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8th Level Male Half-Orc/Half-Shifter

Chaotic Evil 5th level Fighter/2nd level Rogue/1st Level Assassin

Appearance: Bane is not exactly passing for human being with his flappy bat like ears, canine teeth, and hairy palms. Despite the laws about peace barding, he's usually covered in weapons. Also, the laws say you don't have to bard a knife which means he's absolutely covered in throwing blades. His hair is kept up in a topknot and many have made the occasional joke he looks like a villain from Sharn sci-fi serials.

Personality: Bane is a man with a perpetually bad attitude about reality. His perpetual tough guy attitude is mixed with a desire to deliberately pick on those weaker than him to prove his strength. He's not easily intimidated though and it's only due to his Keeper's Fang that he's survived as long as he had against stronger opponents. Bane has a peculiar reaction around females as any that isn't paid for causes him to inch away like the cat from Peppe Le Pew.

Despite being Chaotic Evil, Bane isn't smart enough to aspire to true heights of psychopathic villainy.

Background: Bane was the bastard child of a Deneith mercenary with a female shifter along the borders of Droam. Taught to fight by his mother, he still has bad memories about terribly strong women. Nevertheless, he soon hooked up with his father's house and developed a taste for killing whichever side paid the least in a conflict.

It was during this time that Bane murdered a Hobgoblin Priest of the Keeper while he slept. Bane honestly forgets what caused it but picked up his favorite weapon during this time. Since then, the assassin has largely wandered around Khovaire surviving scrape after scrape that he invariably gets into. Recently, he came to Caer Shadowfast and took up position as a kill for hire.

The town guard know Bane is actually the local assassin but the Governor has made the choice to let him thin the heard of the truly vile amongst the city while watching for his employers. Given that Bane isn't exactly subtle about his activities, this happens more often than people think.

Magical Items: Bane owns a sentient Keeper's Fang that contains the ghost of a murdered High Priest (Int 18, Wis 16) that is exasperated that he's being held by a moron. This object helps Bane cover up his crimes and get involved in larger plots than he should. So long as the Fang is fed a soul a month then it provides Bane with Regeneration 1/round and can animate the corpse of those it has slain.

Shadows over Cyre