Darius - Mongrelman Sorceror & Mage of the Arcane Order
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Wizard 6/Mage of the Arcane Order 10
Mongrel folk, Male
Age 46 AL: LG
HP 163 BAB: +8/+3 Fort +11 Ref +5 Will +14
Str 9 Dex 11 Con 22 Int 21 Wis 15 Chr 5
Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus Evocation, Great Spell Focus Evocation, Cooperative Metamagic, Residual Magic, Explosive Spell, Energy Substitution (Acid), Energy Admixture (Acid), Sculpt Spell, Widen Spell
Concentration 16(+22) Hide 0(+4) Knowledge Arcane 18(+23) Knowledge History 10(+15) Knowledge Religion 10(+15) Knowledge The Planes 10(+15) Listen 5(+10) Sleight of Hand 8(+9) Spellcraft 15(+22)
Low-light vision Emulate Race Sound imitation Immune to sleep spells and similar effects +1 saves vs. enchantment and illusion spells or effects +1 vs. poison +1 appraise, climb, jump, listen, move silently, search and spot +4 hide and sleight of hand Languages: Common, Dwarf, Draconic, Elf, Goblin, Celestial, Abyssal, Infernal
Guild member, Spell Pool III, Regent
Familiar: Toad—Tony the VI
0th 4 1st 6 2nd 6 3rd 6 4th 6 5th 4 6th 3 7th 3 8th 2
Headband of Intelligence +6 Staff of Fire Staff of Opening Staff of Entrapment Wand of Lightning bolts Gloves of Metamagic Triggering Efficient Quiver Robe of the Archmage (White) Ring of Invisibility