Dawn of the Third Age/IC Logs/Session 09

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Dawn of the Third Age

Session Start (Anshu:#celestialdeliberative): Sun Oct 24 10:57:05 2010 -0600
[10:57] *** Anshu has joined #celestialdeliberative
[10:57] *** Topic on #celestialdeliberative is:
[10:57] *** Topic set by ChanServ (7 hours ago at 4:19 AM)
[10:57] *** ChanServ sets mode +q Anshu
[10:57] *** ChanServ sets mode +o Anshu
[10:59] *** dakkareth is now known as Nomoe_Hideaki
[11:02] *** Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[11:03] *** Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby has joined #celestialdeliberative
[11:08] *** RandBrittain is now known as Inkwell
[11:17] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Messengers from the Denandsor Guard precinct where the Akuma so effectively resisted interrogation find the others at the various embassies, the vat complex, or wherever they may be found. Apparently there is new information that everyone should hear, or so the message goes.
[11:18] * Inkwell arrives, still vaguely disturbed by wacky akuma antics.
[11:20] * Brazen_Sand came back as well shortly after Inkwell, carrying his spear on his back
[11:20] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Brazen Sand's message has an addendum to the effect that if he can't restrain himself from acting on the enemy's wishes there will be no need for him to be present.
[11:20] * Brazen_Sand ignores it.
[11:21] * Nomoe_Hideaki sits in the conference room at the head of the table, still surrounded by a blazing white and gold corona.
[11:21] <Brazen_Sand> "So how'd the meeting go?"
[11:22] *** Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[11:23] <~Anshu> The Terrestrial who introduced herself as Iselsi Saraban Veata is still present, sitting opposite Nomoe.
[11:23] *** Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby has joined #celestialdeliberative
[11:23] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "It was productive," Nomoe states evenly.
[11:25] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby arrives last her mind elsewhere and looking perhaps a bit confused still as she actually enters the room her eyes dart quickly about before resuming her typical stoic appearance with hands folded before her.
[11:26] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "General Noldarr has been held up by other duties and the messengers proved unable to find Young and Maiden Bright, so once Ambassador Shadow Phoenix Ruby arrives, we will hear Saraban Veata's intelligence."
[11:26] * Nomoe_Hideaki inclines his head in greeting to Ruby as he did to Inkwell
[11:26] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "We... have new intel to act upon?"
[11:27] <Brazen_Sand> "She offered to tell us where the Scarlet Empress was, in exchange for her house becoming more powerful or something. It's all politics to me."
[11:27] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Once the door is closed Nomoe looks to Saraban Veata. "Now, we are listening."
[11:30] * Inkwell pays attention, glad to talk to someone who isn't a straitjacketed creepshow.
[11:30] * Nomoe_Hideaki sits comfortably with his hands folded, his attention focused.
[11:31] *** Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[11:33] *** Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby has joined #celestialdeliberative
[11:35] <~Anshu> Veata says, "In two days, the Scarlet Empress will be at a Purist manse in the deserts of the South, several hours' flight due south of Chiaroscuro."
[11:36] <Brazen_Sand> "Can we blow it up?"
[11:37] *** Disconnected.
[11:37] *** Anshu has joined #celestialdeliberative
[11:37] *** Topic on #celestialdeliberative is:
[11:37] *** Topic set by ChanServ (7 hours ago at 4:19 AM)
[11:38] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Destroying a Manse would not be good for the health of the area," Ruby tells him though lowers her eyes slight before redirecting them to Veata.
[11:39] <Anshu> "And it would be difficult for you to confirm the Empress's fate," Veata points out.
[11:40] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen grunted in assent.
[11:44] <Anshu> "I can think of a few approaches to this issue," she continues. "You could allow me to attend and receive her training while posing as still loyal to their cause, letting me penetrate deeper into their ranks, or you could marshal one of the Deliberative's legions and mount a frontal assault.
[11:44] <Anshu> "
[11:45] <Brazen_Sand> "If we let you attend, she might find out what you know." Brazen pointed out
[11:45] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Before making such suggestions, maybe you should finish giving us your intelligence?"
