D&D 5E: Fall of the Feywild - Character 2

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Vethkul Irian :: Level 5 :: Elf (Eladrin) :: Ranger[edit]

Depends on the Season, but often "The seasons come and go but life must continue" [edit]


STR 10 +3 Save (+0) || DEX 16 +6 Save (+3) || CON 12 +1 Save (+1)
INT 10 +0 Save (+0) || WIS 12 +2 Save (+2) || CHA 14 +2 Save (+2)

Skills and Feats=[edit]


Athletics +3
Insight +5
Nature +3
Perception +5
Stealth +6
Survival +5

Non-Proficient Skills

Acrobatics +3
Animal Handling +2
Arcana +0
Deception +2
History +0
Intimidate +2
Investigation +0
Medicine +2
Performance +2
Persuasion +2
Religion +0
Sleight of Hands +3
Proficiency Bonus +3


Increase base speed by +10ft, Ignore difficult terrain when you Dash, and if attack creature in melee you do not provoke opportunity attacks from it this round.


Dwarven Trade Tongue; Elvish; Sylvan


AC 16 | HP 39 | HD 5d10
Initiative Modifier +3 (advantage)
Weapon To Hit Damage Range/Reach Weapon To Hit Damage Range/Reach
Longbow +8 1d8+3 piercing 150'/600' Rapier +6 1d8+3 piercing n/a
Scimitar +6 1d6+3 slashing n/a Dagger +6 1d4+3 piercing 20'/60'
Weapon 0 0d0+0 20' Weapon 0 0d0+0 20'


Spell Slots

L1 4 || L2 2

Spell Save DC 13

Spell Attack Mod +5

Spell List 1st level

Animal Friendship
Cure Wounds
Disguise Self
Fog Cloud
Hunter's Mark

Spell List 2nd level

Lesser Restoration
Pass Without A Trace
Rope Trick

Racial Features[edit]

Keen Senses proficient with Perception
Fey Ancestry advantage on saves to be charmed, magic cannot put you to sleep
Trance rest only requires 4 hour trance
Fey Step bonus action to teleport 30ft (requires a short or long rest to regain use)
Shifting Seasons -- Cantrip (using Charisma Mods for spellcasting these spells - Cantrip: Autumn - Friends; Winter - Chill Touch; Spring - Minor Illusion; Summer - Fire Bolt)

Class Features[edit]

Favored Enemy Fey. Gain +2 damage rolls with weapon attacks and advantage of Wisdom/Survival checks to track them as well as Intelligence checks to recall information about them
Natural Explorer ignore difficult terrain, advantage on Initiative rolls, one the first turn of combat have advantage with attack rolls against creatures who have not acted yet. Also gain the following when traveling more then an hour - Difficult terrain does not slow your group, your group cannot become lost except by magical means, even when engaged in another activity you remain alert to danger, when foraging you find twice as much food, when tracking creatures you also learn exact numbers, size and how long ago they passed
Fighting Style Archery - +2 for ranged attack rolls
Primal Awareness innate ability to communicate with beasts, by spending one uninterrupted minute in concentration you sense whether any of your favored enemies are present within 5 miles. It reveals which of your favored enemies is present, their numbers and the general direction from you. If their are multiple groups of favored enemies within range you learn this information for each group.

Ranger Conclave Deep Wood Stalker (renamed Underdark Scout)

(1) +10ft speed on 1st round of combat and if you use your attack action you gain one additional attack. Creatures that rely on darkvision gain no benefit to detect you in dark and dim condition. Also when DM determines you can hide from a creature, that creature gains no benefit from darkvision.
(2) Deep Stalker Magic - Darkvision +30ft, and additional known spells - disguise self and rope trick.
(3) Extra Attack - when you use the Attack action you can attack twice in the round instead of once.

Background Features[edit]



Longbow (2lb), with quiver and 20 arrows (2lb). Ammunition, heavy, loading, two-handed
Rapier (2lb). Finesse
Scimitar (3lb). Finesse, light
Dagger (1lb each 2lb total). Finesse, light, thrown


Chainmail shirt (20lb)


Backpack (Wt. 5lb) | Blanket (Wt. 3lb) | Travelers Clothing (Wt. 4lb)
Mess Kit (Wt. 1lb) | 5 days of Rations (Wt. 10lb) | 50ft of Silk Rope (Wt. 5lb)
2 Sacks (Wt. 1/2lb each) | Waterskin (Wt. 5lb full)

Magic Items




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