Captain Amit
Captain Amit is a NPC in the Wealth Of The World PBP game. He's a minor noble with imperial court connections, and serves as the commander of the Kambu city guard. (Another officer commands [Prince Taktu]]'s army outside the city walls.) He has the responsibility for maintaining order in the city, a job he's dreadfully enthusiastic about. Amit also judges most minor crimes.
He is strong and tough, but not particularly clever.
Prince Taktu has promised him the hand of his daughter Princess Amestris. She is less than enthusiastic -- Amit is so... DULL.
Sex: Male
Class: The Captain is multiclassed -- a low level aristocrat stacked with a mid level warrior.
Hair: Black, neatly trimmed, clean shaven.
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Lightly tanned
Age: 25
Height: five foot ten
Weight: one hundred fifty pounds
Distinct Features: Very precisely groomed, in every detail.
Wears: Fine silk and wool garments, tightly tailored.
Carries: A sword. A whip.
Loves: Exercising power.
Hates: Imprudent fools who defy him. You know, PCs.
Has: A company of more-or-less loyal troops. His Man-servant.
Wants: The Princess. The Throne. Control over Khyber pass.
Fears: Fire and snakes, from seperate childhood incidents.
RobertEdwards 07:13, 3 September 2006 (PDT)