Princess Amestris
Princess Amestris is NPC for the Wealth Of The World play by post game.
She looks something like this lady |on elfwood
Sex: Feeeeemale, she said with a throatly laugh.
Class: Aristocrat, of course.
Hair: Black, Long, silky and shiny.
Eyes: Blue jewels adorning her face like the sun and moon!
Skin: Flawless and peachy.
Age: Marring age by the standards of her time, perhaps a year older than her sister.
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 96 pounds.
Distinct Features: One of the most beautiful women in the city.
Wears: Glamorous silk and silver chains, in the most flattering styles
Carries: Nothing save her woofy dog and her concealed dagger. For everything else, there are servants, yes?
Loves: Her face in the Mirror
Hates: Being crossed.
Has: The world eating out of the palm of her hand.
Wants: The world worshipping her.
Fears: Becoming bored, old, or ugly.
Allies: Captain Amit, Sabah bin Hakim
Enemies: Her own tragic flaws.
Responsible: Surely not!!!!
RobertEdwards 17:08, 5 September 2006 (PDT)