Castle Shadowfast
Castle Shadowfast was long a center for the Order of the Chalice that was the Emperor of Galifar's personal knighthood for protecting the kingdom from Demons and other creatures of Khyber. The Keep was the home for the Castle Governor and held place for holding many knights and other visitors that would be visiting at any given time on their way to Cyre or Breland.
Temple to Dol Arrah[edit]
Because of the Castle's religious roots, the Temple to Dol Arrah is particularly grandiose and has been restored by Count Du'Crion. Unlike the Church of the Silver Flame in the city, the Temple has no Priest and is largely unattended save for the Count in his private prayer services.
The Castle is no longer as uninhabited as it used to be and is now home to all of Count Shadowfast's servants and court that visit from the various sections of the city. Melissa, Nathan, Bishop Rhefeldt, Marie, and Fracture are known to live here full time. Other members of the Watchmen are allowed to stay at the Keep whenever they visit from their various locations.
Throne Room[edit]
The Throne Room of Castle Shadowfast is one where the various guests from the Dragonmark Houses, Nobility of Northern Breland, and travelling merchants handle court. Cassius is a disinterested ruler and often leaves Nate, of all people, to handle any case that doesn't require excessive diplomacy, military rule, or judgment. He is a fair, if harsh justice and the Count's law is decisive without hope of appeal.
Dueling Area[edit]
This room is reserved for sword practice given Count Shadowfast has no desire for hosting balls, dances, or parties. Lavishly decorated in a Cyrean style despite the Karrnath tastes of it's master, the walls have several holes in them from various weapons that have gone astray and damaged the fabulous works of art. It's oddly, where the Count blows off steam after his various meetings.
Ethan's Room[edit]
The attic of the Castle is reserved for the Bishop and Marie to have their adjoining rooms. The location gives an excellent view of the entirety of Caer Shadowfast due to the height of the Castle. Reflecting the modifications that the Count desired of the place, Ethan's room is connected to the Counts and most of the important rooms by way of secret passageways that only he and a few other Watchmen know about. They're also good for easedropping, through Brella has put them to use for pranking the Count.
Dining Room[edit]
The only room they allowed the Count to re-decorate in his own style, the Dining Room can be seen here with Melissa patrolling for the occasional demonic infestation. The place is home to intimate gatherings of Karrnath fair since the Count has no taste for pizza, lasangna, or other starchy Cyrean fair.
Where Sally lives, the Dungeon is rarely empty and rarely filled very long by occupants. There's absolutely no torture or cruel necromantic experiments going on in this place. What's that screaming noise? Oh, nothing, that's just.....cats. Yes, cats. Terrible noises they may during the night, aren't they?