Character:Wandering Drunk Scholar

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Game: Once More, With Feeling!.

  • Serhan gens Yushoto aka Wandering Drunk Scholar
  • Caste: No Moon
  • Concept: Wandering seeker of Knowledge
  • Serhan is a tall women standing at nearly 6ft, she has a long mane of fiery red hair, that is usually tied back, under the fringe a pair of mis-matched eyes the left a Golden red, the right a deep blue seem to watch and study everything. She is well muscled and moves with the grace of a dancer. She wears tough and well worn traveling clothes, favoring darker colors.


'To learn all the secrets of the 1st age'





  • Her Missing Child (Love)
  • Her Family (Duty)
  • Lookshy (Duty)




(Solar Bond 5) unknown


A long Wolf like tongue.


A glowing full sliver moon sits high in a purple sky. Beneath A pack of Wolves gather and Howl.



  • (f)Strength 4
  • (f)Dexterity 5
  • Stamina 5


  • Charisma 4
  • Manipulation 5
  • Appearance 4


  • (c)Perception 4
  • (c)Intelligence 5
  • (c)Wits 5



  • MA 5
  • Lore 5
  • Survival 2


  • Resistance 5 (Alcohol 1)
  • Awareness 3
  • Athletics 2
  • Dodge 5
  • Integrity 5


  • Presence 2
  • Craft (Fire) 4
  • Craft (Air) 4
  • Craft (Genesis) 4
  • Craft (Magi-tech)4
  • Socialize 2
  • Linguistics 4 (River Tongue, Low Realm, High Realm, Old Realm)


  • Occult 5
  • Investigation 5
  • Medicine 5


Ally 3[edit]

Burning Feathers, was a close ally of serhan in a previous incarnation and so far seems to be a useful tool to the Lady of Intoxicants

Ally 3[edit]

Floviet, After he trials her mentor had summoned Floviet to aid him in some work. Serhan challegend him to a drinking match and won, her fiery spirit and capacity for drink impressed the demon enough that he swore an oath of friendship with the young lunar

Artifact 2[edit]

Moonsilver bracers are gift from her mentor

Artifact 5[edit]

Muninn and Huginn a pair of masterly worked moonsivler ravens that follow Serhan everywhere. (These are going to be of benfit in Lore and Occult type things and are loosly based on Odin's ravens)

  • As long as one of the Ravens stays with her, she can see through the senses of the others up to a raduis of Essence x 5 miles, she is also in mental contact with the Raven.
  • Between them can store up to 12 hours of memories and allow Serhan to search through them as if she was in the memory.
  • If Serhan imbues one of the Ravens with 10m they may see into the memories of a target to accomplish this the Raven must spend the night in line of sight to the target as they sleep

Artifact 2[edit]

Discrete Essence Armour

Artifact 4[edit]

Omniscient Library

Manse 2[edit]

Kill Hand Gem

Manse 3[edit]

Key of Master - Although this is the more powerful of her Hearthstones, it is usually used to power the Library as serhan does not currently have many spells that would benefit from the use of the stones powers.


Each Ability or Attribute[edit]


  • Towering Beast Form
  • Mountainous Spirit Shape
  • Two-Faced Hero
  • Deadly Beastman Transformation
  • Prey Skin's disguise
  • Life of the humming Bird
  • Humble Mouse shape
  • Emerald Grasshopper
  • Tyrant Mouse Dominion


DEX (MA)[edit]

  • Foot trapping counter
  • Rabid beast attitude
  • Thousand claw Inflection
  • Lunar Hero Form
  • Armor rending Claw fist
  • Crouching Tiger Stance
  • Den Mother Method
  • Running through the herd
  • Terrible Wolverine Onslaught
  • Preadator Distraction Method
  • Snake Body Technique
  • Coiled Serpent Strikes


  • Golden Tiger Stance
  • Wary Swallow Method.
  • Wind Dancing method
  • Flowing Body Evasion


  • Claws of the Silver-moon
  • Impressions of strength (Ogre's loving caress)


  • Scorpion and Toad Absolution
  • Scorpion and Toad Assumption
  • Scorpion and Toad Mastery = 12
  • Adder Fang Method


  • Hard nose denial style
  • Upgrade




  • Hide of the Cunning Hunter
  • Observed Preadator Instince


  • Flesh sculpting art
  • Counting the Elephants wrinkles
  • Inevitable Genius Insight
  • Terrestrial sorcery
  • Celestial sorcery


  • Eye and Fingertip Wisdom
  • Holistic Knowledge Transmission



Terrestrial circle[edit]

  • Summon Demon of the 1st Circle
  • Emerald Banishment
  • Cirrus Skiff

Celestial circle[edit]

  • Summon Demon of the 2nd Circle
  • Sapphire Banishment
  • Imbue Anagram
  • Shadows of the Past


  • Essence: 4
  • Personal:22/22
  • Peripheral:57/57
  • Willpower: 9/9


  • What to?


  • Compassion: 3
  • Conviction: 3
  • Temperance: 2
  • Valor: 4

Limit Break[edit]

Describe your flaw and record here your limit


  • Punch Spd 5, Acc +1, Damage +0B, Defense +2, Rate 3
  • Kick Spd 5, Acc +0, Damage +3B, Defense -2, Rate 2
  • Clinch Spd 6, Acc +0, Damage +0B, Defense -, Rate 1
  • Silverclaws(base) Spd +0, Acc (+2) Damage (+4L), Defense +0, Rate +0
  • Silverclaws(1st boost) Spd +0 Acc (+5) Damage (+4L), Defense +0, Rate +0
  • Silverclaws (2nd boost) Spd +0 Acc (+2) Damage (+6L/5) Overwhelming, Defense +0, Rate +0
  • Lunas Spite Damage 8L/Tick, Toxicity 6, Tolerance -/- Penalty -4


Serhan was the second daughter of one of the Yushoto families most brilliant sorcerer-technicians. Her family had high hopes for as both her parents where Dragon-blooded and several of her siblings had exalted.

