Dawn of the Third Age/IC Logs/Brazen Sand Goes to Yu-Shan

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Dawn of the Third Age

[11:15] Anshu Zephyran: As your gaze clears from the blinding light and essence pouring from the gate, you behold the wondrous celestial city. Rivers of quicksilver flow beside roads paved with gold
[11:16] Anshu Zephyran: Gods go to and fro, many of them no more human in appearance than Brazen is.
[11:16] Jordan Etherington: Brazen felt very out of place here, dressed in a tainted brassy moonsilver breastplate and a large kilt.
[11:17] Jordan Etherington: Not that it effected his confidence any. Otherwise, it was quite refreshing, he looked to see if there was anything that was the right size for his body.
[11:18] Jordan Etherington: (He's like a gorilla butler right now XD)
[11:19] Jordan Etherington: "Nice place." He noted. "Maybe me and Wanderer can get a place like this someday. I'll make one."
[11:20] Anshu Zephyran: The child Sidereals turn to him. "Warlock, it is of the utmost importance that you stay with us while we are here. You are still a creature of darkness, and one of strange and incredible power, at that."
[11:20] Jordan Etherington: Brazen shrugged. "Why? You guys still don't trust me? Is that it?!" He retorted.
[11:21] Anshu Zephyran: "If you wander off, those in the city who do not know you have been invited here on official business are likely to take exception to your presence."
[11:23] Jordan Etherington: Brazen snorted, unimpressed. "Whatever. Fine. But I'm doing it because *I* don't wnat to make trouble."
[11:24] Jordan Etherington: "And don't call me Warlock. I'm better then that. I'm something far greater."
[11:25] Anshu Zephyran: "Of course. What would you prefer to be called?"
[11:25] Jordan Etherington: "Brazen Sand. Duh."
[11:26] Jordan Etherington: He said it as if it was obvious
[11:27] Jordan Etherington: He stomped behind the Sidereals, his weight making small cracks in the golden roads unintentionally
[11:29] Anshu Zephyran: "Very well then, Brazen Sand." The greensid looks up at him as they join a queue for one of the gondolas.
[11:29] Jordan Etherington: He also met the gaze of any divinity that tried staring at him, unhestiatingly looking them in the eye
[11:29] Jordan Etherington: Daring them to have a problem with him.
[11:30] Anshu Zephyran: "It occurs to me," he says, "that it would probably be faster to have you fly us to the Bureau of Destiny."
[11:30] Jordan Etherington: "Won't they get all pissed off at me?" Brazen asked. "I mean I am a 'Creature of Darkness'" Brazen actually did quotes with his claws.
[11:32] Jordan Etherington: (btw, I'm well aware that Brazen is being kind of a jerk ;p(
[11:32] Jordan Etherington: *)
[11:32] Anshu Zephyran: "You could easily carry the two of us," the child says solemnly. "As long as we're with you, there shouldn't be any trouble."
[11:33] Jordan Etherington: Brazen then scratched underneath his muzzle. "Can't you just cut to the front of the line? I don't even know where the hell the Bureau of Destiny is. Hell, I don't even know WHAT the Bureau of Destiny is."
[11:33] Jordan Etherington: ((Link: http://forums.white-wolf.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=43321)http://forums.white-wolf.com/default.aspx?g=posts&t=43321)
[11:33] Jordan Etherington: (Best topic)
[11:35] Anshu Zephyran: yes
[11:36] Anshu Zephyran: ()*
[11:36] Anshu Zephyran: "We can give you directions."
[11:37] Jordan Etherington: Brazen sighed. "Oh fine." He crouched down on all fours in the middle of the queu to get on the dragon-boats.
[11:37] Jordan Etherington: "Just get on my back and hold on. The fire won't actually burn you."
[11:38] Anshu Zephyran: The Sidkids climb aboard and hold on tightly.