[11:46] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Or is that all?" Nomoe would be quite disappointed in Veata if that were so. "What will she be there for? How many others of what nature will be there? What is the tactical situation within and around that manse?"
[11:47] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "What is known of her capabilities?"
[11:48] <Brazen_Sand> "He has a point."
[11:49] * Nomoe_Hideaki offers the questions as if reading them from a list. That small nugget of information Veata offered cannot be all she has. And she should know better than just leaving it at that.
[11:50] <Anshu> "She is there to provide training to those who help the Purist cause, tutoring in advanced Charms and techniques of her own design. I would be surprised if there were more than 500 people there in all, and most of them would be mortal monks, with only a few dozen Terrestrials at most."
[11:52] <Brazen_Sand> "Bullshit." Brazen said.
[11:52] <Brazen_Sand> "If she's who we think she is. She's going to be worried about the Deliberative."
[11:52] <Brazen_Sand> "And if she's supposedly as smart as people say, then she'll know that she'll need more then some Dragonbloods."
[11:54] <Anshu> "I meant, that is my estimate of the regular population there. The Empress will have of course bring a number of her own guards."
[11:54] <Brazen_Sand> "Well that's the most important part, lady!" Brazen pointed out.
[11:55] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Be calm, Brazen," Ruby says softly, "She will get to that in time. She was likely answering for the reason of her being there."
[11:55] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen snorted irritatedly. He didn't like this.
[11:56] <Brazen_Sand> But he quieted down.
[11:57] <Inkwell> "This seems like an unusual place for the real Bride to appear," mused Inkwell.
[11:59] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "She would not go to such a place," Ruby asks curiously. She looks between Brazen and Inkwell and frowns softly.
[11:59] <Brazen_Sand> "It's not that she *wouldn't*. I just don't see any reason why she WOULD decide to." Brazen responded.
[12:00] <Inkwell> "As Brazen says, it seems an unusual way to utilize her unique abilities. A trap?"
[12:02] <Anshu> "I have not visited this manse before, so I can tell you little of its exact layout, but based on my experience with other Purist monastery-manses, I expect that it is designed more toward secrecy and passing unnoticed than as a fortress," Veata says.
[12:02] * Nomoe_Hideaki briefly looks back and forth between Shadow Phoenix Ruby and Brazen Sand, who actually responded to being told what to do, before returning his attention to the matter at hand.
[12:03] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen sighed. "We really can't pass this up either way, can we?"
[12:04] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Against an enemy of such power as the Deliberative you don't set traps, at least not on a personal scale. And do we believe the Reclamation is ready for open war already?"
[12:05] <Anshu> "It does seem a little below her station, I suppose. But to reclaim her throne she must oust you first, and to do that she needs powerful followers. Why should she not make use of her powers to make them more powerful?"
[12:05] * Nomoe_Hideaki nods. "Especially if that includes convincing them to turn Akuma."
[12:06] <Nomoe_Hideaki> ""Even if she is not there in person, any impostor would have to be a powerful agent of the Reclamation and the gathering consist of enemies of the Deliberative."
[12:07] <Brazen_Sand> "Anyone else noticed that these have all happened in the South so far?"
[12:08] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby tilts her head slightly in thought. "It does appear their focus is in that Direction."
[12:08] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "And that city you claim to rule is in the South as well. It does seem to be a place where Infernals are strong."
[12:08] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *Infernal influence is strong.
[12:08] <Brazen_Sand> "What are you implying?" Brazen growled
[12:09] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "I'm not implying anything at this time. Why did you choose the South yourself?"
[12:10] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen looked nonplussed. What a ridiculous question. "I was BORN in Gem."
[12:10] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Well I'm certain there are reports of other subversion attempts in other Directions. We were attacked here after all. So perhaps there are others, just that the Empress has chosen that Direction to visit this month."
[12:11] * Nomoe_Hideaki tilts his head slightly. "Interesting."
