D&D 5e: Borderlanders - Characters

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To determine your character's Ability Scores for this game, either use the standard array or follow the Variant: Customizing Ability Scores section on pp 13 of the PHB, and distribute 27 points between your six ability scores at the costs listed on the Ability Score Point Cost Table (reproduced below with relevant modifiers), with no ability score set higher than 15 before racial adjustment and no ability score set below 8.



Ability Score


Ability Score




Ability Score


Ability Score


8 0 -1 13 5 +1
9 1 -1 14 7 +2
10 2 0 15 9 +2
11 3 0 16 N/A +3
12 4 +1 17 N/A +3

Racial Ability Score Adjustments[edit]

The following replaces the standard ability score adjustments for race and subrace. After you have set your base ability scores, increase one ability score of your choice by 2 and another ability score by 1, OR select three different ability scores and increase each by 1.

Language Template Changes[edit]

The following setting languages replace language options listed in the PHB:

  • Dwarven Trade Tongue replaces Common
  • High Dwarven replaces Dwarven
  • Outsider replaces Abyssal, Celestial, and Infernal
  • Primordial replaces Undercommon
    • Dragonborn do not have a unique language for their race. Dragonborn speak Draconic and Dwarven Trade.
    • Dwarves speak High Dwarven and Dwarven Trade
    • Elves speak Elvish and Dwarven Trade
    • Firbolg do not have a unique language for their race. Firbolg speak either Primordial or Sylvan. Additionally, they speak Giantish and Dwarven Trade.
    • Gnomes do not have a unique language for their race. Gnomes speak High Dwarven and Dwarven Trade.
    • Half Elves do not have a unique language for their race. Half Elves speak Elvish and Dwarven Trade and may pick one other language by the guidelines given below.
    • Halflings do not have a unique language for their race. Halflings speak Human and Dwarven Trade.
    • Half Orcs do not have a unique language for their race. Half Orcs speak Orcish and Dwarven Trade.
    • Humans speak Human and Dwarven Trade and may pick one other language by the guidelines given below.
    • The Min do not have a unique language for their race. The Min speak either Elven or High Dwarven. Additionally, the Min speak Dwarven Trade.
    • Tieflings do not have a unique language for their race. Tieflings speak Outsider and Dwarven Trade.

If a race or background grants a bonus language of the player's choice, choose one additional language following the guidelines listed below.

Bonus Language Options

If you get an unspecified bonus language from a racial, class, or background feature, choose from the Mortal or Exotic language options listed below.

  • Mortal: Dwarven Trade, High Dwarven, Elvish, Human, Orcish
  • Exotic: Draconic, Giantish, Outsider (Abyssal/Celestial/Infernal), Primordial, Sylvan
  • Secret: Druidic, Thieve's Cant

Only one exotic language total may be chosen when selecting bonus languages (though if you receive a specific exotic language as a racial or class feature, such as Dragonborn being able to speak Draconic or Warlocks being able to speak the specific language of their Patron, that does not count against your total allowed exotic languages).

There is no limit to exotic language choices when selecting languages for the Linguist feat.

Secret languages are only available via explicit class feature.

Variant Option[edit]

This is not a specifically human-centric setting, and the Variant Human as described in the sidebar on pp 31 of the PHB is not an option for this game. Instead, players can opt to discard 2 points of their starting racial ability score adjustment at first level (regardless of race) and instead gain a single feat if they desire.

Feats are also available in lieu of ability score adjustments as you level up.


All races and subraces from the Player's Handbook are acceptable for this game. Additionally, players may elect to play one of the Min (Horned Ones) or the Firbolg (Planar Half Giants), both of which are described below.

Players opting to play a Human character should also read the description below as it includes features not found in the PHB.

All PCs are considered Planars (though at the outset they may not know it) and gain the following additional racial traits:

  • See Planar Gate: Because of the planar energies in their blood, planar characters are able to see the interplanar forces that surround portals and make them possible. If a planar character supposes that an opening might secretly be a planar gate they can inspect it for one minute and make an Investigation check (DC 15). Success means that they can tell whether or not a portal is present, though they can’t tell what the key is, whether it’s one- or two-way, or even where it goes. If a portal might somehow be hidden, the DM can increase this DC to 20.
  • Magic Vulnerability: A planar character is affected by any spell which might target a planar creature.


Firbolg are their own race, but are typically referred to by those who know no better as half giants. Despite their towering and often menacing appearance, Firbolg are clever and prone to frivolous or startling use of magics and other shenanigans.

Other than Ability Scores and Languages (above), Firbolg characters gain the following additional traits:

  • Size: Firbolg stand 8'-9' tall and weigh 350-400 lbs. Your size is Medium.
  • Speed: Your base walking speed is 35.
  • Powerful Build: You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
  • Detect Magic: Firbolg have the innate ability to detect magic (as the spell). Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
  • Trickster's Guise: As an action you can use this trait to cast disguise self. When you use this version of the spell, you can seem up to 3 feet shorter than normal, allowing you to more easily blend in with humans and elves. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest. Choose Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma as your spellcasting ability for this feature. This choice cannot be changed.
  • Hidden Step: As a bonus action, you can become invisible until the start of your next turn or until you attack, make a damage roll, or force someone to make a saving throw. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
  • Speech of Beast and Leaf: You have the ability to communicate in a limited manner with animals and plants. They can understand the meaning of your words, though you have no special ability to understand them in return. You have advantage on all charisma checks to influence them.