[11:39] Jordan Etherington: Brazen leapt up into the air with a beat of his wings powerful enough to knock nearby people off their feet. "That must've been a really long and slow line." He mumbled.
[11:39] Jordan Etherington: (Can you give me 20 or so minutes to go shovel the driveway?)
[11:40] Jordan Etherington: (Then I'll be back)
[11:40] Anshu Zephyran: ((Sure))
[12:03] Jordan Etherington: bak
[12:03] Anshu Zephyran: okay
[12:03] Anshu Zephyran: "Most lines in Heaven are."
[12:03] Jordan Etherington: \
[12:04] Jordan Etherington: (typo)
[12:04] Jordan Etherington: (Oh oh can I meet Lytek?)
[12:04] Anshu Zephyran: The kids direct Brazen toward the Bureau of Destiny.
[12:04] Jordan Etherington: Brazen flew in their directions, avoiding strange flying clouds, hissing and angry dragons, as well as...cars!?
[12:05] Jordan Etherington: "So if I'm so dangerous, why did you two end up meeting me? You're just kids. I was working for Malfeas before you were even born."
[12:07] Jordan Etherington: Brazen said as he flew
[12:08] Jordan Etherington: The eye on Brazen's forehead twitched backwards to look at them independantly of his other two
[12:10] Anshu Zephyran: "It was a calculated risk. Because of your association with the Deliberative and the Sun, it was deemed unnecessary for one of the few adult Sidereals to be pulled from other duties to investigate."
[12:11] Jordan Etherington: Brazen snorted doubtfully. "Why do I think that this whole 'getting accepted' thing has been too easy so far...If a Lunar's friends can get murdered by you guys, why're you all playing buddy-buddy with me?"
[12:14] Anshu Zephyran: Hotly, the redsid protests. "That was not us! Nearly all the old Sidereals died 10 years ago, including the ones responsible for the Usurpation and the Wyld Hunts."
[12:14] Jordan Etherington: Brazen shrugged. "The last Sidereal I met before you guys was a stone-cold psycho, and an Akuma of Adorjan. You'll have to *excuse me* if I'
[12:15] Jordan Etherington: "If I'm a bit on edge."
[12:15] Jordan Etherington: He was careful not to shrug so hard that the Sids would be in danger of falling
[12:22] Anshu Zephyran: "Ah, yes. Thank you for that. He was quite a thorn in our side."
[12:24] Jordan Etherington: Brazen sniffed non-committedly. He didn't even know why he was giving them such a hard time. Probably because of what Snow had said, probably because they showed up so fast after he freed his Exaltation.
[12:25] Jordan Etherington: He flew the rest of the way quietly.
[12:26] Anshu Zephyran: (sorry, I'm trying to find a description of hte BoD)
[12:28] Jordan Etherington: (All I know is that it's XBOX HUGE)
[12:30] Anshu Zephyran: It doesn't take long before they reach their destination. "There it is!"
[12:35] Anshu Zephyran: The Bureau of Destiny is a cluster of 6 grand structures 5 of them spaced evenly around a great central dome: an enormous quay, at the moment empty; a brothel of enormous scale, decorated in all the myriad shades of blue; an orderly parade ground, occupied by rows of tents and military structures.
[12:35] Jordan Etherington: Brazen grinned at the brothel. "I don't suppose we get to land there, do we?"
[12:36] Anshu Zephyran: "No. Go there," says the Greensid, pointing to an imposing, ivy-covered building to the right.
[12:37] Jordan Etherington: Brazen's nostrils flared green light in disappointment, but he winged around and landed beside the ivy-coloured complex.
[12:38] Anshu Zephyran: The children drop from his back and lead him inside.
[12:40] Jordan Etherington: Brazen got back up on his two legs and quickly picked at his infinite teeth and pushed back the firey tendrils/strands/hair/mane on his head to make himself seem a bit more presentable
[12:40] Anshu Zephyran: The interior has the smell and feel of an old library; every available wall is lined with shelves holding scrolls, books, crystals and gadgets worthy of the First Age.
