Candle Levers

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[The Wilderlands of Absalom]

The bulk of the Candle's functions are controlled by the five levers located on level eight. The five levers in level eight have three positions, which they have labeled "up", "neutral" and "down".

Far Left[edit]

The lever on the left, the one currently in the "down" position, controls the charging of the Candle's storage facility. It is currently in the "discharge" position, which results in any accumulated energy from being bled off into the atmosphere through the three pillars on the top of the butte, which were originally thought to be (and in fact, were repurposed to do this at some point) for signal fires. The discharging energy will sometimes be visible as lightning crawling along the surface for the columns. Bringing the lever up to "neutral" stops the siphoning of energy from the converging ley lines. When in the "up" position the collection is in effect. When the adventurers lift the lever into the "up" position a number -- fifteen, to be precise -- of small orange rectangles lights up next to the lever, blinking rhythymically. Their oracular efforts have determined that these rectangles display the amount of energy stored within the array; as it gets charged each successive rectangle will turn green.

Middle Left[edit]

This lever only has an effect when sufficient power has accumulated.

When placed in the "neutral" position the walls of the main control room -- almost all the way at the top of the Candle -- suddenly vanish from sight, affording those within the room a 360 degree view of the surrounding plains. The walls are still there, according to their sense of touch, just somehow rendered invisible. When placed in the "down" position the walls regain their opacity; however, a map appears on the southern side of the wall, showing the Candle from above and the surrounding lands, along with two vibrantly blue lines that intersect on the Candle: one runs essentially parallel to the Sarn while the other runs east to west.


This lever only has an effect when sufficient power has accumulated.

The third lever controls the Candle's water collection. The collection method *appears* to be non-magical, since the cistern on level five has been continuously filled since the adventurers first discovered the place. The adventurers move the lever through the different positions but find no visible changes, either in the cistern or elsewhere. It is likely, however, that the lever can cause the cistern to both stop filling or drain, and its possible that the lever controls the functions elsewhere.

Middle Lever: Nothing seems to happen when placed in the neutral or down positions, but the adventurers soon afterwards find out that the cistern on the fifth level has been completely emptied. The cistern is thirty feet in diameter and some fifteen feet deep. Halfay up the side opposite where the door is the adventurers espy a door, or perhaps a hatch, of some sort, set into the rock wall.

No one is quite sure of where the water went, though. It doesn't appear as if the hatch has been opened in some time.

Middle Right[edit]

The fourth lever seems to affect the functions of the rightmost lever.

Far Right[edit]

When the fourth lever is in the "up" position, the fifth lever has the following effects:

  • Up. Turns on all ambient lighting within the Candle (i.e. those light panels without their own levers)
  • Neutral. Turns off all lighting within the Candle
  • Down. Turns off all ambient lighting within the Candle

When the fourth lever is in the "neutral" position, the fifth lever has the following effects:

  • It provides power to the (broken) summoning circle in the Temple sublevel.
  • It provides power to the trio of levers in the treasure room in the Temple sublevel. The adventurers are unsure as to what those three levers control.
  • It provides power to the "throne room" on sublevel 6. No one has yet been brave enough to see what happens when the levers are throne, although Ulin's journal suggests it raises or lowers, allowing access to two otherwise inaccessible rooms.

When the fourth lever is in the "down" position the fifth lever has the following effects:

  • Up. No obvious effect.
  • Neutral. No obvious effect.
  • Down. All other levers cease to have function, although the charging array indicator lights are still lit and blinking. The lights don't function, nor does the second lever.


As a result of their divinatory questioning, the adventurers determine that the main purpose of the energy storage is not, in fact, mood lighting, but is instead designed to harness extra energy for the use of magical research and experimentation. They surmise that the room mentioned by Ulin in her journal, the one that looked like a magical laboratory and accessed by the currently inaccessible moving platform, is in fact the center of such experimentation. It is also revealed to the adventurers that when fully charged the Candle can hold the equivalent of 35,000 gold pieces worth of magical energy. Such a source of energy would likely be useful when creating, say, golems, or even new forms of life!

Some of the information came from the Journal of Likang Ulin.