Character:Ralis Bek/Episode 1

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Mary = Ralis Bek; miraluka jedi lady Thomas = Kranith; khil noble jedi man
Brad = Nye'lo; twilek jedi scoundrel lady Johnny = Jymmi; ithorian jedi scout man


The jedi council does a cleaning of all their trouble makers or people who wanted out. Having been freshly released, we are deposited at the closest starport. At the starport Kranith makes a scene trying to con his way on a ship to anywhere. Nye'lo preyed upon the drunk flashing his cash. Using the force to steal herself some extra cash. Myself, I choose to legally obtain passage to Narshadaa for the 400 creds. I attempt to convince Kranith (AKA Duke Squid Face) but fail in favor of his personal pride and vanity. Duke Squidface forges some paperwork that says the jedi order is fronting the bill for his travel expenses. Passing as his body guards we get to tag along. With everyone agreeing to come with me to find my master Embrul, it seems this trip is much fortuitus. My mentor and master Embrul Kel-Dul was separated from me only a year ago. His location was not disclosed and I have had no luck gleaming information from the council. My best bet, I figure is to find information on Narshadaa. Perhaps with my super charismatic companions I will be successful. They are also prone to illgal deals.

Once we establish lodging on Narshadaa I search the force for other force users. I sense one that is familiar, off on their own. I also sense about half a dozen that are spread out around, with two that are together. I suggest to Duke Squidface and Jymmi (AKA Kareoke Super-Star) that we collect Nye'lo (AKA The Slut) from the cantinas and look into these other force users. Particularly the two users together and the one familiar user. Just as we agree to leave we get a distress signal from The Slut and we respond. Once we are able to determine her location we take off. Just outside the door we feel a "disturbance" in the force... The Slut is suspiciously quiet.

We catch up with Nye'lo in the cantina with her suspicious new Datapad. Duke Squidface easily decripts the datapad and reveals the information about a few locations of weapon deals. They cook up ideas of getting some weapons and money. As this is going down I reach out with the force and feel the two unfamilar force users approach. I carefully move away from the table as the two seem to hone in on our location. With perfect timing the two walk in. Twiddle-Dee blocks the door and Twiddle-Dumb moves to flank. My companions stand to leave and the Twiddle Twins move in. This is where things look bad.

Nye'lo refuses their offer/demand flat out and stands. Initiating combat. Deftly I react first with my combat prowess and move up on Twiddle-Dumb. I however am not stealthy enough and he gets the first strike. This takes me by suprise and I fumble my super awesome attack. Twiddle-Dee becomes some enraged bull as my companions deal with him. Twiddle-Dumb has some strange extra long hilt lightsaber that I want to keep when I put down this sith/darksider dog. Twiddle-Dumb continues to widdle away at me and I tumble past him similar to some nimbly green-skinned jedi I recall from far in the future. Unfortunately, it doesn't mean I can hit him worth a shit... Then out of nowhere Twiddle-Dee knocks me down. Nye'lo then uses the force to toss the two sith around like rag dolls. They get tossed around and I fail to disarm Twiddle-Dumb. Nye'lo apparently is proud of her ability to move object so well that she keeps it up, slamming the two into the ciling repeatedly. Between ceiling splats I attempt to force Twiddle-Dumb to yeild. He doesn't. He slips out of my reach and cuts me low. Nye'lo slams him into the ceiling again ans allows me to take the lightsaber from his incompasitated state. Taking the easy out I hold my innards in and make haste for out hotel where I can recover and assess my new lightsaber.