Bitter Angels (SWADE PbP)/Ultraviolet
Player character in the Bitter Angels PbP game.

Jasmine Ti'arn, also known as the interstellar mercenary and criminal Ultraviolet, is the daughter of Jason Arthur, space explorer and pioneer in the use of the Shift drive, and Ilune Ti'arn, the last of the ancient race of alien beings known as the Aurians.
The Aurians were one of the most ancient and powerful races in the galaxy who evolved in a time when multidimensional energies more strongly permeated the universe, They resembled angelic beings who could convert solar radiation into cosmic energy that they could channel to fly, survive in the vacuum of space and unleash energy blasts from their hands. In the earliest fables of the galaxy they uplifted younger civilisations and brought prosperity to the worlds under their care.
Then, approximately one million years ago, they vanished from the galaxy for reasons yet unknown. Perhaps they ascended to another plane of existence or were wiped out by a hostile force; galactic scholars have debated the issue for centuries.
Jason Arthur, interstellar explorer for the Terran Empire, discovered a stasis pod containing the last surviving Aurian whilst exploring some of their ruins. The being inside known as Ilune Ti'arn took human form and convinced Jason to rebel against the Empire and flee with her deep into unknown space where the they could not follow, fearing what the humans might do to obtain her powers. They found a world hidden deep in a nebula that was teeming with life, and settled down there to start a family together,
Ilune combined her essence with Jason's DNA to create a cosmic egg that split into seven parts, each piece coalescing into a newborn human-aurian hybrid child. Each of the children had human bodies but enhanced with Aurian powers, each child able to draw on a different portion of the light spectrum to power the abilities; Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, and Violet. Taught to control their powers by their mother and in hand-to-hand combat by their father, the seven siblings became a superhero team known as the Lightchargers. At their father's insistence, they set out into the galaxy to fight injustice wherever they encountered it and help bring down the Empire.
Although the Lightchargers won much praise and gratitude from the galactic populace for their part in fighting the Empire, one member of the team was not satisfied with mere accolades and sought more tangible rewards. Jasmine, the Violet Lightcharger, felt that the people they protected should be paying them tribute and making them rich for risking their lives; when the rest of her siblings disagreed and ostracised her, she quit the team and abandoned them, striking out into the galaxy on her own.
Taking up the moniker Ultraviolet, Jasmine became a mercenary for hire, leading a gang of other superpowered individuals and ruthless criminals who fought at the side of petty warlords for profit and pirated the shipping lanes in an old imperial warship, the Bloody Hand. Eventually her notoriety and body count became so great that her old family tracked her down and attacked her crew to bring their reign of terror to an end.
In a terrible battle, Jasmine and her crew fought the Lightchargers on the bridge of her ship, where she slew Nate Ti'arn, the Cyan-powered sibling, in a fit of rage. Momentarily frozen in horror by what she'd done, she was quickly overpowered by the rest of the team and taken into custody, placed into a maximum security prison where she would never be able to trouble the galaxy again...
Jasmine didn't really leave the Lightchargers out of a desire for power or wealth, she did it because she felt jealous and always second-best to her sister Leela Ti'arn, the Red Lightcharger. Jasmine and Leela, drawing from the extreme ends of the light spectrum were always the two strongest siblings, although Leela always seemed to win in their sparring matches to Jasmine's chagrin. It stung her badly when their father picked Leela to lead the team over her, and even more when she picked Garth, the Blue Lightcharger, as her second-in-command instead. Everything she did was, if you forced her to admit it, a tantrum born from feelings of inadequacy.
Human-Aurian hybrid
Racial abilities:
- Attribute Increase [Strength]
- Attribute Increase [Vigor]
- Shamed (Major)
- Ruthless (Major)
- Mean (Minor)
- Agility: d8
- Athletics d8
- Stealth d4
- Fighting d10
- Smarts: d6
- Common Knowledge d6
- Notice d8
- Battle d6
- Spirit: d8
- Persuasion d6
- Focus d12
- Intimidation d8
- Strength: d12+5
- Vigor: d10
DERIVED STATS Pace: 6 (When walking) Parry: 7 Toughness: 14 (7)
- Linguist
- Arcane Background (Super Powers)
- Brawler (Toughness +1, add d4 to damage from fists)
- Bruiser (Toughness +1, Increase unarmed Strength Damage a die type)
- Spacer (2)
- Flight (Pace 180/120 MPH) (10) + Manoeuvrable (roll 2d6 to “run” in a tactical environment instead of 1d6) (1) + (Limitation: Requires Recharge) (-1)
- Toughness x5 (5)
- Super Attribute [Strength] x6 (12)
- Super Attribute [Vigor] x1 (2)
- Melee Attack [Str+2d6] (4)
- Ranged Attack [4d6] (9) + Armour Piercing x2 (2) (AP 4) + (Limitation: Requires Recharge) (-1)