Dawn of the Third Age/OOC Logs/Session 05

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Dawn of the Third Age

Session Start (Anshu:#celestialdeliberativeOOC): Sun Sep 19 10:18:43 2010 -0600
[10:18] *** Anshu has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[10:18] *** Topic on #celestialdeliberativeOOC is:
[10:18] *** Topic set by ChanServ (0 minutes ago at 10:28 AM)
[10:18] *** ChanServ sets mode +q Anshu
[10:18] *** ChanServ sets mode +o Anshu
[10:19] *** Anshu is now known as Taurus_II
[10:25] *** Noldarr has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[10:25] *** Noldarr is now known as Hattori
[10:26] *** Myllinnia has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[10:26] <Hattori> Hi Myill
[10:27] * dakkareth waves
[10:27] <Myllinnia> hi hi ^^
[10:27] <~Taurus_II> hi
[10:41] <~Taurus_II> don't forget to join the IC channel, Myll
[10:46] *** Hattori has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer
[10:46] *** Hattori has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[10:50] *** Pattern_Spider has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[10:52] <~Taurus_II> Brazen won't be joining us today, so Rand and Raksi are who we're waiting for
[10:53] <~Taurus_II> although Raksi I'm not holding out much hope for
[10:54] <dakkareth> what about Lost Arts?
[10:56] <Hattori> damn, no Brazen?
[10:56] <Hattori> We could have used him for this fight
[10:56] <Hattori> =(
[10:57] <~Taurus_II> it's his sister's birthday today
[10:57] <~Taurus_II> Brazen's, that is
[10:57] <Hattori> ah
[10:57] <Hattori> cool
[10:57] <~Taurus_II> Lost Arts... I forgot to tell him the timeslot when I told him about the irc channel... and he was uncertain of how soon he'd be able to join us anyway
[10:59] <dakkareth> Ah :(
[10:59] <Myllinnia> Aww
[10:59] <~Taurus_II> yes
[10:59] <dakkareth> You'll tell him about the time though, right?
[11:00] * dakkareth shrugs. He was up for nMage on Saturday last week (though the ST didn't show), so I thought he might be joining us today.
[11:06] <Hattori> mmhm
[11:06] <~Taurus_II> oh well
[11:06] <Hattori> how long should we wait?
[11:06] <~Taurus_II> I'm gonna give it a half-hour, like usual
[11:13] <Hattori> have you guys spent your XP?
[11:14] <dakkareth> Some.
[11:15] <dakkareth> Saving up for Linguistics Charms & Combos. And of course keeping 8XP banked in case I need to stunt-buy a Charm to avoid otherwise certain death ;)
[11:15] <~Taurus_II> heh
[11:16] <dakkareth> mmhh, with CE absent I can't ask him whether it's ok to post the log of a small discussion between Nomoe and Brazen on the wiki
[11:17] <~Taurus_II> that's unfortunate
[11:18] <Hattori> I've only bought enemy-castigating solar judgment so far
[11:18] <Hattori> still need to spend 16
[11:18] <Hattori> Not sure what I want thought
[11:18] <Hattori> though*
[11:20] <Myllinnia> I've only spent a few to boost my stealth. I need Vat time for some other things. Alchies need WiFi so that they can get Protocols over the air XD
[11:20] <dakkareth> heh
[11:20] <dakkareth> isn't there a protocol for hot-swapping charms=
[11:20] <dakkareth> ?
[11:21] <Hattori> get rand to make you one
[11:21] <Hattori> A wifi-emitter
[11:21] <~Taurus_II> hahah
[11:21] <Myllinnia> Ya I ... have that one. But I can't get Protocols in that fashion. A Vat and its system downloads them to the charm itself.
[11:21] <dakkareth> Does it explicitly say that it can't do that?
[11:22] <~Taurus_II> what's the name of it?
[11:22] <Myllinnia> Eh. One sec. XD Vat Surrogate Re-weaving.
[11:22] <Myllinnia> Vat Surrogate Reweaving Technique | 10m Clarity 4 | pg 194
[11:23] <Hattori> yeah, just have Rand make you a transmitter
[11:23] <~Taurus_II> okay... seems straigthforward to me.
[11:24] <Myllinnia> And ya. Protocol data, Charm Hardware. Soo...