[12:41] Jordan Etherington: Brazen looked around to see if anything interested him.
[12:41] Jordan Etherington: (Is there anything interesting on the shelves?)
[12:41] Anshu Zephyran: (An unusual-looking skull perhaps?)
[12:42] Jordan Etherington: Brazen picked up the skull as he walked and examined it
[12:42] Jordan Etherington: snatching it off of a shelf without feeling any guilt or hesitation about it.
[12:42] Anshu Zephyran: The greenside frowns, but says nothing. They soon come to a small office, and the greensid takes a seat behind a desk that is clearly too large for him; the redsid sits before the desk.
[12:43] Jordan Etherington: Brazen frowned back, he couldn't even fit inside the office.
[12:43] Jordan Etherington: "Uhhhh, you know this is my real shape, right?"
[12:43] Anshu Zephyran: ((He can fit inside))
[12:44] Jordan Etherington: (I thought it was more interesting if he couldn't >_>)
[12:44] Anshu Zephyran: One other chair sits unclaimed. The greensid shoots a look at it, and it reconfigures to accomodate his size.
[12:45] Jordan Etherington: Brazen slipped inside gingerly and sat down at the massive chair, letting his tail slip through a hole in the back, and then curled it on his lap.
[12:45] Jordan Etherington: (What's the skull?)
[12:45] Anshu Zephyran: (Maybe he should ask?)
[12:46] Jordan Etherington: Brazen held a skull between two talons. "So what's this thing? (What's it actually look like?)
[12:47] Anshu Zephyran: ( (Link: http://www.vwtoy.com/Alien%20Skull%20Round%20eye%208%20inch.jpg)http://www.vwtoy.com/Alien%20Skull%20Round%20eye%208%20inch.jpg )
[12:47] Jordan Etherington: (hrm, an Era-tan)
[12:47] Jordan Etherington: (or whatever they were)
[12:47] Anshu Zephyran: ((pretty much))
[12:48] Anshu Zephyran: "That is a relic from the Primordial Age, one of the only physical remnants of Autochthon's original favored race."
[12:49] Anshu Zephyran: "In their hubris, they sought to control the Great Maker, and so he swallowed them up and erased their entire civilization."
[12:49] Jordan Etherington: "Hm." Brazen said in interest. "Except for this guy, I guess."
[12:50] Anshu Zephyran: "Indeed. I'm not sure why or how we acquired it, to be honest."
[12:51] Jordan Etherington: Brazen clicked his forked tongue at the kid. He was so damned formal. When he was his age he was...was...he didn't quite remember as well anymore. He remembered heat and a skinned knee, a ball, and a couple friends.
[12:52] Anshu Zephyran: "But to come to the point of why you're here, we need you to describe what sort of power you used last night and what effects it has or will have."
[12:52] Jordan Etherington: He nevertheless placed the skull on the desk.
[12:52] Jordan Etherington: "Shouldn't you know? I guess I freed my Exaltation. That's abotu all there is to it."
[12:53] Jordan Etherington: "Whatever happens next...well, I don't know if you have to really worry about it. I'm immortal and I don't plan on dying anytime soon."
[12:54] Anshu Zephyran: "No, we don't know. Nothing like it has ever been recorded before." The Greensid takes a few notes. "You say you freed your Exaltation. Could you elaborate on that? Perhaps explain why it needed to be freed?"
[12:55] Jordan Etherington: "I dunno. I did some meditation, screwed around with my personal essence make-up, and then I remember feeling like I was pushing against something really really tense...like in my mind."
[12:56] Jordan Etherington: "You know, like a string or a rope that had been pulled really tight, right?"
[12:56] Anshu Zephyran: The Greensid nods.