[12:12] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Quite possible," Nomoe concedes. "However we should not discount the theory entirely."
[12:12] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Once is an accident. Twice is coincidence. Three times is an enemy action."
[12:12] <Brazen_Sand> "Anyway, the lady here's given us a crude outline of a place which is most likely a trap. I say why wait?"
[12:14] * Nomoe_Hideaki raises an eyebrow. "What precisely are you suggesting?"
[12:16] <Brazen_Sand> "What do you think? We go there and break the whole thing up. Duh."
[12:18] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "That would require waiting, though," Nomoe points out.
[12:18] <Brazen_Sand> "Then we wait."
[12:18] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Or rather, prepare."
[12:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "But yes, it is the obvious solution."
[12:20] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Iselsi Saraban Veata, you proposed an infiltration. What do you suggest are the advantages or such a course?"
[12:26] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "The risks of course ... you have considerable ability to conceal your motives, but enough to withstand scrutiny by the Empress? Or an Infernal?"
[12:27] <Anshu> "It would give you a source of information inside the Purist movement, and it would avoid scaring the Purists and whatever infernal allies they have into deeper secrecy, which a direct attack may well do."
[12:28] <Anshu> "I do not know for certain that I would be able to," Veata acknowledges. "But I am willing to take the risk."
[12:29] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "The question is, are we? A discovery would drive them into deeper secrecy without the advantages won in an open assault."
[12:31] <Brazen_Sand> "I figure we might as well just drop in unannounced. It'd probably end the same way.
[12:32] * Nomoe_Hideaki considers for a moment. "A combined approach would be best, I think. We prepare the assault - General Noldarr would be the best choice, his duties permitting - and simultaneously insert our double-agent."
[12:34] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Upon confirmation of the Empress' presence we strike. Eliminating her as an ally or agent of the Reclamation is worth driving the remaining ones deeper underground."
[12:35] <Brazen_Sand> "Sounds fine to me." Brazen responded, leaning back in his chair.
[12:35] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "If she does not appear and the combined value of targets present is not high enough, we can proceed with the infiltration plan instead."
[12:36] <Brazen_Sand> "Just one thing." Brazen pointed out. "Don't try taking any of the Infernals prisoner this time."
[12:38] * Nomoe_Hideaki raises an eyebrow
[12:38] <Brazen_Sand> "It's a fool's game to try to keep them prisoner. Just kill them and be done with it. We saw how well holding that Fiend went."
[12:39] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "But does that not just release their particular exaltation." Ruby sighs a moment, why couldn't all the exalts be more like the Alchemicals.
[12:40] <Brazen_Sand> "Yeah, but that means they still have to start all over again with a new one."
[12:40] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "If the choice is between killing them and *properly* imprisoning them, the latter is always preferable."
[12:41] <Brazen_Sand> "Properly imprisoning them ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN, *DELIBERATOR*." Brazen responded.
[12:41] <Brazen_Sand> "They're empowered by the Ebon fucking Dragon."
[12:42] * Nomoe_Hideaki shrugs, unconcerned. "That doesn't mean it's impossible. Still, for the moment the facilities are not yet ready."
[12:42] <Inkwell> "Our track record here is poor."
[12:43] <Brazen_Sand> "Try to imprison them all you like. I'm not giving them the chance, personally."
[12:43] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "So, apart from the Empress, only Infernal key personnel should be marked for capture."
[12:43] <Brazen_Sand> "I'm not capturing any of them."
[12:45] * Nomoe_Hideaki shrugs. "Unless you attempt to kill other people's prisoners, or the Empress herself, we will not have a problem, I should think."
[12:45] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen shrugged back.
[12:46] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "The Empress, I think we can all agree, must be captured alive if in any way possible."
[12:46] <Brazen_Sand> "Yeah, fine."
[12:46] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby frowns softly.
[12:46] * Nomoe_Hideaki looks around the table, seeing if anyone has a problem with that.
[12:46] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Do you not agree, Ambassador Shadow Phoenix Ruby?"
