Bella Labbra del Veleno

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Name: Bella Labbra del Veleno

Alignment/Race/Class: Half-elf, Neutral Evil, Swashbuckler 1/Ranger 4/Beastmaster 1/Animal (Snake) Lord 3/Assassin 1

Personality: Bella is two things one a seductive woman who know how to get what she wants and two a cold hearted killer. She has a great love for snakes represented by her ten pet snakes of various breeds and two snake animal companions for a total of twelve snakes.

Appearance: A casual look at Bella reveals a beautiful unarmed woman of noble decent but look closer and you will see those snakes around her head and neck are moving look closer again and you will see her walk is that of an alert swordsman look closer again and if your lucky you may see a some snakelike features and if you are very unlucky you will see a pair of sharp teeth going for the kill... and that is the last thing you'll ever see.

History: Born in the Eldeen Reaches Bella always portrayed an affinity to snakes this disturbed her parents slightly but it was not until at the age of eighteen when her ex-boyfriend died from a snake bite in the middle of the night that her parents stopped her from having anything to do with them. Two weeks later they two died of snake bites. One week after that Bella sold the farm and moved to Fairhaven where she married a old wealthy noble who died one year later of a heart attack (no one ever noticed the bite marks of a snake on his genitals). Now wealthy woman who didn't want to manage an estate she sold it and bought an airship which she named the Fiery Freedom. Which she turned into a luxury cruiser which unknown to its guests was bugged all over and known only to some of her guests the fact that for the right price you could share her room (which was the best room there) for a night. Or if you couldn't pay that much there where several other ladies who would come and have a few glasses of champagne (its amazing how long it can take to finish a glass) with them. She took several lovers at intermittent points one of whom was Drake. He convinced her that she could earn more money by hiring herself out as a mercenary ship though she still had regular cruises and even expanded into an airship safari business. With the money now rolling in she bought two more ships both for luxury cruises and safaris while the Fiery Freedom went became a full time mercenary ship. Lyrandar then hired her two support Drake on his mission which bring us up to the present.

Shadows over Cyre