[12:57] Jordan Etherington: "And I felt this feeling like I *HAD* to concentrate on it, like it just being there made me really really angry, I was tied up in the rope! I just wanted to tear it out with my teeth!" Brazen snarled at this point in his story.
[12:58] Jordan Etherington: "But it wasn't really there, of course. Hell, I think I was asleep when it happened. I thought it was a dream when I first woke up...except that usually my dreams are a lot worse..."
[12:59] Jordan Etherington: Brazen's eyes got a distant look in them. "And anyway, I was just bodiless, and there wasn't anything, except this rope, except the rope wasn't really there. So yeah, I got really really angry at this rope! I looked at it like it was the worst thing in the entire universe...and eventually something inside me kind of exploded and the rope snapped!"
[13:00] Jordan Etherington: "Then I woke up and I felt really really good, like this thing that had tied me up was gone now...except for the scream I heard as the dream ended."
[13:01] Jordan Etherington: Brazen sat back, stretching his wings out so they weren't crushed by the back of the chair. "And that's about it. I just knew that something had to be done to it, and I did it."
[13:03] Anshu Zephyran: "I see... and do you think that this entrapment was related to your Exaltation being connected to Malfeas, as you mentioned earlier?"
[13:04] Jordan Etherington: "Probably." Brazen shrugged, slightly irritated, he didn't expect that he was going to be psychoanalyzed or something.
[13:04] Jordan Etherington: "Can't you guys just check up on this?"
[13:06] Anshu Zephyran: "Mmm."
[13:07] Anshu Zephyran: The Greensid takes out a length of green cloth and binds it around his eyes, then tilts his head as if listening intently to something.
[13:07] Jordan Etherington: Brazen looked confused, then suspicious
[13:08] Jordan Etherington: Suddenly aware of how much damage he'd have to do if this was a trap
[13:11] Anshu Zephyran: "Well... I can't hear anything in your Essence suggesting a connection to Malfeas, other than the obvious nature of your Charms," he says at length.
[13:12] Jordan Etherington: "Why didn't you just do that in the first place then." Brazen asked.
[13:15] Jordan Etherington: irritatedly.
[13:16] Jordan Etherington: (Sorry, jsut saying that he's bored...and kind of able to feel that everyone is likely staring daggers at him.)
[13:17] Anshu Zephyran: "Because we still needed to ask you what that power was intended to do... which was, I assume, to remove that feeling of being restrained?"
[13:18] Jordan Etherington: "Sure. I didn't really feel like I had a fully thought-out reason. I just knew that I had to do it. Why're you so concerned about it, though? Isn't this a good thing to you guys?"
[13:22] Anshu Zephyran: "We are concerned because it is unknown and unpredictable. More so than usual, for the Exalted. And that makes people nervous. We are trying to ally that nervousness by becoming more familiar with what is going on."
[13:22] Jordan Etherington: Brazen got up. "Well, I guess you know now."
[13:23] Jordan Etherington: "So now what?"
[13:24] Anshu Zephyran: "Indeed." Greensid looks are Redsid. "Banner, would you care to escort our guest back to the gate?"
[13:26] Jordan Etherington: (Anything crazy going to happen?)
[13:27] Anshu Zephyran: ((Nope))
[13:27] Jordan Etherington: (awwww : <)
[13:27] Anshu Zephyran: (I suppose if he insists he could swing by the Cerulean Lute :P)
[13:27] Jordan Etherington: (Alright! : D)
[13:28] Anshu Zephyran: (But we don't have to play that out, do we?)
[13:28] Jordan Etherington: (maaaaaybeeee...it'd be interesting to see how they react and stuff)
[13:29] Jordan Etherington: (It isn't ALL a brothel, you know.)
[13:29] Jordan Etherington: (In fact, that's just a section of it. It's also a resort spa, a health centre, a martial arts dojo, a games room, etc.)