[12:48] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Well... I do agree, but if she has those sneaky charms like the other two have had, then would it not be just as hard? Her capture would be something we can agree would grant the Deliberative a victory over the Yozi. But if she doesn't relinquish information and escapes quickly after we will start to appear to be weak."
[12:48] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby again frowns.
[12:49] <Brazen_Sand> "
[12:49] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "I'll have to research some ... things, I suppose while we are away."
[12:49] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "She will not be allowed the opportunity."
[12:50] <Anshu> brb
[12:50] <Brazen_Sand> "Hopefully."
[12:50] <Anshu> ((Oops, wrong channel)
[13:02] *** Noldarr has joined #celestialdeliberative
[13:10] * Nomoe_Hideaki inclines his head in greeting. "Deliberator Noldarr, it is good that your duties permit you to rejoin us." In a few precise words he brings the General up to speed.
[13:10] * Noldarr smiles. "It has been a while, Nomoe. How have you been?"
[13:12] * Nomoe_Hideaki grins ironically. "Hard at work, as usual."
[13:14] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby is thoughtful but grants the arriving Noldaar a respectful nod.
[13:15] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen acknowledged Noldarr's presence with a nod as well
[13:16] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Will you be able to join in in this matter? It would be invaluable to have the General of the Deliberative with us."
[13:16] <Noldarr> "It sounds like something which my position would be suited for, indeed."
[13:17] <Noldarr> "Though I do not enjoy violence, it is...not unwelcome to have a reprieve from the presence of that - creature."
[13:17] <Brazen_Sand> "Don't worry, he'll be dealt with soon enough."
[13:17] * Nomoe_Hideaki nods. "Do you have anything to add, any professional insights, to the plan as laid out just now?"
[13:25] <Noldarr> "The current plan is simple and direct. It has a good chance of success. Most of our troubles in the past have been actually catching the targets of our operations."
[13:25] <Noldarr> "That, or defending nearby innocents."
[13:25] <Brazen_Sand> "Not a problem this time. The manse is far out in the desert."
[13:26] <Noldarr> "I do not believe our Circle will be outmatched in a fair fight, and in the desert it is difficult to hide - though, I believe the Yozi Cecelyne may have granted her power to certain infernalists."
[13:26] * Nomoe_Hideaki nods. "Perhaps we should assign tasks to everyone, so that there is no confusion."
[13:28] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "I can see three distinct tasks, but perhaps your tactical experience will reveal more. One, keep the Empress contained and busy. Two, take out other Infernals, bodyguards, etc. And three, deal with the Dragonblooded and mortals present."
[13:28] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "This assumes that the Empress will be the biggest threat and that after finishing the secondary tasks, everyone will join in in capturing her."
[13:30] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Would you concur, Deliberator Noldarr?"
[13:31] <Noldarr> "I can see advantages and disadvantages to splitting up the tasks. Should any individual faction of enemies be too much to handle - an unlikely but possible occurance - the possibility of their escape or even defeat is larger. That is, if we concentrated our forces, we would have a stronger field presence and (potentially) be able to chew through the forces of the enemy faster. However,...
[13:31] <Noldarr> ...whether a focused strategy or a dispersed strategy is ideal depends entirely on the Charms and battle paradigm of our enemies."
[13:32] <Brazen_Sand> "We don't have time to find those out though. We'd have to figure that out on the fly."
[13:33] <Noldarr> "We cannot find those out, yes. That is why it is ideal to have a fluid battle plan. I do not think it is especially dangerous to enter with the assumption that neither of the factions are a threat to us individually. It is, therefore, not a bad idea to split up and have everyone engage a different faction, if only to gather information about those factions."
[13:34] * Nomoe_Hideaki inclines his head. "In that case I would suggest that upon assessing those factors at the scene you redeploy this group's resources as needed, General Noldarr."
[13:34] <Brazen_Sand> "I'll go where I need to go." Brazen said.
[13:35] <Brazen_Sand> He didn't take commands well, after all.
