Captain's Wager: Dakota Class Light Freighter

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Distinctions d8[edit]

Dakota Class[edit]

Mule kick in a prairie dog package. The Dakota boasts a small profile and large payload capacity. Boasting double bays and additional cabins for the transport of passengers and/or VIPs, she has a light hull and heavy engines and a varied and complex sensor array. Particularly adept at avoidance and evasion, both in the blue and in the black, the Dakota Class Freighters saw extensive use as blockade runners during the war.

☑ Step Back: Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
☑ Turbo!: You really are built for speed. Spend 1 PP to create a d10 Afterburners Asset. Each time you include Afterburners in a dice pool, step it back after you roll.
☐ Airfoil Stablizers: Nobody expects a ship to perform well in atmo. While flying in atmo, spend 1 PP to step up or double engines for an action.

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Battle Scarred[edit]

A little famous, more than a little infamous. Your ship proudly displays the scars of many battles fought during the Unification War. Though she’s showing signs of wear, your boat’s still here when so many others are gone, and flying for the losing side didn't tarnish her pride one bit.

☑ Step Back: Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
☐ Yeah, She's THAT Ship: Whether in fear or in awe, your ship is known throughout the verse. When you’re tryin’ to intimidate someone with your ship, spend 1 PP to create a d8 Scary Ship Asset.
☑ Never Challenge Worse: Your old girl is solid and true, but she has her recurring aches and pains. Start every Episode with a d6 Old Wound Complication. Step it up to re-roll a die on a failed Action. Once the complication exceeds d12, your ship is Taken Out until the end of the scene.

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Interdiction Mods[edit]

Lots of ships get pressed into service in war; yours was specially outfitted for it. Your ship has been equipped with EMP weapons, specialized gravity drive maneuvering compensators, and tractor beams. These modifications allow your ship to be more maneuverable in capturing smaller, more agile ships. However, the armor plating on your ship had to be pared back.

☑ Step Back: - Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
☐ Gannosuke Clutch: Alliance don't classify this gear as weapons, but it's military grade from the height of the war, and it's no joke. The ship’s pilot may spend 1 PP to automatically Take Out a ship that is inflicted with a d12 Complication associated with being grabbed by a tractor beam.
☐ Thin Skinned: Your ship's physical defenses are most kindly described as low density. The pilot may step back the ship’s Hull for the rest of the scene to step up Engines for one Action.

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Signature Assets[edit]

Flares & Chaff: d8 When you can’t outrun pirates and the Alliance, not allowing ’em to lock onto your ship can be a mite useful. By releasin’ burning flares and metallic chaff you can spoof missiles and give yourself enough time to escape

Grapplers: d8 Most grapplers are large, magnetic clamps that are fired at a second spaceship with the intent to attack. Once secured, the clamp retracts and pulls the second ship closer to the first

Military Grade Vacsuits: d6 Reinforced against both physical and energy damage, these self sealing EVA suits boast extended air, feeding, water and waste tanks as well as automated first aid medical protocols. (Enough for crew, but not passengers).

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Diceless Assets[edit]

Medsuite (Fully stocked, partially automated surgical theater)
Mule (GravLev overland cargo/personnel transport)
Shuttle (Independent Military Jump Shuttle) || Engines d6 || Hull d6 || Systems d6 ||
Standard EVA Suits (enough for crew and passengers)
Luxury Cabins (6) (for paying passengers and VIP guests)
Crew Armory (personal weapons armory)

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