Humans in this setting do not conform to any specific meatworld cultural or ethnic type (though certain types are more prevalent in specific locations than others). Please describe those aspects of your character as you like to bring them to life in a way that appeals to you.

Other than Ability Scores and Languages (above), Human characters gain the following additional traits (for Size and Speed see PHB):

  • Mundane: As a reaction, you can ignore completely the effects of one spell or spell-like effect of a level equal to or lower than your Proficiency bonus. Once you have used this feature you cannot use it again until you have finished a short or long rest.
  • Adaptable: When it would make a difference to do so, you may choose to add the modifier from your highest ability score to your die roll rather than the one called for for the task at hand. You may wait until after you roll the dice (but before the results of the roll have been revealed) to decide. Once you have used this feature, you cannot use it again until after you have finished a short or long rest.

Min (Horned Ones)[edit]

They call themselves the Min, while folk of the land commonly refer to them as the Horned Ones. Horned ones come in many types and vary greatly in appearance. They may have hooves or more human feet. They may have goring horns or backswept horns or antlers. They may have fully human, fully animal, or hybrid human/animal faces. They may have fur all over. They may not.

Other than Ability Scores and Languages (above), Min characters gain the following additional traits:

  • Size: Min range greatly in size from under 4' tall to well over 6' tall. Your size is Medium.
  • Speed: Your base walking speed is 30'
  • Min Weapon Training: Min are proficient with all axes, including pole weapons that might fall into the "Axe" category, such as Halberds.
  • Horns: The Min can use their horns to gore or headbutt opponents in place of a regular action. On a successful hit, target takes either piercing or bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier.
  • Goring Rush: Immediately after you use the Dash action on your turn and move at least as far as your speed, you can make one melee attack with your horns as a bonus action.
  • Hammering Horns: Immediately after you hit a creature with a melee attack as part of the Attack action on your turn, you can attempt to shove that creature with your horns using your reaction. The creature must be no more than one size larger than you and within 5 feet of you. It must make a Strength saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. If it fails, you push it up to 5 feet away from you.
  • Expertise: Choose either Intimidation or Persuasion. You have expertise in that skill.
  • Hybrid Nature: You have two creature types: Humanoid and Monstrosity. You can be affected by a game Effect if it works on either of your creature types.


Instead of using the published backgrounds, please flavor your character's background to fit your specific vision of that character (within the scope of what is reasonable for the setting), using the steps below to flesh out the mechanical benefits of that background.

Languages, Skills, Tools[edit]

Typical template is 1 bonus language, 2 bonus skills, and a bonus tool proficiency. But you can mix that up however you like within the following parameters.

  • No more than 4 of the above things in total.
  • No more than one bonus language can be an exotic language. This is cumulative with any other 'bonus' languages that you might get (such as the half elf or human choice to select one bonus language), so your character should only end up with one exotic language total from player choice language options. Specifically named exotic languages that your character gets elsewhere (such as the dragonborn's ability to speak Draconic) do not count against this total.
  • No more than 3 bonus skills from background. [Bonus skills from other sources do not count against this total].

Background Feature[edit]

Pick a specific NPC or NPC group you are associated with, such as a mentor or a guild. This NPC or group should give you a specific benefit that you can use in specific situations. You don't have to come up with this specific benefit up front, but the benefit should match the relationship. A mentor might be expected to provide advice or guidance or a recommendation or somesuch. Guild membership on the other hand might provide referrals, supplies, or a place to work, study, or sleep.

[Note: If your class would already provide a group affiliation (such as a monk to a monastery), do not use that as your background feature, unless you are building on that base relationship in some fashion that would conceivably allow a higher level of benefit from the relationship].

Heirloom Item[edit]

Finally, choose a single piece of gear that was passed down to you via family or a mentor or the fickle happenstance of fate. This item will function as a +1 enchanted item of its type and will function in a specific instance as an item with a bonus equal to your Proficiency Bonus. [eg - a +1 sword that is +PB vs Giants].

Wealth and Gear[edit]

Players may choose mundane gear reasonable to their character with 50 gold remaining after all purchases.

Ancillary Background Elements

Feel free to include more than just the mechanical bibs and bobs above to flesh out your character. I find different players have a different tolerance for premeditated character structure vs revealing a character as they play, so the steps below are totally optional.

  • Traits, Ideals, Flaws, and Bonds: Examples of these can be found in the PHB and online if you want to use this formula to flesh out your character's quirks and motivations.
  • Alignment: Please ignore alignment suggestions included in the racial descriptions in the PHB. As a general thing, most races will land on some flavor of neutral with wide variation among individuals, so if you want to pick an alignment for your character, you are not directly or indirectly limited by the listed racial trend.

[Note: This is an aside from building your character's background, but if you are into studying up on the monsters you will be encountering, please also ignore their alignment suggestions included in the MM (or whatever source you are perusing). I typically don't follow them, instead choosing some flavor of neutral as a general rule for type with specific alignments varying widely between individual NPCs of that type].


Character advancement for this game will be via Milestones rather than by tallying experience. I've just found that model works better for D&D 5E in PBP games.

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