[13:35] <Noldarr> "Indeed. Once that information is gathered and we have determined which are the true threats and which possess defenses susceptible to our numbers, the ideal distribution of force will become evident."
[13:35] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "If you want to work with this group you'll go where Deliberator Noldarr directs you to go."
[13:35] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Otherwise, just as you did during the interrogation just past, you will play right into the hands of our enemies."
[13:35] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Unless that is what you intend?"
[13:36] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen just ignores Nomoe.
[13:36] * Nomoe_Hideaki tilts his head slightly, looking at Brazen Sand. It's more of a rhethorical question.
[13:36] <Brazen_Sand> "Yeah, I do agree with the strategy. I'm no stealthy guy, though."
[13:38] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby simply looks at the group.
[13:42] <Brazen_Sand> "Yes?"
[13:43] <Brazen_Sand> He said to Ruby
[13:48] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Nothing," Ruby says softly, "Should we start preparing for trip south then? If we are going on a longer excursion I shall have to re-do my loadout before departing Denandsor."
[13:50] <Brazen_Sand> "How long would that take?"
[13:51] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "An hour maybe two. Depends on my time alloted."
[13:52] * Nomoe_Hideaki nods. "We should have that much time."
[13:52] <Brazen_Sand> "How about stuff to keep us co-ordinated out there." Brazen suggested
[13:54] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "I... could request to see if we have communication gear at the Complex. But I suspect likely the Deliberative has such devices around in this city."
[13:55] * Nomoe_Hideaki sighs. "What use would that be, since you seem intent on ignoring anything said to you in any case?"
[13:55] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "But for the rest of us, yes, that could be advantageous."
[13:58] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Anyway if I may, I shall go and accomplish that. If you need me to I shall request some medium distant comunication equipement."
[13:58] <Brazen_Sand> "That would be awesome."
[14:10] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "That would be appreciated."
[14:15] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "Very well," Ruby bows. "I shall return once my refit cycle is complete. Hopefully the requested items will be ready by then. Shall I return here to meet up with everyone?"
[14:16] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "We may as well meet again at the Denandsor air field, since we'll need to go by air we we are to arrive in time."
[14:16] <Brazen_Sand> "Okay." Brazen said, nodding
[14:17] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "The Air Field then." She gives another bow, glances to Brazen for a moment before turning and leaving.
[14:18] * Nomoe_Hideaki rises to bow as the ambassador leaves.
[14:18] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen grinned back
[14:18] <Brazen_Sand> *smirked back
[14:18] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Are there more issues to discuss at this time? Or shall we all reconvene at the air field?"
[14:19] <Brazen_Sand> "I've got nothing."
[14:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> If there are none Nomoe nods curtly. "Deliberator Noldarr, Ambassador Viridian Inkwell," he takes his leave before departing, his brilliant corona still around him.
[14:44] <Anshu> A couple of hours later, you meet at the airfield; Veata leads you to a smallish airship. It's big enough to hold all of you, plus 2 or three others; not enough for Nomoe's retinue, should he have considered bring it along.
[14:45] <Anshu> The vessel is clearly built for speed.
[14:45] * Nomoe_Hideaki has brought along only a severe looking monk in blue jade armor, one of those defeated and brought around to the true path during the excursion to the Lap
[14:46] * Noldarr is on his horse.
[14:46] * Brazen_Sand walked onboard the vessel, carrying, as usual, nothing but his massive Dire spear
[14:47] <Nomoe_Hideaki> He knows well how military expeditions are often regrettably incompatible with the accomodations due one of his station. But such are the requirements of duty.
[14:49] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby doesn't look any different as she approaches the vehicle. She gives it a curious look as the soft breeze toys with her long hair.
[14:54] <Anshu> Veata takes the pilot's position once all are aboard, and the vessel lifts off, accelerating smoothly as she guides it southwest toward Chiaroscuro.
[14:56] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen sat down closest to the door.
[15:00] <Anshu> Eventually, night begins to fall, and Veata looks over her shoulder. "Shall we set down and get out of the ship for the night, or keep flying through the night?"
