Dawn of the Third Age/IC Logs/Session 05

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Dawn of the Third Age

Session Start (Anshu:#celestialdeliberative): Sun Sep 19 10:19:20 2010 -0600
[10:19] *** Anshu has joined #celestialdeliberative
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[10:19] *** Anshu is now known as Taurus_II
[10:25] *** Noldarr has joined #celestialdeliberative
[10:25] *** Noldarr is now known as Hattori
[10:41] *** dakkareth has joined #celestialdeliberative
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[10:51] *** Myllinnia has joined #celestialdeliberative
[11:30] *** Myllinnia is now known as Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby
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[11:32] *** Hattori_ is now known as Hattori
[11:32] *** Hattori is now known as Noldarr
[11:32] *** dakkareth is now known as Nomoe_Hideaki
[11:35] * Noldarr gazes out at the barn several hundred meters away. "I hope we have enough manpower for this."
[11:40] * Nomoe_Hideaki smiles slightly, radiating supreme confidence. "Of course we do. The Infernal will be severely outnumbered. And the Dragonblooded, if as per Ms. Torch's intelligence they are on the same level as the previous brotherhood, barely count as opponents."
[11:42] <Noldarr> "My main concern is that the capabilities of the Infernal are largely unknown. I have studied their defenses in past engagements, and we may not have the tools to effectively counter them if she attempts an all-out retreat."
[11:43] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby continues to softly sneak over to the building, her optical shroud working properly and her movements soft enough to keep it activated, her eyes scan the land around her, as any severe movement, such a drop would certainly make her optical shroud shut off.
[11:47] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Supernal stealth may be a problem, yes. Otherwise ... considering your most impressive display of swordmanship earlier today I would count it unlikely that she can stand up to us in a prolonged engagement."
[11:49] * Nomoe_Hideaki keeps his eyes, enhanced by his hearthstone to perceive even the smallest currents of essence, on the buildings ahead.
[11:50] <Nomoe_Hideaki> In his mottled gray and black cloak he is just another shadow in the night, his human silhouette broken up and unrecognizable.
[11:56] * Noldarr remains still on his horse, stalks swaying around him. The wind picks up, and he sharpens his eyes.
[11:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> With a backward glance Nomoe Hideaki frowns slightly. "Intending insult neither to your fashion sense nor your tactical assessment, are you sure that it was a good idea to bring your steed on a stealth mission?"
[11:58] <Noldarr> "Should it cease to be a stealth mission, he will come in handy."
[11:59] * Nomoe_Hideaki briefly closes his eyes and inwardly sighs, but doesn't say anything
[12:04] <~Taurus_II> Nomoe and Noldarr spot movement on the barn - a figure walking along the roof. The figure pauses as it spots Noldarr and nocks an arrow to its bow. Then, there's a flare of Wood essence, and four arrows come whistling out of the sky at Noldarr, barbed thorns lining the shaft.
[12:07] <Noldarr> Noldarr regards the monotonously slow shafts as they dip towards him, then clenches his left thigh, and below him his horse snorts twin streams of gold-white essence as it pumps towards the barn.
[12:07] <Noldarr> Ignoring the Wood Aspect, he smashes into the outbuilding where Nomoe had detected Ebon Dragon Essence
[12:08] <~Taurus_II> (wait please)
[12:09] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Seeing that their presence has been recovered Nomoe Hideaki sighs once more before gracefully springing into action.
[12:12] *** RandBrittain has joined #celestialdeliberative
[12:12] *** RandBrittain is now known as Inkwell
[12:18] <~Taurus_II> The Wood Aspect shouts something indistinct.
[12:35] <~Taurus_II> As Noldarr urges his steed into a charge, Nomoe spots a surge of Water Essence inside the barn, moving toward the great double doors.
[12:36] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Ambassador Inkwell, would you like to engage the Wood Aspect on top or rather the Water Aspect inside the barn?"
[12:40] <Inkwell> "A good question. I'm probably the least-skilled of us all in combat."
[12:41] <~Taurus_II> There's a quick spike of Fire essence from inside the outbuilding.