[11:24] <Hattori> It's not far that you can't buy what you want
[11:24] <Hattori> fair*
[11:24] <~Taurus_II> is it a question of not having things you want in your panoply?
[11:25] <~Taurus_II> *can't figure out what the problem is*
[11:25] <Myllinnia> Well I don't think I have anything pressing as of yet. So my complaint is a tiny one.
[11:25] <Myllinnia> Even half the protocols I want can certainly wait for the end of this particular mission.
[11:26] <Hattori> With regards to Panoply, we do have instantaenous travel to Yu-Shan if we want it
[11:26] <Hattori> and Yu-Shan has tons of artifacts and stuff
[11:27] <dakkareth> Mmhh, since Ruby is an undercover Adamant caste ... it would stand to reason that there would be some way for her and other undercover agents to get new Protocols without having to check in with their home vat. Especially when like Ruby they're masquerading as mortlas.
[11:27] <Myllinnia> A... good point. Maybe we do have fancy wifi XD
[11:27] <dakkareth> Since it's pure data, maybe the IM-equivalent protocol would suffice to transmit it?
[11:28] <~Taurus_II> sounds reasonable to me
[11:29] <Hattori> lol
[11:29] <Hattori> Transfer it over autobot IRC
[11:29] <~Taurus_II> heh
[11:30] <~Taurus_II> all right, let's get started.
[11:30] <~Taurus_II> Game faces on, everybody.
[11:30] <Hattori> my internet's cutting in and out
[11:30] <Hattori> I might be laggy
[11:30] <~Taurus_II> ah
[11:30] <Hattori> or miss stuff randomly
[11:30] <~Taurus_II> I hope not =(
[11:30] *** Myllinnia is now known as Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby
[11:31] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> wow. only 3 of us. This'll be interesting. XD
[11:31] *** Hattori has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer
[11:32] *** Hattori_ has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[11:32] *** Hattori_ is now known as Hattori
[11:32] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> er... 2... no 3 XD
[11:32] *** Hattori is now known as Noldarr
[11:32] <Noldarr> What happened?
[11:32] <~Taurus_II> nothing
[11:32] *** dakkareth is now known as Nomoe_Hideaki
[11:33] <~Taurus_II> you missed nothing
[11:34] <~Taurus_II> ok
[11:34] <Noldarr> okay, good
[11:34] <~Taurus_II> how close did you guys get to the barn/outbuilding before stopping and letting Ruby go on ahead?
[11:35] <Nomoe_Hideaki> 100-200m? Wherever there is a good hiding spot in that range, like the edge of a field or something like that.
[11:36] <~Taurus_II> ok
[11:37] <Nomoe_Hideaki> How far out from the city proper are we?
[11:37] <~Taurus_II> hrm
[11:37] <Nomoe_Hideaki> and since we spent two hours sneaking out here, can one of us have asked the Fire Aspect her name in that time? ;)
[11:37] <~Taurus_II> yes
[11:38] <Noldarr> what's her name?
[11:39] <~Taurus_II> second
[11:40] <~Taurus_II> Ardent Torch of Righteousness
[11:40] <~Taurus_II> "Torch" for short.
[11:41] <Noldarr> I know a guy named Torch, so I'm gonna call her Ardent if you don't mind =P
[11:41] <~Taurus_II> ok
[11:41] <Nomoe_Hideaki> That would have been my abbreviation as well
[11:42] <~Taurus_II> okay, Ardent then
[11:42] <~Taurus_II> and you guys are half a mile or so from the Lap
[11:42] <Noldarr> a'right
[11:47] <~Taurus_II> everybody who isn't Ruby, roll... hmm
[11:48] <~Taurus_II> Perception + Stealth
[11:48] <Noldarr> hmm
[11:48] <Noldarr> Perception + Stealth...
[11:48] <Noldarr> Ah, there it is
[11:48] <Noldarr> .ex 2
[11:48] <Pattern_Spider> Noldarr rolled 1 successes against TN 7: [8, 3]
[11:48] <Noldarr> yay!
[11:48] <Noldarr> ^_^
[11:48] <Nomoe_Hideaki> perception .. any bonus from essence sight?
[11:48] <~Taurus_II> no.
[11:48] <Nomoe_Hideaki> (i mean, I have no idea what this is for, so better ask ;) )
[11:49] <Noldarr> I really hope Ardent has a good PER score
[11:49] <Noldarr> hm, maybe Lilic does, lemme check...