[15:00] <Noldarr> "How far until we reach the manse?"
[15:01] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen frowned. "This isn't a vacation, we need to get there and finish this as soon as possible."
[15:01] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby seems to be in meditation as she sits and waits patiently.
[15:05] * Nomoe_Hideaki has been using the time to work on matters of state, though apparently all the documents one would expect in front of him seem to be invisible and intangible. This does not slow him down, though.
[15:06] <Anshu> "We can still make it in time if we stop for the night," Veata says, "but we'll have more time to investigate and scout the area before moving in if we keep flying."
[15:06] <Noldarr> "If you feel the risks are not significant, let us keep flying, then/"
[15:06] <Noldarr> .*
[15:07] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> "We should take the time for the information gathering," Ruby says eyes still closed.
[15:07] <Brazen_Sand> "I agree." Brazen said. "We need to know all we can before we attack."
[15:08] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Looking up from his mysterious work he sighs. "Yes, I concur."
[15:14] <Anshu> She nods, and the vessel speeds on through the night. After reaching Chiaroscuro and turning due south, the dawn's first rays light the sky behind you as you reach your destination.
[15:15] <Anshu> "We're here," Veata announces, banking as she circles the craft around, peering down through the gloom at the desert below.
[15:16] <Noldarr> /*We should get used to these things.*/
[15:17] <Brazen_Sand> */It's still weird/* Brazen responded
[15:20] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen got up and opened the door, teh clothes under his armour billowing at the air rushing past him
[15:20] <Nomoe_Hideaki> **Actually it's far easier to control than bond communication,** Nomoe adds. **Good thing too, or this endeavour would have ended up quite undignified.**
[15:21] <Noldarr> **At times like this I am glad my steed can fly**
[15:21] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby stands and shakes loose her long hair, smoothing out her outfit she turns to the door. "I guess we should get going?" Her mechanical wings unfold from her back with its soft and smooth hum before softly glowing with adamantine light. **Testing.**
[15:22] <Brazen_Sand> **So how far can these things work?** Brazen asked
[15:23] <Noldarr> **They are supposed to have unlimited range.**
[15:23] <Brazen_Sand> **Rockin'**
[15:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> **Useful. So, first order of business is to get Ambassador Shadow Phoenix Ruby in unnoticed.**
[15:26] <Brazen_Sand> **Hey wait** Brazen said to Ruby.
[15:26] <Anshu> The desert below seems empty, but as you look more closely and move to view from a different angle, you see what looks like heat haze rising from the sand - which makes no sense, as the sun is only just now rising in the East.
[15:27] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> **Yes?** Ruby turns to him resisting the activation to activate her Optical Shroud.
[15:27] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen wrapped an arm around her waist and give her a long kiss full on the lips.
[15:27] <Brazen_Sand> "For luck."
[15:30] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby blinks and her face turns a not so alchemically bound color of red. Before she can say anything she just simple disappears. **I... I'm going to go on ahead.** She certainly at this point hopes no one stops her.
[15:31] * Noldarr raises an eyebrow.
[15:31] * Nomoe_Hideaki blinks once, but his expression remains impassive. **Good hunting, Ambassador Shadow Phoenix Ruby.**
[15:31] <Noldarr> "I suppose congratulations are in order."
[15:32] <Brazen_Sand> "Thanks." Brazen said, with a grin on his face.
[15:32] <Noldarr> "Unfortunately, a longer part will have to wait until we come back from this alive."
[15:32] <Noldarr> party*
[15:33] <Anshu> The ship has been getting lower and lower; now it swings wide and slows down, nearly skimming the tops of the dunes. "The manse should be under the heat haze, currently to our north," Veata says.
[15:34] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby heads towards an exit and prepares to leap down. She shakes her invisible head and glides downwards. She glides slowly to the heat haze's closest boundry before dropping to the ground.
[15:37] <Anshu> Veata seals the door behind the Alchemical and sets the skimmer down, deliberately flying it into a dune.