[12:45] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Looking at the distant building Nomoe Hideaki nods to himself. "And a Fire Aspect inside the barn. Likely Air and Water as well. I would suggest the Wood Aspect since he will be less likely to surround and overwhelm. Though you are not necessarily obligated to fight at all if you don't want to, I believe."
[12:45] <Inkwell> "I should do my part. I'll move up top."
[12:46] <~Taurus_II> And then, an Air Aspect emerges from the outbuilding and begins hurling chakrams of ice and lightning at the oncoming Dawn.
[12:47] <Nomoe_Hideaki> His tone indicates that he would lose some of the respect the amabassador's position demands in that case. Inkwell's statement that he will fight he acknowledges with a simple nod.
[12:48] * Inkwell carefully levitates himself into the air, as gracefully as he can manage, and moves towards the roof of the barn.
[12:49] * Noldarr raises his sword nonchalantly and the Chakrams ring onto the blade like horseshoes thrown expertly. He gives the Air Aspect a kind smile as he flashes past.
[12:50] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "If you will allow me, ambassador, I can assist you in reaching the battlefield in a minimum of time."
[12:50] <~Taurus_II> The chakrams disappear as Noldarr catches them
[12:54] * Noldarr thunders into the outbuilding, flashing like a killing star, blade drawn and eyes set.
[12:56] <~Taurus_II> There are two people within. One looks like a scholarly female Air Aspect; she's clutching her writing brush in fear. The other is a male Fire Aspect, daiklaves drawn and anima flickering, standing between you and her.
[12:57] <Noldarr> 's eyes narrow, and with grim purpose he sweeps his blade towards the "Air Aspect," its shearing edge parting the dust particles hanging in a moonbeam with with razor humm.
[13:01] <~Taurus_II> The Fire Aspect leaps into the path of the blow, interposing both his blades and his body.
[13:06] *** Noldarr has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[13:09] *** Noldarr has joined #celestialdeliberative
[13:13] <Inkwell> "I suppose if you can get me up there faster, it would indeed be helpful. No sense in becoming a target."
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[13:17] *** Noldarr has joined #celestialdeliberative
[13:22] <~Taurus_II> The Fire Aspect crumples as Noldar's blade bites deep. As the Dawn brings his blade to bear on the Air Aspect, she twists around and throws herself out of the grimy window behind her with a crash of breaking glass, landing on her feet outside the outbuilding.
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[13:24] *** Noldarr has joined #celestialdeliberative
[13:37] <~Taurus_II> There's a surge of Earth Essence and a great thud from behind Noldarr as the Earth aspect emerges and slams his grand goremaul into the ground, opening a yawning crevice beneath Noldarr and his horse, deep enough to swallow them both.
[13:38] <Noldarr> Noldarr reacts with fluid speed, enhanced by the surging Dawn Essence of his lion anima.
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[13:42] *** Noldarr has joined #celestialdeliberative
[13:47] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Then, Ambassador Inkwell, if I may?" As the Infernal indicates his assent Nomoe Hideaki lightly lays one hand on the other man's shoulder. There is a sudden feeling of enormous speed, the surroundings flashing past in a mad rush, before stopping just as abruptly as it began.
[13:47] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Both acceleration and deceleration are strangely free of interference from inertia. And then the two have arrived on the roof of the barn, not far from the Wood Aspect archer. After giving Inkwell a moment to thank him for the help he flies toward his own enemy like an arrow shot from a bow.
[13:48] * Inkwell performs a few physics adjustments to compensate for his sudden lateral movement.
[13:49] <~Taurus_II> The Wood Aspect atop the barn roof blinks as her target disappears and then reappears right next to her. Cursing all Anathema, she unleashes four swift shots at Inkwell.
[13:50] <Inkwell> "It's the height of bad manners to attack a diplomat," says Inkwell, as he stares into the approaching arrows.
[13:51] <Inkwell> The unmannerly projectiles meet the ambassador's force barrier and are instantly halted, falling harmlessly to the ground.
[13:54] *** Noldarr_ has joined #celestialdeliberative
[13:55] *** Nomoe_Hideaki has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer
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[13:55] *** Noldarr_ is now known as Noldarr
[13:56] *** dakkareth has joined #celestialdeliberative
[13:59] <~Taurus_II> The Water Immaculate now emerges from the barn and moves to protect the fleeing Fiend.