[11:49] <~Taurus_II> and Noldarr, you should roll 3 dice. Your Perception is 3, and Exalted don't take penalties
[11:49] <Nomoe_Hideaki> what is this for?
[11:49] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Hiding?
[11:49] <~Taurus_II> for hiding :P
[11:49] <Noldarr> .ex 1
[11:49] <Pattern_Spider> Noldarr rolled 0 successes against TN 7: [5]
[11:49] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Hard to stunt otherwise ;)
[11:50] <Noldarr> oh wow, she has PER 5, I forgot I gave her that
[11:50] <Nomoe_Hideaki> .ex 11
[11:50] <Pattern_Spider> Nomoe_Hideaki rolled 6 successes against TN 7: [10, 1, 8, 5, 6, 6, 9, 3, 6, 10, 6]
[11:51] <Nomoe_Hideaki> This with 4 dice from the 1st stealth excellency
[11:51] <Noldarr> I think I read somewhere that you can make stealth rolls for others when you're in a group?
[11:51] <~Taurus_II> I don't recall that
[11:51] <Noldarr> maybe not
[11:51] <Nomoe_Hideaki> with that one war charm you can, I think
[11:52] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> I could have. Save I didn't actually get the Charm that makes my Optical shroud work with others ><
[11:52] <Noldarr> I thought there was a stealth charm that did it too
[11:52] <Noldarr> It was like E4
[11:52] <Noldarr> eh, whatever
[11:52] <Noldarr> Noldarr's pretty noticeable
[11:52] <~Taurus_II> .ex 11
[11:52] <Pattern_Spider> Taurus_II rolled 7 successes against TN 7: [1, 1, 6, 5, 8, 1, 10, 9, 7, 10, 6]
[11:52] <Nomoe_Hideaki> White clothes, shining Orichalcum, etc? ;)
[11:53] <Noldarr> magical unicorn made of Essence
[11:53] <Noldarr> =P
[11:54] <Noldarr> though maybe that's hidden by the tall grass
[11:54] <~Taurus_II> .ex 9
[11:54] <Pattern_Spider> Taurus_II rolled 4 successes against TN 7: [1, 6, 6, 8, 5, 2, 9, 10, 6]
[11:54] <~Taurus_II> ok
[11:55] <~Taurus_II> ok, now all roll Per + Aware
[11:55] <Noldarr> this I don't suck at!
[11:56] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> .ex 8
[11:56] <Pattern_Spider> Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby rolled 3 successes against TN 7: [3, 6, 4, 6, 10, 5, 7, 2]
[11:56] <Nomoe_Hideaki> does essence sight help here? ;)
[11:56] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> gah!
[11:56] <~Taurus_II> ummmm... no, essence sight is no help here
[11:56] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> brb
[11:57] <Noldarr> .ex 10
[11:57] <Pattern_Spider> Noldarr rolled 6 successes against TN 7: [1, 2, 3, 10, 10, 3, 6, 7, 7, 4]
[11:57] <Noldarr> and +4 successes from Supreme Perfection of Awareness
[11:57] <Noldarr> stunting 4m back
[11:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> .ex 8
[11:57] <Pattern_Spider> Nomoe_Hideaki rolled 7 successes against TN 7: [10, 3, 10, 2, 9, 1, 7, 9]
[11:58] <Nomoe_Hideaki> (with 2m in first excellency, recovered from previous awareness 'stunt')
[11:58] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> back
[11:59] <~Taurus_II> .ex 9
[11:59] <Pattern_Spider> Taurus_II rolled 4 successes against TN 7: [8, 4, 4, 1, 4, 10, 4, 5, 8]
[12:05] <~Taurus_II> .exf 19 x4
[12:05] <Pattern_Spider> Taurus_II rolled [8, 3, 10, 9] successes against TN7
[12:05] <Noldarr> I presume it is time to join battle?
