6 electric, hits bystanders on a missed roll of 1 or 2)
Stun 3 + Area Effect 2, Device -2, Strong 2 = 5pp (all in MBT Stunned by electric shock, Vigor roll at -2 to resist)
Super Skill: Shooting 2 + Device -1 = 1pp
B.P.R.D. tactical vest (Armor +2, 5 lbs.)
Gravitic manipulator harness (worn device for Flight and Force Field)
Autoaiming arc projector (handheld device for Ranged Attack, Stun, and Super Skill: Shooting)
Field surgery kit
SCIENCE! field kit
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d4-1, Vigor d6
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Stealth d6, Taunt d6, Thievery d6
Hindrances: Loyal
Edges: Super Powers (5)
Pace: 6", Parry: 5, Size: -2 (Small), Toughness: 3
Powers: Extra Limbs 2 (prehensile feet), Heightened Senses 1 (low light vision), Leaping 1 (2" high, 4" long), Wall Walker 1