[14:03] <dakkareth> Golden essence boils around his hands like molten Orichalcum as he assumes two synergistic stances in mid air. A rapid fire kata, executed in a fraction of a second, draws four glowing symbols into the air with excess essence, causing all combatants to briefly cast a multitude of shadows. "The Judgment of the Celestial Deliberative comes to all," they read to anyone who takes but a moment to look at them
[14:03] <dakkareth> "The Judgment of the Celestial Deliberative comes to all," they read to anyone who takes but a moment to look at them. The Eclipse meanwhile sends a sequence of two-finger stabs toward the Air Aspect, seeking to prevent her from fleeing, and only as a secondary objective to take her down.
[14:10] <~Taurus_II> The Fiend moves just fast enough to evade each of Nomoe's strikes, and changes direction, now moving back toward the Lap as the shadows of her anima gather around her.
[14:10] <~Taurus_II> The black mark of the Fiend Caste lighting on her brow
[14:16] <Inkwell> Inkwell responds to the undiplomatic assault with a set of his own attacks, lashing out with invisible force, striking the archer once from the North, from the South, from the East, and from the West.
[14:19] <~Taurus_II> As a tree bows before the wind, the Wood Aspect bows before Inkwell's telekinetic blows, and springs upright unharmed.
[14:26] <~Taurus_II> From behind Noldarr comes a rush of wind, and on it are carried no less than 8 chakrams of lightning and ice.
[14:27] <Noldarr> Noldarr's sharp eyes pick out the Fiend's escape path as he casually deflects the attacks, horse panting and stomping the ground as ribbons of essence-lightning course over its muscles.
[14:28] <Noldarr> "Go, my steed. Show this creature the meaning of haste."
[14:29] <Noldarr> Like a splash of watercolor gold in the moonlit night, horse and rider bear down with terrifying alacrity, blade flashing like a golden guillotine through the stalks of wheat.
[14:33] <~Taurus_II> The Fiend tries to dark around Noldarr and his steed, the wind whistling with her passsage.
[14:35] <~Taurus_II> This strikes fall only upon her empty wake.
[14:35] *** dakkareth is now known as Nomoe_Hideaki
[14:35] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby sits in the field between places, on top of the barn things were flickering with essence uses, Noldarr had plowed through the building that she was sent to investigate. She had no clue really what was going on, and so she brings forth the split bore cannon and sits in the field aiming at various places. She was loath to fire, much less reveal her position, until it was
[14:35] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby certain that something was seriously needed. Though, with every burst of sun light, it was certain that she was not.
[14:36] <Noldarr> Wheeling around, Noldarr interposes himself between her and the Lap
[14:36] *** Lost_Arts has joined #celestialdeliberative
[14:37] <~Taurus_II> The Fiend curses and speeds back toward the ruined outbuilding, passing her Water-Aspected Immaculate allies in a rush of wind, shouting, "Slow them down!"
[14:37] *** Lost_Arts is now known as Observer
[14:44] <~Taurus_II> As he tramples through the wheat, Noldarr discovers a pair of young Lappites, who were clearly involved in a furtive tryst when the fighting started. Now they stare terrified up at the hero of the Dawn towering above him on his steed, and scramble to their feet and start fleeing with a scream.
[14:45] <Noldarr> "NEXT TIME, USE PROTECTION!" Noldarr thunders.
[14:47] <~Taurus_II> The Fiend's head snaps around, and she grins. Without another word, her shadow suddenly lightens in the anima-light, darting across to merge with the shadow of the young man, who stops in his tracks, his eyes going dark as the mark of a Night Caste lights on his brow and a golden blade appears in his hand, hovering at his erstwhile lover's throat.
[14:47] <~Taurus_II> "Let her go, or the mortal bitch dies," he announces harshly.
[14:48] <~Taurus_II> "Sh-Shyam?" the woman stammers, deathly afraid.
[14:56] <~Taurus_II> The Water Immaculate moves to prevent Noldarr and Nomoe from pursuing the fiend.
