Character:Unspeakable Rite of the Lady of Words
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Game: Once More, With Feeling!.
Unspeakable Rite of the Lady of Words
Caste: Midnight Caste, Abyssal Exalt
Concept: A beautiful corrupter of minds, hearts and souls.

- To be free of the bonds of Oblivion
- To destroy the Mask of Winters (Five Hearts Hatred)
Natural Intimacies[edit]
- Maintain her friendship with Cael (+)
- X
- X
- X
Supernatural Intimacies[edit]
- To destroy the Mask of Winters (-)
- A lithe and dangerous large cat, pacing the darkness within her anima, it's cobalt eyes seeking a way out so as to feed directly on those about her.
Physical Attributes[edit]
- Strength 2
- Dexterity 5
- Stamina 4
Social Attributes[edit]
- Charisma 5
- Manipulation 5
- Appearance 5
Mental Attributes[edit]
- Perception 4
- Intelligence 3
- Wits 5
Dusk Caste Abilities[edit]
- Archery
- Martial Arts
- Melee
- Thrown
- War
Midnight Caste Abilities[edit]
- (C) Integrity 5 (Ghosts, +3) (Abyssals, +3)
- (C) Performance 5 (Ghosts, +3)
- (C) Presence 5 (Ghosts, +3)
- (C) Resistance
- (C) Survival
Daybreak Caste Abilities[edit]
- Craft
- (F) Investigation 5
- (F) Lore 5 (Nightmare Carving Murmur, +3)
- Medicine
- (F) Occult 5 (Necromancy, +3)
- The Art of the Dead, +3
Day Caste Abilities[edit]
- Athletics
- (F) Awareness 5 (Join Debate!, +3) (Unexpected Attacks, +3)
- (F) Dodge 5 (Unarmored, +3)
- Larceny
- Stealth
Moonshadow Caste Abilities[edit]
- (F) Bureaucracy 5 (The Underworld, +3)
- Linguistics 2
- River Speak (Native), Forest Tongue, Old Realm
- Ride
- Sail
- (F) Socialize 5 (The Underworld, +3)
Ally 4: Cael[edit]
- Casteless Lunar Exalted
Ally 4[edit]
- Dusk Caste, Abyssal Exalted
Artifact 3: Infinite Resplendence Amulet[edit]
- Soulsteel
- Attunement: 5 motes
Artifact 4: Meta-Necromantic Phylactery[edit]
- Soulsteel
- Hearthstone: Oblivion Vortex
- Attunement: 10 motes
Artifact 5: Oblivion Vortex[edit]
- As per Proto Shinmaic Vortex, aligned with Obvlivion rather than the Wyld. Requires Nightmare-Carving Murmur to maintain.
Contacts 4: The Underworld[edit]
- Academics, Government, High Society, Intelligence, Outlaws
Cult 4: The Underworld[edit]
Influence 3: Creation[edit]
Influence 4: The Underworld[edit]
Resources 4: Creation[edit]
Resources 5: The Underworld[edit]
Midnight Caste: Integrity[edit]
- Undying Stagnation Defense
- Eternal Enmity Approach: The Mask of Winters
- Five Hearts Hatred
- Blood Before Surrender
- Heart of Darkness
- Lesser Horrors Scorned
- Freedom in Slavery Understanding
- Faithful Killer’s Reprieve
- Unconquered Hero’s Faith
Midnight Caste: Performance[edit]
- Morbid Fascination Style
- Haunting Apparition Trick
- Withering Phantasmagoria
- Soul Desiccating Style
- Irresistible Succubus Style
- Lies That Tell Themselves
- Forum Conquering Rant
- Secret Heart Iniquity
- Perpetual Incubus Mastery
Midnight Caste: Presence[edit]
- Poisoning the Will
- Dread Lord’s Demeanor
- Heart Stopping Mien
- Killing Words Technique
- Soul Flaying Gaze
- Heartless Fiend Insinuation
- Commanding Whisper
- Painful Majesty Aura
- Fulfilling the Grace's Cupidity
- Commandment of the Abyss (x2)
Daybreak Caste: Investigation[edit]
- Deception Piercing Stare
- Soul Invading Glance
- Spider in Society’s Web
- Fate of All Heroes Intuition
Daybreak Caste: Lore[edit]
- Dream Slaying Defense
- All Dreams Die
- Essence Draining Touch
- Will Feasting Onslaught
- Breath Draining Prana
- Virtue Devouring Hunger
- Essence Engorgement Technique (x5)
- Nightmare Carving Murmur
- Enduring Dead Dreams
Daybreak Caste: Medicine[edit]
- Pitiless Triage Judgment
- Cannibalistic Renewal Incitement
- Plague Eating Kiss
- Venom Bleeding Agony
Daybreak Caste: Occult[edit]
- Shadowlands Circle Necromancy
- Labyrinth Circle Necromancy
- Spirit Sensing Meditation
- Through Dead Eyes
- Grave Affinities (+3)
- Rotting Essence Integration
- Cursed Blessing of the Neverborn
- Soul Measuring Glance
Daybreak Caste: Occult: Shadowlands Circle Necromancy[edit]
- X
Daybreak Caste: Occult: Labyrinth Circle Necromancy[edit]
- X
Day Caste: Awareness[edit]
- Superior Sense Focus (x3)
- Void Stares Back
- Ominous Portent Method
Day Caste: Dodge[edit]
- Flitting Shadow Form
- Flickering Wisp Technique
- Uncanny Impulse Evasion
- Untouchable Phantom Mien
- Foe Shaming Defense
- Howling Wind Dance
- Unfortunate Bystander Maneuver
Moonshadow Caste: Bureaucracy[edit]
- Eloquent Example Inspiration
- Cunning Subversion Style
- Caustic Hated Diatribe
Moonshadow Caste: Linguistics[edit]
- Blood Calligraphy Technique
- Scathing Cynic Attitude
- Mystique Spoiling Guess
- Screaming in Silence
- Insidious Undertone Trick
Moonshadow Caste: Socialize[edit]
- Exquisite Etiquette Style
- Honey Tongued Serpent Attack
- Cancerous Dissent Technique
- Hate Sowing Bitterness
- Tomb Soul Quietude
- Wretched Vassal Eyes
- Tension Discerning Scrutiny
- Suppurating Grudge Tendencies
- Heart Breaking Revelation
- None (Yet!)
- Essence: 5
- Personal Motes: 25 of Twenty-Five.
- Peripheral Motes: 47 (15) of Sixty-Two.
- Peripheral Motes: Essence Engorgement Technique: 50 of Fifty.
Committed Essence[edit]
- 5 motes, Peripheral: Infinite Resplendence Amulet
- 10 motes, Peripheral: Meta-Necromantic Phylactery
10 of Ten.
- Compassion: 5
- Conviction: 5
- Temperance: 3
- Valor: 4