[12:05] <~Taurus_II> yes, it is
[12:05] <Noldarr> well, none of those even come close to hitting
[12:06] <~Taurus_II> .ex 9
[12:06] <Pattern_Spider> Taurus_II rolled 4 successes against TN 7: [8, 3, 1, 3, 4, 8, 8, 4, 7]
[12:06] <Noldarr> .ex 20
[12:06] <Pattern_Spider> Noldarr rolled 9 successes against TN 7: [2, 7, 2, 5, 8, 2, 8, 10, 3, 2, 10, 4, 7, 4, 6, 3, 7, 4, 4, 5]
[12:06] <Noldarr> that's with supreme perfection of awareness
[12:06] <Nomoe_Hideaki> .ex 9
[12:06] <Pattern_Spider> Nomoe_Hideaki rolled 1 successes against TN 7: [2, 1, 4, 2, 8, 2, 5, 6, 6]
[12:06] * Nomoe_Hideaki sighs
[12:06] <Nomoe_Hideaki> 2 sux on JB
[12:06] <Nomoe_Hideaki> damn
[12:08] <Noldarr> ouch
[12:09] <Noldarr> wow, I didn't expect them to spot us at 300m though
[12:09] <~Taurus_II> supreme perfection of awareness adding 4 sux again?
[12:09] <Noldarr> no, it added dice this time
[12:09] <~Taurus_II> ok
[12:10] <Nomoe_Hideaki> at night
[12:10] <~Taurus_II> Ruby will join the battle later
[12:10] <Nomoe_Hideaki> but then, DBs have Awareness charms as well
[12:10] <Noldarr> is she gone again?
[12:10] <Nomoe_Hideaki> sneaking was done in PM?
[12:11] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Not as far as I know ^^ Likely because I am slow. Xd
[12:11] <Noldarr> blah, I hope she doesn't escape 'cause we don't have Inkwell to hit immaterial =/
[12:12] <~Taurus_II> oh, this is all at night? I thought you'd waited for the DBs to wake up and interrogated them the following day
[12:12] *** RandBrittain has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[12:12] <Noldarr> if she actually has DB and ED charms, though, it would indicate that she has to be a Fiend Caste that learned DB charms with the anima power
[12:12] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yes
[12:12] <Noldarr> and, speak of the devil!
[12:12] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Yay! Rand!
[12:12] * Nomoe_Hideaki waves
[12:12] <Nomoe_Hideaki> as quickly as possible
[12:12] <RandBrittain> Man, I don't know what caused me to sleep until two. Must have been all the furniture moving.
[12:12] <Nomoe_Hideaki> hence asking whether the DB was awake yet at the beginning of last session
[12:12] *** RandBrittain is now known as Inkwell
[12:13] <Nomoe_Hideaki> basically, we interrogated as soon as possible, then moved out immediately after that
[12:13] <~Taurus_II> my bad
[12:13] <Nomoe_Hideaki> wanting to give the Infernal as little time as possible to hear of the arrest and our investigation
[12:13] <Noldarr> Yeah, I thought we just threw cold water on them to wake 'em
[12:13] <Noldarr> that might not wake the Water though
[12:14] <~Taurus_II> Inkwell, roll join battle
[12:15] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Wait was I suppose to roll B too.. or did I do that already?
[12:15] <~Taurus_II> no, not yet
[12:15] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> ah kk.
[12:15] <~Taurus_II> you're still sneaking and not fighting
[12:16] <Inkwell> .ex 4
[12:16] <Pattern_Spider> Inkwell rolled 1 successes against TN 7: [6, 8, 2, 4]
[12:16] <Inkwell> Oh, not if I'm sneaking? I'll sneak.
[12:16] <Noldarr> I think my internet just cut out again
[12:16] <Noldarr> lol, he joins and it's Join Battle
[12:16] <~Taurus_II> I thought you were back with the others, not sneaking ahead with the Alchie with the cloaking device
[12:17] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yeah, that was how we had decided last session, IIRC
[12:17] <Noldarr> does Inkwell have a fast movement charm?
[12:17] <Inkwell> I don't have any Stealth, I have to admit.
[12:17] <Noldarr> Otherwise, Nomoe, you'll have to take him with you when you flash step
[12:17] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Yeah.
[12:18] <Inkwell> I could toss myself into the air with telekinesis! I don't know that that's very fast.
[12:19] <~Taurus_II> .ex 11 x4
[12:19] <Pattern_Spider> invalid syntax - target number has to be an actual number
[12:19] <~Taurus_II> .exf 11 x4
[12:19] <Pattern_Spider> Taurus_II rolled [7, 6, 8, 9] successes against TN7
[12:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> should we play out Hideaki/Inkwell discussing how to get the latter to the battle, or should we just agree that it was discussed of screen and hideaki offered to bring Inkwell along?