[15:37] <Brazen_Sand> "you sure they won't be able to see us? I could go take a look at the army. I'm...not easy to spot in a desert."
[15:37] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen noted
[15:38] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby tilts her head and reaches a hand towards the heatwaving field or whatever it was waiting to see if it would harm her optical shroud.
[15:39] <Anshu> "That's why I buried us in the dune," Veata explains. "Although making a tunnel out would not be a bad thing," she adds, opening the door again; some sand starts spilling in, slowly.
[15:39] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "There was no intelligence of an army, merely of a greater number of 'guests'. Though I suppose they might organize into an army if we give them time."
[15:39] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen walked out the door, moving through the sand as if it was nothing but air.
[15:40] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby taking a deep breath she takes a full step towards this manse, passing what hides it and hoping she wasn't just walking into several traps.
[15:42] <Brazen_Sand> Meanwhile, Brazen walked underneath the sand, striding easily throuh the burning dunes as if it was a pleasant summer day.
[15:42] <Brazen_Sand> After walking a few yards, he stuck his head out of the sand and looked around.
[15:48] *** Anshu is now known as Taurus
[15:48] *** Taurus is now known as Taurus_II
[15:49] *** Taurus_II is now known as Anshu
[15:53] <Anshu> Brazen finds himself in the middle of the desert, looking toward the impossible heat haze.
[15:53] <Anshu> (And actually the dunes aren't burning just yet since it's still very early morning)
[15:54] <Brazen_Sand> ..."I'm an idiot." Brazen thinks to himself.
[15:54] <Brazen_Sand> ***Yeah, I'm just gonna come back. This is sort of embarassing.*** Brazen said
[15:54] <Brazen_Sand> And so he came back, wearing an expression that said that he didn't want to talk about what had happened
[16:02] <Anshu> Presumably Inkwell has shaped a pocket in the sand so that it is no longer seeping into the airship.
[16:04] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "If I don't mistake my military experience, shallow though it is compared to yours, Deliberator Noldarr, this is the phase where after hurrying to get here as quickly as possible we wait."
[16:05] <Noldarr> "Indeed."
[16:05] <Noldarr> "Such is war."
[16:05] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen sat down and looked grouchy.
[16:06] <Anshu> As Ruby sneaks closer, the heat haze lifts a bit, and she sees a sprawling structure among the desert dunes, built low to the ground, and possibly also beneath it.
[16:07] <Anshu> She can feel the power of the place welling up.
[16:08] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby continues on towards the Manse, attempting to be quick and taking as many glides as she can so as not to leave many of her bootprints in the sands.
[16:11] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> ***I am approaching the entrance, there is so far no sign of the enemy.*** She makes her way to the manse's entrance and peers inside.
[16:12] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen twitched in surprise at the voice and then remembered the Bracelets they were all wearing.
[16:12] <Anshu> There are a few sentries about, actually, but she sneaks by them easily, the power of her Charms hiding her from their senses.
[16:16] * Nomoe_Hideaki sits in silence, his clothes immaculate as always despite the long flight, sharpening his sword and applying weapon oil
[16:16] *** Noldarr has quit IRC: Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.86
[Firefox 3.6.9/20100824144458]
[16:17] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> ***I am entering.*** Ruby does so and quickly navigates the first area avoiding people, but taking note of them and reporting any oddities she notes to the group.
[16:22] <Anshu> The inside of the manse looks fairly spartan, with bare stone walls and floors. As she sneaks about, she notices that the place seems to be abuzz.
[16:25] <Anshu> "Are all the candidates here yet?" she hears one man ask another.
[16:27] <Anshu> "There are always a few who can't make it, but there are enough. She should be arriving at any moment."
[16:28] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby finds an corner and sits there, if the Empresses wasn't here yet then she would simply have to wait and listen. ***So far no sign of the target. She might arrive in this location soon.***
[16:36] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Having finished with his sword Nomoe now sits still in a meditative posture. **Understood.** He sends by way of the bracelet before falling back into silence. Nothing to do but wait, for the moment.
