Black Spiral Order

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Alignment: Neutral Evil. Symbol: A spinning wheel of constant motion. Proffered Weapon: Claw/Bite/Unarmed Strike.

Appearance: The Black Spiral order is known to no humanoids of Khorvaire other than shifters. Those few humans that even hear the name often hear the same story. They are a group of lycanthropes and shifters that go around killing people. But the truth behind them and their goals are far more sinister.

Frontal Dogma: Humans and their ilk have evolved beyond the natural order. They have become a corruption onto the Earth and must be either converted to their cause via lycanthrope or slayed. A doctrine similar to the Ashbound but put to use for racist shifter/lycanthrope ends.

Truth: Most solders of the Black Spiral order believe they are solders of the natural order of the world and their ability to turn into animals is a sign of this. This is a complete farce. The leader of the Black Spiral order is a daelkyr by the name of Spiralitz who enjoys tampering with animals and humans into freakish half human half animal breeds. He finds lycanthropes and shifters to be especially interesting and takes interest in them.

As such the generals of the Black Spiral Order's true ambition is to uncover any and all dark lore and use this to their own use. Develop special variations of lycanthrope to infect people more quickly and change them more drastically and try to advance any current Lycanthrope strain so it's more powerful.

Background: "Spiral" comes from a theory among cults of the dragon below that deal with daelkyr. That there's a tiny spiral in each person that carries that persons information about them. Their hair color, their height and weight and even their species. It is believed that any and all transmutation magic affects this spiral in some way and that is why it is connected to the daelkyr. Though no human would actually know this for sure there might be some truth within this theory.

The order was started around the end of the lycanthrope purges. When shifters and lycanthropes were both feeling angered at the humans who had defeated them. The daelkyr lord had offered many of them an offer they couldn't refuse. He took them into Khyber were they were experimented on and gained supernatural powers from the lord of Xoriat. Now the order is begging to appear more readily with the end of the war and some are calling the Order a possible threat as large as the incursion that resulted in the purges.

The Black Spiral Order's hierarchy is divided among the lines of Lycanthrope. It goes as such.

Spirallizt - Leader and master of the Organization. (deceased)

Minjin Jojo Snowback - Leader of the Wereapes (deceased)

Ruxpen Ursos - Leader of the Werebears (deceased)

Bebop Greattusk - Leader of the Wereboars. (deceased)

Felix Clawhand - Leader of the Werecats.

Erven Darkswimmer - Leader of the Werecrocs (deceased)

Perseus Centaus - Leader of the Centaurs. (deceased)

Sliver Nightskulker - Leader of the Wererats.

Edgar Poe Scarrow - Leader of the Wereraven (deceased)

Great Whitey, Tigere, Hammer Head and Bully Bladetooth - Leaders of the Weresharks (all deceased)

Viral - Leader of the Werewolves.

Shadows over Cyre