[12:20] <Noldarr> talking is reflexive!
[12:20] <~Taurus_II> okay
[12:21] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I'm happy with both. Inkwell?
[12:21] <Inkwell> Let's just drag me along, in the name of progress.
[12:21] <Inkwell> And I'll just have to invest in Silver Surfer Charms.
[12:22] <Noldarr> Prgroess.
[12:22] <Noldarr> whoa
[12:22] <Noldarr> that's a weird-looking mispelling
[12:22] <Noldarr> you should use it as a rune to drive men insane
[12:23] <~Taurus_II> Noldarr, you're up. What's your move rate?
[12:23] <Nomoe_Hideaki> so, everyone has joined battle? what's the battle wheel order?
[12:23] <Inkwell> Man, I have way better Charms for driving men insane. That's like the whole Adorjan tree!
[12:23] <~Taurus_II> .ex 9
[12:23] <Pattern_Spider> Taurus_II rolled 3 successes against TN 7: [8, 3, 5, 1, 4, 5, 10, 5, 3]
[12:24] <~Taurus_II> order is: Noldarr, Water / Fire / Air / Earth / Wood / Nomoe / Inkwell / Fiend
[12:24] <Noldarr> When I'm pursuing an enemy, I have a perfect movement effect
[12:24] <Noldarr> Otherwise it works out to about 60 meters/tick
[12:24] <Noldarr> this is on my horse
[12:25] <~Taurus_II> I saw that, but you're not pursuing, you're closing.
[12:26] <Noldarr> is the Fire our Fire
[12:26] <Noldarr> or their fire?
[12:26] <~Taurus_II> oh right XD
[12:26] <~Taurus_II> their fire
[12:26] <~Taurus_II> I forgot to roll for Ardent
[12:26] <Noldarr> mkay
[12:26] <~Taurus_II> .ex 9
[12:26] <Pattern_Spider> Taurus_II rolled 3 successes against TN 7: [2, 7, 5, 7, 5, 2, 8, 2, 6]
[12:27] <~Taurus_II> she also goes on tick 6
[12:27] <~Taurus_II> so Noldar is... dashing right now?
[12:28] <~Taurus_II> *prods laggy connection*
[12:29] <Noldarr> alright
[12:29] <Noldarr> so, it'll take me about 3-5 ticks to close
[12:29] <Noldarr> and then I will smash into whichever building the infernal is supposed to be in
[12:29] <Noldarr> and engage the infernal within
[12:30] <~Taurus_II> I assume you're taking the Dash action?
[12:30] <Noldarr> did you get my messages?
[12:30] <Noldarr> Noldarr>so, it'll take me about 3-5 ticks to close
[12:30] <~Taurus_II> yes, I did
[12:30] <Noldarr> <Noldarr>and then I will smash into whichever building the infernal is supposed to be in
[12:30] <Noldarr> <Noldarr>and engage the infernal within
[12:31] <Noldarr> <Taurus_II>*prods laggy connection*
[12:31] <Noldarr> <Noldarr>did you get my messages?
[12:31] <Noldarr> well, my horse is taking the Dash action
[12:31] <Noldarr> I am...riding my horse, I guess
[12:31] <~Taurus_II> ok, we'll say it's a dash
[12:32] <~Taurus_II> and you're 200m distant
[12:33] <Noldarr> alright, so about 3 ticks
[12:33] <~Taurus_II> yeah
[12:33] <~Taurus_II> just over
[12:33] <~Taurus_II> 4 ticks
[12:34] <Noldarr> okay
[12:35] <~Taurus_II> Water Aspect in the barn putting up the Form Charm
[12:36] <~Taurus_II> and that was tick 0
[12:36] <~Taurus_II> tick 1
[12:41] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Hmmm beginning to think I'll be using the Essence Cannon in this one soon. XD
[12:41] <~Taurus_II> Fire Aspect putting up Flame-Flicker Stance
[12:42] <Noldarr> lol
[12:43] <Noldarr> the Essence Cannon is fun
[12:44] <Noldarr> Can we assume that the other Terrestials activate their form-types and just ignore them for this opening part?
[12:44] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> And its such a large area. Once everyone makes enough holes in the building I'll be sniping and shooting to my hearts content XD Or...well until I run shy of essence or some such XD
[12:44] <~Taurus_II> No :P
[12:45] <Noldarr> but they're so ignorable!
