Damion Gyllenband
Damion Gyllenband[edit]
Template: Sorcerer
Powers: Evocation (–3), Thaumaturgy (–3), The Sight (–1), Soulgaze (0), Wizard's Constitution (0)
Adjusted Refresh: 1
High Concept: "Book-Smart Sorcerer"
Trouble: "'May You Attract the Notice of Those in High Places'"
Background: "Born with a Silver Spoon"
Rising Conflict: "Heir to Tarleton's Warlock"
First Adventure: "Amanda Raith's True Love"
Guest Starring: "I Fight for What's Right…Once I Know What That Is"
Guest Starring Redux: "Watch, Wait, Then Strike from the Shadows"
Superb (+5): (none)
Great (+4): Discipline, Resources
Good (+3): Conviction, Lore, Rapport
Fair (+2): Alertness, Contacts, Empathy, Scholarship
Average (+1): Athletics, Deceit, Endurance, Presence, Weapons
English (native), Latin, Cantonese
Fate Points: 2
Physical: [ ] [ ] [ ]
Mental: [X] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Social: [ ] [ ] [ ]
Noteworthy Possessions[edit]
- swank digs in the Mid-Levels (Fantastic [+6] cost)
Damion uses Swedish for his spell trigger words.
Elements/Specializations: Air, Earth, Spirit (+1 power)
Rote Spells[edit]
- Skydda: 4-shift Earth block (tied to lodestone amulet)—quarter-sphere of crystal deflects all incoming attacks by 90°
- Slå: 4-shift Spirit attack—hammer of pure force
- Viska: 4-shift Spirit block—veil
Other Spell Keywords[edit]
- Gnista: mundane spell—creates a spark from one fingertip, enough to light a candle or make someone flinch
- Tunga: Earth maneuver—make something heavy
- Lyssna: Air block—hyperawareness of sound
- Halka: Earth maneuver—make someone's footing slippery
- Vindpust: Air maneuver—gust of wind to knock someone back
- Iskall: Air attack—freezing air current to stun someone by sapping their body heat
- Bork: deliberate hex
Specializations: potions (+1 frequency)
Spell Keywords[edit]
- Utgång: world-walking
- Söker: quick tracking divination
- Arter: determine species of blood or other sample
Focus Items[edit]
- lodestone amulet (+1 defensive Earth power)
- sapphire ring (+1 offensive Air power)
Enchanted Items[edit]
- armor ring (+4 Spirit block or Armor:2; uses two slots)
- two potions
Damion grew up in St. Paul, MN, the youngest son of a family among the city's movers and shakers. He was educated at an expensive private school and went to an exclusive liberal arts college. As the youngest, the pressure on him to continue the family's legacy in business and politics was relatively light, and he was allowed to pursue his own interests.
Rising Conflict[edit]
While working on his undergraduate degree in history, Damion became interested in his own family history. He carried out extensive genealogical research, and discovered that a law firm in New York held a bequest from the late 18th Century to which he could prove himself the heir. It turned out to be a collection of journals and grimoires belonging to one Edvin Gyllenband, a warlock who came over from the Old Country and meddled in the Revolutionary War (on the Tory side, working with Banastre "the Butcher" Tarleton). Edvin had directed his executors to hold the books for a minimum of 200 years before releasing them to whichever of his adult descendants in direct male line first claimed them, hoping to evade White Council scrutiny. Damion experimented with the formulae described in the journals and discovered that he possessed the inherited talent to use them. The books mentioned a "White Council" that enforced draconian laws on all magic-wielders; so far, Damion has not seen fit to do anything that might put him on their bad side.
First Adventure[edit]
One drunk and lonely evening, Damion experimented with a ritual intended to find one's true love. Unfortunately, it worked, and Damion found himself chasing a vision all the way to Hong Kong. When his meddling sparked a battle royale between a White Court expatriate and a local sorcerer, Damion had to think quickly to keep the Jade Court from obliterating the source of the trouble: a White Court virgin named Amanda Raith.
Guest Starring[edit]
On the way home from a date with Amanda, Damion saw Tien Lung being menaced in an alleyway by three hulking beings obviously out of the Nevernever. Risking a beating himself, Damion quickly interrogated Tien, then fought at his back once he was convinced Tien was in the right. Together they took down the creatures handily.
Guest Starring Redux[edit]
Damion encountered Tien Lung and Ki Jiang at an herbalist's shop just as they were being ordered to leave. "I can't help you," said the proprietor. "No one can help you!" After sounding out the duo as to what they were pursuing, Damion took them back to his and Amanda's apartment and brewed them an elixir that would help them withstand the Red Court's narcotic saliva. "Farewell," Damion said. "This is probably the last time I'll see you by daylight." But when they were cornered by vampires, facing doom, Damion arrived in the nick of time, smashing down a wall to rescue them. "I couldn't leave you to those monsters. I've been keeping an eye on you for days."