Bounty Hunter Blues: Cordi

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Cordi "Penguin" Ainsworth, the Mechanic[edit]

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Heritage: Imperial (her earliest memories are the grunge-streets of Warren and its endless acid rain)

Background: Syndicate (after cutting her teeth with the hackers of ZOO, she followed her brother into the Pasha before escaping to her freedom)


  • Tinker: When working on a clock with rig or hack - or when you study a schematic - fill in +1 Segment.
  • Hacker: You may expend your special armour to resist the consequences of hacking. Or to Push Yourself when hacking or gathering info electronically.


Insight: [0/6]

  • (I) Hack: 2
  • (I) Rig: 2
  • (I) Study: 1

--- Prowess [1/6]

  • (P) Skulk: 1

--- Resolve [0/6]

  • (R) Sway: 1


Stress 0/9 Trauma 0/4
Armour [ ] Heavy [ ] Special [ ]
Cred 0/4 Stash 0
3 Need Help
2 -1D
1 Tender Bruisers Less Effect
RECOVERY Get treatment in downtime to fill your healing clock > 0/6

Load: Normal (3/5)

  • Heavy Blaster
  • Illegal Drugs
  • Small Drone (Mitzi)
  • Vision-Enhancing Goggles

Colourful Friends![edit]

Len (▲)
A black market dealer, he and Cordi can bullshit for hours and he not only picks up juicy titbits here and there, he appreciates a girl who can sell him juicy titbits as well! Or, you know, things a bit larger than titbits (it's a flexible arrangement!).

Kenn (▼)
Family, brother, blood. In with the Pasha. Used to be close - tight. Until Cordi 'betrayed' him. He wants her back. She doesn't want him in the Pasha anymore. But given how deep-under Kenneth is and how well it seems to be working out, the two are at something of an impasse...


Bordering on the hyperactive, always thinking, and sometimes so tightly wound she threatens to explode can drive a girl up the wall. Sometimes it's just too much, yeah? Sometimes you just want the world to SHUT-UP. And as luck would have it, there are plenty of things in the universe that can do just that. That can give Cordi half an hour of peace and quiet without everything and its mother rattling inside her braincase. Time to recharge! Yeah, just a bit - not too much - just a little bit of waking oblivion...

Advancement (1/8)[edit]

Mark XP:

  • Every time a desperate action is rolled, mark XP in that action's attribute.

At the end of a session, for each item below, mark 1 xp (in your playbook or an attribute) or 2 xp if that item occurred multiple times.

  • Cordi addressed a challenge with technical skill or ingenuity.
  • She expressed her beliefs, drives, heritage or background.
  • She struggled with issues from her vice or trauma.