[16:41] <Anshu> From where she stands, Ruby still has a good view of the antechamber, and she sees dark clouds appear from nowhere and swirl for a moment, glimpsing six figures silhouetted within, five of them arrayed around the sixth, who is performing complex occult gestures.
[16:43] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> ***I think... SHE is arriving.*** Her response is filled with a bit of awe.
[16:43] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen's eyes widened. "Oh shit." He said, while jumping out of his seat and getting ready for battle
[16:44] <Anshu> The clouds begin to thin as shouts are heard and a number of monks and other Terrestrials, all of whom seem to be high-ranking, arrive and kneel face the six.
[16:44] <Brazen_Sand> Stretching out the ice-bladed Hissing wyrm Spear in his hand
[16:44] * Nomoe_Hideaki does not rise from where he sits. ***Confirm once you have a positive identification. How many others of Celestial level power are present?***
[16:45] <Anshu> The central figure's gestures slow and finally stop; the clouds disappear as suddenly as they appeared, and Ruby gets her first unhindered view of them.
[16:46] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> ***I... I am unsure. But 6 beings ... appeared, one knows complex protocol-like gestures.*** She blinks a moment and looks to the central figure and has found herself holding her breath.
[16:49] <Anshu> The central figure is indeed the Scarlet Empress, smiling down at the loyal subjects kneeling before her. The five around her are a motley assortment; Ruby recognizes the Fiend they fought at the Lap standing at the back, next to another woman also dressed as an Immaculate monk, bearing the marks of a mid-Breeding Wood Aspect.
[16:49] <Nomoe_Hideaki> ***Sorcery? If they attempt to employ such in order to flee they will need to be countered.***
[16:50] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> ***I believe I can counter anything they may have. Unless they use the powerful and formerly unknown Adamant Circle***
[16:51] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> ***Also... She... is certainly here. As too is our friend... from the Lap. The others are probably Tainted Dragon Blooded***
[16:51] <Nomoe_Hideaki> ***Very good.*** Nomoe breathes slowly, his pulse slow and controlled.
[16:52] <Brazen_Sand> ***It's time*** BRazen responded.
[16:52] <Brazen_Sand> ***Let's take this bitch down.*
[16:52] <Brazen_Sand> **
[16:53] <Anshu> The three in front and to the sides are a slightly-built boy with Earth markings, apparently unarmed; a broad-shouldered, powerfully-built man with Fire markings, a hooked sword and a fan in his belt; and a third woman with Water markings, lithe and poised, also apparently unarmed.
[16:53] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> ***There are a lot of minor monks and Terrestials here though. It might hard to confront her.***
[16:54] <Brazen_Sand> ***Leave them to me.***
[16:54] <Nomoe_Hideaki> At the news that the Scarlett Empress is there he finally opens his eyes. ***No matter. They cannot stand against us.***
[16:54] * Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby begins to make her uneasy way to the back of the Empress and holds her grand beamklave in her hand at the ready.
[16:55] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Slowly Nomoe Hideaki stands, his clothes rippling as if moved by an invisible wind. ***Are you in position, Ambassador Shadow Phoenix Ruby?***
[16:57] <Anshu> The most highly-ranked of the Terrestrials there to greet her finally lifts his eyes fromteh floor to look up at his Empress. "Your Majesty," he says, "welcome back to the Nest of Hesiesh."
[16:57] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> ***I am in attack range. Target: Scarlet Empress acquired.*** her tone is emotionless as she focuses on her target.
[16:58] *** Unknown command: FADE
[16:58] <Nomoe_Hideaki> ***The plan is to capture the Empress alive, take out the rest. On your signal we will strike.***
[16:59] <Anshu> "Thank you, General. I'm looking forward to what we can accomplish here," the Scarlet Empress smiles at him.
[16:59] <Anshu> Fade to black.
[17:00] <Brazen_Sand> Everywhere in Creation, a well-known violin sting was heard by all