[14:57] <~Taurus_II> The Earth Immaculate moves up to join him, forming the beginnings of a human wall.
[14:59] * Nomoe_Hideaki moves in ironic emulation of rushing water, slipping past without opposing, not even disturbing the tall grass as he moves past the Immaculates
[15:01] <~Taurus_II> Earth and Water move as one as they try to block Nomoe's way.
[15:04] * Nomoe_Hideaki weaves left, then right, but can't simply ignore the two Immaculates in his way.
[15:04] <~Taurus_II> Then comes the howl of wind and the crack of thunder, as the two Immaculates break apart long enough for their Air Aspected comrade to fire a bolt of lightning at Nomoe.
[15:04] *** Noldarr has quit IRC: Disintegrated: irc.magicstar.net
[15:04] *** Noldarr has joined #celestialdeliberative
[15:14] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Slowing down as he nears the two Dragonblooded blocking his way Nomoe Hideaki's eyes promise the cold fury of a winter storm. As the Air Aspect dares to throw lightning at him he moves in a flash, catching the bolt in one palm.
[15:14] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Then bringing both hands together he crushes the lightning bolt between them, before throwing his arms up to send dual forks of lightning into the clouds high above, illuminating them from within.
[15:17] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Is this all you have?" He asks the Immaculates coldly, unimpressed.
[15:17] <~Taurus_II> All light within 500 yards of the Fiend suddenly dims and vanishes, save the light of the moon, the stars, and the Solar Animas. Cold tongues of shadow reach out to caress and grope all within reach; Noldarr catches one on his shield.
[15:21] * Nomoe_Hideaki flicks one finger to banish the shadow tongues in a small circle around him.
[15:21] <Noldarr> Noldarr tears through the cloying shadow like a greataxe through silk, then unleashes an onslaught of world-razing solar power at the Fiend
[15:22] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby eeps and swings her cannon around but can't seem to find the perverted aggressor, finally she turns her weapon towards the heart of the strange darkness.
[15:26] * Nomoe_Hideaki flicks one finger, sending a wave of invisible essence to violently repel the groping shadow tongues in a small circle around him.
[15:49] * Noldarr lashes out with the gleaming silver tongue of his blade and whaps the boy across the temple, instantly sending him into the land of dreams. Then, he turns to regard the creature who corrupted the child.
[15:49] <Noldarr> With deliberate power, he lowers his blade so that its tip touches the ground, and then orders his steed to move.
[15:50] <Noldarr> The golden tip drags into the soil like thundering plow as the steed builds up speed, and arcs of golden-white essence stream from the blade, building to a crescendo of titanic killing force directed - into the ground.
[15:51] <Noldarr> With a earthshattering blast, the very bedrock groans as it suffers the full and terrible onslaught of the enraged Solar, chunks of stone and soil boiling in the night, trapping the Fiend in a fissure of pulsing, half-molten slag.
[15:52] <Noldarr> The Fiend looks up, as if to see the moon for one last time, but all she sees is the descending finality of Promised Victory.
[16:07] <~Taurus_II> Though she scrambles and weaves with the speed of the wind and the slipperiness of a serpent, she cannot escape the chasm Noldarr has opened beneath her, and she glares up at him balefully in the brief, flashing moments before his blade descends and drives her unconscious
[16:10] <Noldarr> "Those who kill...those who make others kill for them...should be prepared to die. Consider yourself lucky, creature, that today you killed no one."
[16:10] <Noldarr> So saying, he drapes the woman's unconscious body on his horse.
[16:10] <~Taurus_II> Back nearer the barn, the Anathema demon leaves its unconscious mortal toy and flows into his lover, who smiles cruelly, conjuring another golden blade and lifting it above her head to deliver a killing blow to the young boy.
[16:13] <~Taurus_II> Back on the roof, the Wood Aspect unleashes another flurry of arrows against Inkwell.
[16:14] <Inkwell> "You seem unwilling to learn from experience," Inkwell answers. "Please stop doing that and put the bow down."
[16:17] <Inkwell> Invisible lines of force strike upwards from under the archer, then downwards from above, while a second line of attacks shoot forth from the East and West.
