Calren Laythand RTC

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During the reign of King Falibus, the Laythand family had been on the rise. Calren's great-grandfather, Jorj Laythand, had built upon a three-generation family legacy in the spice trade to build one of the kingdom's largest fortunes and secured a marriage to the second daughter of a minor Baron for his eldest son Willan. The splintering of the kingdom wrought havoc on trade, and though Willan's son Daven inherited a modest title, a bit of land, and a few servants, his diminished wealth remained impressive only relative to the much-diminished condition of his peers and neighbors.

Cal is the youngest of Daven Laythand's three sons, and as such upon reaching maturity received such a modest sum of gold that being the third son of a minor noble in an impoverished realm would afford and then set out to find a profession. Nevertheless he was a noble's son, so he must find a respectable profession. So he tried in turns at studying architecture, drama, secular law, natural philosophy, and engineering, but found that none of these suited him. He was considering the war college when by chance he crossed paths with a wizard's apprentice who was sorely in need of coin; refusing to accept charity, the apprentice sold him a minor scroll for a few gold. Cal became fascinated with the unintelligible arcane markings he had acquired, and the rest, as they say, is history.


  • Wizard, Level 7, Conjurer
  • XP: 23,001/34,000
  • Alignment: Lawful
  • PC
  • Titles/Holdings:
  • Age: 28


  • STR 11
  • DEX 15 (Roll 14, +1 Lightly Armored feat)
  • CON 18 (Roll 16, +1 human bonus, +1 Resilient feat)
  • INT 18 (Roll 17, +1 human bonus)
  • WIS 14
  • CHA 11

Attribute Bumps: Substituted Resilient feat in place of level 4 attribute bump.

Proficiency Bonus: +3

Skills and Feats[edit]

  • Background: Noble


  • Common
  • Additional Languages TBD


  • Lightly Armored (Level 1 Variant Human feat)
  • Resilient - Constitution (Level 4)


  • AC 14 (Studded Leather 12, +2 Dex)
  • HP 58
  • Hit Dice 7d6
  • Movement Rate 30
  • Initiative Modifier +2
  • Attacks
    • Primary Attack: Fire Bolt, +7 to hit, 2d10 fire damage, range 120.
    • Secondary Melee Attack: Dagger, +5 to hit, 1d4 +2 damage
  • Saves: (Proficient in Con, Int, and Wis saves)
  • STR +0
  • DEX +2
  • CON +7
  • INT +7
  • WIS +5
  • CHA +0


Spells Known

  • Cantrips: Fire Bolt, Light, Mending, Prestidigitation
  • Level 1: Chromatic Orb*, Comprehend Languages*, Detect Magic*, Feather Fall*, Shield*, Silent Image, Sleep, Unseen Servant
  • Level 2: Invisibility*, See Invisibility*, Spider Climb, Web*
  • Level 3: Fly*, Haste, Lightning Bolt, Slow*
  • Level 4: Conjure Minor Elementals*, Dimension Door

Spell Slots 4, 3, 3, 1 Spells Prepared 11 Spell Save DC 15 (8 + Int Mod 4 + Prof Bonus 3)


Total Carried: 26 lbs.


  • Dagger (Finesse, 1d4 + Dex damage)


  • Studded Leather (12 + Dex AC)

Magic Items

  • Wand of Empowered Summons +1, +5 HP to summoned creatures
  • Immovable Rod
  • Brooch of Shielding

Other Equipment

  • Arcane focus (an oak staff covered in elvish runes)
  • 2 sets of traveling clothing
  • 4 suits of fine clothing
  • Spellbook
  • Reserve spellbook (kept in a safe place, not with him while he travels)
  • Bedroll
  • Waterskin
  • Coinage: 90pp, 9gp.

When traveling, Cal generally keeps his spellbook, bedroll, and spare clothing in his saddlebags rather than carrying them.


  • Riding horse
  • Riding saddle, saddlebags