[12:46] <Inkwell> That said, I don't actually know where 'up top' is.
[12:46] <~Taurus_II> on top of the barn
[12:46] <Noldarr> oh, blah, I keep forgetting to mention
[12:46] <Noldarr> I have Shining Legend Parable up
[12:46] <Noldarr> all attacks against me suffer -3 dice unless they spend 3 WP to resist for the scene
[12:48] <~Taurus_II> .exf 18 x4
[12:48] <Pattern_Spider> Taurus_II rolled [8, 9, 11, 5] successes against TN7
[12:49] <~Taurus_II> I'm betting none of those hit
[12:49] <~Taurus_II> :P
[12:50] <Noldarr> naturally
[12:50] <Noldarr> Wish I'd spent some motes so I could recoup essence
[12:51] <~Taurus_II> Noldarr's turn again
[12:51] <Noldarr> alright, into the outbuilding
[12:51] <Noldarr> what do I see?
[12:51] <Noldarr> If the fiend's there, I attack
[12:53] <~Taurus_II> You see two people. One looks like a scholarly female Air Aspect; she's clutching her writing brush in fear. The other is a male Fire Aspect, daiklaves drawn and anima flickering, standing between you and her.
[12:53] <~Taurus_II> oh
[12:53] <~Taurus_II> that should probably go in IC
[12:54] <~Taurus_II> mention Noldarr bursting in and then I'll c&p it
[12:54] <Noldarr> alright
[12:56] <~Taurus_II> there :P
[12:57] <Noldarr> alright
[12:58] <~Taurus_II> *waits for roll*
[12:58] <Noldarr> activating
[12:58] <Noldarr> enemy-castigating solar judgment
[12:58] <Noldarr> and golden destruction cut on attacks 1, 4, and 7
[12:58] <Noldarr> 7 attacks on her
[12:58] <Noldarr> 1 attack on the DB
[12:58] <Noldarr> .exf 36
[12:58] <Noldarr> .exr 36 x 8
[12:58] <Noldarr> .exf 36 x8
[12:58] <Pattern_Spider> invalid syntax - arguments must be separated by " "
[12:58] <Pattern_Spider> Noldarr rolled [20, 16, 16, 21, 17, 18, 17, 22] successes against TN7
[12:58] <Noldarr> and stunting back 4 motes
[12:59] <Noldarr> with onslaught that's 20, 17, 18, 24, 21, 23, 23 and then 22 to the DB
[13:00] <Noldarr> and I think this mote expenditure has made me Totemic
[13:02] <~Taurus_II> Defend Other. You have 7 successes left after the Fire Aspect's Parry DV. Do you want to try and slide an attack past him to the Air, or cut the Fire down first?
[13:03] <Noldarr> hm
[13:03] <Noldarr> this is for attack #1?
[13:03] <~Taurus_II> yes.
[13:04] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> 8 attacks? Insanity I say, Insanity!
[13:04] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> :p
[13:06] *** Noldarr has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[13:07] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> oopse... come back Noldarr! XD
[13:07] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Inkwell, no reply to Nomoe Hideaki?
[13:09] *** Noldarr has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[13:09] <Nomoe_Hideaki> wb
[13:09] <Noldarr> gah
[13:09] <Noldarr> did I miss anything
[13:09] <Nomoe_Hideaki> no
[13:09] <~Taurus_II> what charms are you using on that attack? Just excellencies and extra action?
[13:09] <Nomoe_Hideaki> still waiting for you to answer taurus' questin
[13:10] <Nomoe_Hideaki>
[20:58:43] Noldarr: enemy-castigating solar judgment
[13:10] <Nomoe_Hideaki>
[20:58:43] Noldarr: and golden destruction cut on attacks 1, 4, and 7
[13:10] <Noldarr> I never got that question
[13:10] <Noldarr> I have infinite well of melee up for 10 dice
[13:10] <Noldarr> I have enemy-castigating solar judgment on 7 attacks
[13:10] <Nomoe_Hideaki>
[21:02:46] Taurus_II: Defend Other. You have 7 successes left after the Fire Aspect's Parry DV. Do you want to try and slide an attack past him to the Air, or cut the Fire down first?