She was schooled on the assumption that she would exalt as well and continue her families duties, maybe even a political marriage to further the families goals. At first she met the expectations of her family quickly mastering several basic rituals and showing an aptitude for learning. However despite this Serhan did not exalt. She was bitterly disappointed by this and began to fall into depression until she met another student several years older than her, she quickly began to fall in love with the boy and paid less attention to her studies, eventually she feel pregnant it was at that point that the boy decided that discretion was the better part of valour and left her.

She eventually realizes she needed to tell her family and the result was much as she anticipated, her family we furious she was kept under close watch till after the child was born, said child was swiftly taken from her, she bitterly regrets the loss and has since opened herself to few people feeling that she can only trust her self and those she can keep close. In order to regain her families esteem and to keep herself from dwelling she threw herself back into her studies.

She was soon able to regain much of her former position and abilities but there was always a shadow over her. It was several years before she was able to advance again and was made an assistant to some important Sorcerer-technicians primarily involved in research on 1st age artefacts. It was during this time that she seemed to have found her calling and even happiness.

But fate had other plans in store, during a experiment being done on a newly discovered artefact an acciedent occurred and the device we destroyed taking a large part of the structure with it. Serhan was sorely injured but managed to drag her away in time before the building collapsed. It was a she did so that she was approached by a strange young man who offered her aid, the man talked little as he treated her injures as he went to leave he leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead as he did so a burst of power filled her. “Be well my dearest and always seek your own path.” with those words the stranger left.

Serhan soon realized what she had become and fled into the hinterlands leaving her home and family behind. She tried to stay hidden from all, turning to drink to bury her self-loathing and fear, eventually the Pact managed to chase her down and forcibly tattooed her, seeing so many other exalts mostly co-operating led to Serhan slightly recovering from her state but she still has many doubts about her self and other exalts, as soon as she was able to she left her fostering and took to wandering creation looking for answers.


Good upbringing but worn from the trails she has faced, tends to be fond of strong drink. When sober she does tend to remember most of her manners, but after a few drinks is much more abrasive and plain spoken. Although very Intelligent and wide read in intellectual pursuits is far less knowledgeable in social situations which she tends to avoid, she outwardly prefers to keep people at arms length, but longs to find people to trust and who could understand her.


Priest 1[edit]

Serhan is a priest of Luna.


Each Flaw[edit]

Vice 2: Alcohol This character is addicted to alcohol. When the character encounters alcohol, the character’s player must successfully roll Temperance against a difficulty of 2 lest the character surrender to the chosen vice. The player may spend one Willpower to have the character ignore the effects of a failed Temperance roll for a scene.

Goals and Motivations[edit]


Each Member[edit]


Each Circlemate[edit]

Conflict Values[edit]

Join Conflict[edit]

  • Battle: 8
  • Debate: 8

Health Levels[edit]

Defense Values[edit]


  • Dodge 9
  • Parry 6/5


  • Dodge 9
  • Parry 4


  • Move 5
  • Dash 11



  • Bashing 10
  • Lethal 8


  • Bashing 5
  • Lethal 3



  • dex 4-5 (3bp)
  • main 4-5 (4bp)
  • MA 3-5 (2bp)
  • Lore 3-5 (2bp)
  • Resistance 3-5 (4bp)
  • 15 bp (nonmagical)
  • Essence to 4 (10bp)
  • Extra BG dot (1bp)
  • Dodge 3-5 (4bp)
  • Integrity 3-5 (4bp)
  • Medicine 2-3 (2bp)
  • Occult 3-5 (4bp)
  • Willpower 7-9 (4bp)



  • Attibutes
  • Stm to 5 = 16
  • Charisma to 4 = 20
  • Skills
  • Medicine to 5 = 14
  • Investigation to 5 = 18
  • Craft (Fire) to 4 = 6
  • Craft (Air) to 4 = 6
  • Craft (Genesis) to 4 = 6
  • Craft (Magi-tech) to 4 = 6
  • Lit to 3 = 9
  • Charms
  • Dex
  • Armor rending Claw fist = 10
  • Crouching Tiger Stance = 10
  • Den Mother Method = 10
  • Running through the herd = 10
  • Terrible Wolverine Onslaught = 10
  • Predator Distraction Method = 10
  • Snake Body Technique = 10
  • Coiled Serpent Strikes = 10
  • Wind Dancing method = 10
  • Flowing Body Evasion = 10
  • Char
  • Hard nose denial style = 12
  • Upgrade = 12
  • APP
  • Hide of the Cunning Hunter = 12
  • Observed Predator Instinct = 12
  • Perception
  • Eye and Fingertip Wisdom = 10
  • Holistic Knowledge Transmission = 10
  • Int
  • Flesh sculpting art = 10
  • STM
  • Scorpion and Toad Assumption = 12
  • Scorpion and Toad Mastery = 12
  • Adder Fang Method = 12
  • 3 Extra spells = 10
  • Knack
  • Humble Mouse shape = 11
  • Emerald Grasshopper = 11
  • Tyrant Mouse Dominon = 11

  • Backgrounds
  • omniscient Library = 12
  • Essence Armour = 6
  • Kill Hand Gem = 6
  • Key of Mastery = 9