[13:30] Anshu Zephyran: true
[13:30] Jordan Etherington: (Maybe he can smack that drugged up guy while he's there. That'd be awesome actually. He casually solves a massive problem in the bureacracy! XD)
[13:31] Jordan Etherington: (Be like *smack* DO YOUR JOB! OH FUCK IT, GIVE IT HERE, I'M GOING TO DO IT FOR YOU JUST THIS ONCE!)
[13:32] Anshu Zephyran: (Nuuuuuu)
[13:32] Jordan Etherington: (Why not? I didn't come to Yu-Shan just to play counselling patient to some 12 year old : P)
[13:34] Jordan Etherington: "Hold on!" Brazen said. "I didn't come all the way here not to get something out of it!" He insisted.
[13:34] Jordan Etherington: "I'm checking out that brothel place. It looks interesting!"
[13:34] Jordan Etherington: He then crossed his arms in front of his chest stubbornly.
[13:36] Jordan Etherington: "No wait!"
[13:36] Jordan Etherington: He reached into a pocket in his kilt and brought out a large pair of sunglasses and put them on
[13:36] Jordan Etherington: Then posed again.
[13:40] Anshu Zephyran: "Are you sure you wish to keep your friend waiting?"
[13:40] Jordan Etherington: Brazen shrugged. "She could probably use some time to cool off."
[13:40] Jordan Etherington: "She's a big girl."
[13:41] Jordan Etherington: "Anyway, you guys can go do whatever you want. I'll see myself out."
[13:43] Anshu Zephyran: "it's on my way anyway."
[13:43] Jordan Etherington: With that, Brazen stalked out of the office, keeping the sunglasses on.
[13:43] Jordan Etherington: "Aren't you a little young to be going there?"
[13:43] Jordan Etherington: He said as they walked
[13:44] Anshu Zephyran: "It's not all a brothel. And anyway, I'm just going to let them know you're not a demonic infiltrator or anything."
[13:44] Jordan Etherington: "me? Infiltrate? HAH! I'm walking right in the goddamn front door! Man, do you have any idea how hard it is to get laid in this shape?"
[13:45] Jordan Etherington: "Oh...you probably don't."
[13:45] Jordan Etherington: "Hey, where are your parents anyway?"
[13:45] Jordan Etherington: (oh yeah, this will be great. : D)
[13:45] Anshu Zephyran: "They died in the Balorian Crusade."
[13:46] Anshu Zephyran: ((I'm trying to wrap things up, actually))
[13:46] Jordan Etherington: (But I wanted him to kick the door in and announce himself super-loudly! D:)
[13:46] Jordan Etherington: D: )
[13:46] Jordan Etherington: "Oh..." Brazen actually looked sad. "Sorry."
[13:47] Jordan Etherington: "I...lost some family there too, if it helps."
[13:47] Anshu Zephyran: "Thank you."
[13:47] Jordan Etherington: "When I was human."
[13:48] Anshu Zephyran: She leads him to the entrance of the Cerulean Lute, speaks briefly and quietly to the guard outside, then gives hims a friendly nod. "Enjoy yourself."
[13:48] Jordan Etherington: "Oh screw it. You haven't been able to be a kid for awhile, have you?"
[13:49] Jordan Etherington: (I'm wrapping things up myself too, don't worry. Just play along)
[13:49] Anshu Zephyran: "No. Not for a long time. But neither have a lot of people. I'm helping keep Creation safe. Keep them safe."
[13:50] Jordan Etherington: "Well, not today. Come on." Brazen grabbed her by the back of her shirt and put her on his shoulder.
[13:50] Jordan Etherington: "Come on, I'll go get you a...kid thing or whatever." He said
[13:51] Jordan Etherington: "Do kids still like kicking balls around and jellybeans or whatever?"
[13:51] Anshu Zephyran: "... I guess?"
[13:51] Jordan Etherington: Brazen shook his head and kicked the door open. "Well come on, there's got to be something here."
[13:52] Jordan Etherington: And then Brazen let her have a day to herself.