[16:22] <~Taurus_II> This time, the Wood Aspect does not bow, but break, and as she is hammered from all sides by invisible forces, she falls onto the roof, out cold, and starts to roll off...
[16:24] * Inkwell deftly catches her and begins removing her outer layers of clothing and using them to bind her hands.
[16:24] <Inkwell> The powerbow slides in the other direction and falls off the other side of the roof.
[16:26] * Nomoe_Hideaki, slowing down as he approaches the two Dragonblooded, looks past the two Immaculates to where Noldarr is already recovering the defeated Fiend, then back to where the demon is suddenly possessing the girl. "You shouldn't have stood in my way," he says quietly before speeding up again. Two palms descend on the Water Aspect with deadly force, then rebounding his right foot flashes in a golden half circle ending at the Earth Aspect's forehead.
[16:26] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Then in his signature move he disappears with a rushing sound, re-appearing behind the now possessed girl. Gently he taps three pressure point on her back, then steps around to press four additional ones over the heart, at the throat and the last one on her brow. "You will do no more damage here, demon."
[16:27] <Inkwell> Inkwell arrives just in time to watch his companions knock the last Immaculate to the ground, dropping gently to touch the earth.
[16:28] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Ambassador Inkwell?" He raises his voice. "I believe you mentioned something about banishing demons? There is one here that requires such treatment."
[16:28] <Inkwell> "What's all this? More demons? Oh, I see."
[16:28] * Inkwell performs the Calibration-Denying Mudra. "Your services are no longer required."
[16:29] <Inkwell> There is a moment of confusion as geometry does something odd, and then the black shape recedes from the world.
[16:29] * Inkwell erupts in a brief burst of crystal spheres as his anima ignites for the first time that night.
[16:31] * Nomoe_Hideaki nods, looking over the two unconscious mortals. "Thank you, Ambassador."
[16:31] * Noldarr looks over at Ardent. "Do you believe us now?"
[16:32] <~Taurus_II> The Fire Aspect nods.
[16:32] <Nomoe_Hideaki> As with the fight at the tea house he then ascends into the sky on black wings, scanning the area for any other essence users, or further allies of the Fiend
[16:34] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby sits patiently, her weapon sitting in her lap as she looks to the dark night sky. It was sooo much different than home. So, it was nice to admire it. Despite that she has seen a few times this day. And no matter what, she remains hidden. She'll let them do their thing. She'll deal with their plan upsets at a later date.
[16:34] <Nomoe_Hideaki> After a minute he lands again, still not even showing his Caste Mark. "I can see no more more members of this Purist cell in the area. It is likely that we got them all."
[16:36] * Nomoe_Hideaki makes sure the documents - well, propaganda comics in progress - are secured and not read.
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[16:36] *** ChanServ sets mode -o Taurus_II
[16:37] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Ambassador Shadow Phoenix Ruby?" He calls out then. "I believe it is no longer necessary to cover and secure the area."
[16:39] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby deactivates her Optical Shroud and slings the weapon over her shoulder and tilts her head in the direction of the Solar. Shaking her head she stalks to the mangled pair of buildings.
[16:40] * Nomoe_Hideaki bows in her direction, then returns his attention to the prisoners. A civilians present.
[16:41] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *And civilians present.
[16:41] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Was it neccessary to send me over to the buildings when it wasn't the intent to actually scout them," she asks a little crossly. So what if they took care of the threat in the manner of seconds ... which showed efficiency. But still the inefficient use of Essence did vex her.
[16:42] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "My apologies, Ambassador Shadow Phoenix Ruby." Nomoe Hideaki turns to the Autochthonian again.
[16:42] * Inkwell carefully binds the various prisoners with bits of rope that were conveniently lying about the place and holds them comfortably but firmly suspended mid-air.
[16:43] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby frowns and tilts her head. She hadn't expect an apology. A defense of the action was more expected so she falls silent and follows Nomoe to the prisoners.
[16:43] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Sadly our opponents had sufficient Awareness Charms to spot Deliberator Noldarr, whose talents lie far from your admirable powers of stealth."
[16:44] * Noldarr inclines his head. "I am ill-suited for missions of this stripe."
[16:44] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Hmm, I shall keep that in mind. He should remain far from the scouted zone so as not to imped my actions. Next time I shall plan for such eventualities."
[16:44] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "His steed, which he insisted on bringing - and from a perspective of combat tactics I can't deny it was very effective - was particularly hard to hide."
[16:44] <~Taurus_II> I have to wonder why he didn't just put it Elsewhere
[16:45] <Noldarr> "Being subtle..." he just shakes his head as he looks at the decimated landscape.
[16:45] <~Taurus_II> ((OOC, that was))
[16:45] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "We never meant to be subtle once the fight began - unlike last time - but *before* that? Stealth was vital to the plan we made."
[16:46] * Nomoe_Hideaki sighs. "It turned out well enough despite that, so I'll leave it at this for the pointing of fingers."
[16:48] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Yes I can not fault the efficiency of your efforts to defeat the 'enemies'. Rather..." she leave it hanging. "So what we do we do with this set. Did we confirm that the target was here?"
[16:49] <Noldarr> "No, you're not wrong. It was careless of me."
[16:49] <Noldarr> "Yes, I have her right here."
[16:49] * Nomoe_Hideaki nods. "The so-called Air Aspect radiates the essence of the Ebon Dragon."
[16:49] <Noldarr> "Ambassador Inkwell, are you familiar with this Exalt?"
[16:51] <Inkwell> "I do not recognize her, but it's likely that this isn't her true face."
[16:55] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Interesting."
[17:01] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "So will you talk this one into agreeing that she was wrong, or are the minds of the Chosen of the Shadow, less ... accepting of Reason and Logic?"
[17:01] <Noldarr> "It is unfortunate, but I believe our chances of converting her are...slim - at least, not without converting her patron as well."
[17:01] <Noldarr> "It is the nature of the Ebon Dragon to be hollow inside."
[17:02] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Once we have extracted the last piece of intelligence from her we will let her stand trial before the Deliberative and ideally imprison her for a few hundred years."
[17:03] <Noldarr> "Though I have heard that Fiends will scrabble for any advantage when given the prospect of a deal...if we could get her to swear an oath by some means, there may be a way to come to a mutually beneficial arrangement."
[17:03] <Noldarr> "I do not think the agents of the Ebon Dragon are incapable of betraying their master, after all."
[17:04] <Inkwell> "If you accept that she cannot be redeemed- which is ultimately a presumptuous and self-serving assumption- then imprisoning her will serve little purpose. We must learn more about her and find a way to convince her to turn on her master, or she will become a cancer in this Realm."
[17:06] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Imprisonment denies her power to the Reclamation. If she cannot be turned - and it is more likely that Ignis Divine stumbles on his path through the sky than that a Chosen of the Ebon Dragon will act in good faith - that is the ideal course of action."
[17:06] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Hmmm, Perhaps I should have inquired in the natures of Autochthon's cruel siblings," she says with a thoughtful frown.
[17:06] <Inkwell> "The Celestial Exalted are difficult to keep imprisoned- that is a key factor of their design."
[17:08] <Noldarr> "For the now, it will be best to keep her incapacitated at all times until we have dealt with the Dragon-Blooded misled by her."
[17:08] <Noldarr> "They may offer insight into her person."
[17:09] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "True. But it has been done before. And as I said, it need not be forever. A century or two would be acceptable."
[17:09] <Noldarr> "Then, once we can muster the full brunt of our energies without distraction, we will allow her to return to consciousness and see if anything can be done for her."
[17:09] <Noldarr> "If nothing can be done, then we have no better choice than imprisonment."
[17:10] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "But that is no decision for this moment in any case. Our responsibility is her interrogation - the judgment will be that of the Deliberative as whole, not ours alone."
[17:11] <Noldarr> "Let's return to the inn."
[17:11] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "The prison first, I should think," Hideaki smiles slightly. "Unless you want to keep the prisoners in your room?"
[17:19] *** Inkwell has quit IRC: Disintegrated: Leaving
[17:22] *** Observer is now known as Lost_Arts