[13:10] <Nomoe_Hideaki>
[21:03:21] Noldarr: hm
[13:10] <Nomoe_Hideaki>
[21:03:27] Noldarr: this is for attack #1?
[13:10] <Nomoe_Hideaki>
[21:03:31] Taurus_II: yes.
[13:11] <Noldarr> and golden destruction cut on attacks 1, 4, and 7
[13:11] <~Taurus_II> sorry, missed that part
[13:11] <Noldarr> And I also used iron whirlwind, naturally
[13:11] <~Taurus_II> but I am still waiting to see what you want to do with regard to the Defend Other situation
[13:11] <Inkwell> I'm not exactly sure how Hideaki is offering to get me up to the barn.
[13:12] <Inkwell> I mean, I can just levitate there on my own, for the most part, although it's a bit clumsy.
[13:12] <Noldarr> Noldarr>yeah, I'll remove him
[13:12] <Noldarr> <Noldarr>raw damage is 7 x 3 = 21 + 14L base
[13:12] <Noldarr> <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby>8 attacks? Insanity I say, Insanity!
[13:12] <Noldarr> <Noldarr>so 35L raw
[13:12] <Noldarr> <Noldarr>Invincible Fury of the Dawn. +P
[13:12] <Noldarr> <Noldarr>I'm down 14 + 3 + 5 - 4 motes right now, though
[13:12] <Noldarr> <Noldarr>well, unless she dies before my flurry is done
[13:12] <Noldarr> <Noldarr>what's the fire aspect's soak?
[13:12] <~Taurus_II> those never went through
[13:12] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yeah
[13:13] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Inkwell. Nomoe has a transportation charm or something.
[13:13] <Noldarr> he's going to flash step you
[13:13] <Noldarr> stupid internet connection
[13:13] <Noldarr> *sigh*
[13:13] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Inkwell, IC that is indeed not clear. OOC, he can get there with a movement charm and bring Inkwell along.
[13:13] <~Taurus_II> Fire has 10L soak
[13:13] <Noldarr> alright, rolling 25L damage
[13:13] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Geh
[13:14] <Noldarr> agg if he's a creature of darkness!
[13:14] <Noldarr> .ex 25 dam
[13:14] <Noldarr> er, what's the damage syntax?
[13:14] <Pattern_Spider> invalid syntax - target number has to be an actual number
[13:14] <Nomoe_Hideaki> .ex 25 dmg
[13:14] <Pattern_Spider> Nomoe_Hideaki rolled 12 successes for damage: [7, 8, 1, 7, 2, 6, 8, 5, 4, 9, 4, 1, 1, 4, 5, 7, 7, 8, 10, 7, 4, 1, 8, 2, 8]
[13:15] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> dmg not dam
[13:15] <Nomoe_Hideaki> oops, forgot that leading whitespaces are removed :o
[13:15] <~Taurus_II> what's the speed on that flurry?
[13:16] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> I have found a good point to make combat go faster. Stunt then somewhere add (Charm useages, Motes spent, and Speed of attack) Then Roll attacks and super flurries.
[13:16] <Noldarr> Noldarr>alright, rolling 25L damage
[13:16] <Noldarr> <Noldarr>agg if he's a creature of darkness!
[13:16] <Noldarr> <Noldarr>.ex 25 dam
[13:16] <Noldarr> <Noldarr>er, what's the damage syntax?
[13:16] <Noldarr> .ex 25
[13:16] <Pattern_Spider> Noldarr rolled 17 successes against TN 7: [10, 3, 2, 2, 10, 8, 7, 10, 3, 7, 5, 2, 1, 8, 9, 9, 1, 6, 3, 6, 4, 8, 9, 8, 10]
[13:17] *** Noldarr has quit IRC: Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.86
[Firefox 3.6.9/20100824144458]
[13:17] <~Taurus_II> *sigh*
[13:17] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> and I suppose it helps when you have a good connection >>
[13:17] <~Taurus_II> yes
[13:17] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yeah
[13:17] *** Noldarr has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[13:17] <Noldarr> ARRGH
[13:17] <Noldarr> did you guys get any of that?
[13:17] <~Taurus_II> what was the speed of that flurry?
[13:17] <Nomoe_Hideaki>
[21:15:36] Taurus_II: what's the speed on that flurry?
[13:17] <Noldarr> did my dice rolls work?
[13:17] <~Taurus_II> sort of
[13:17] <Noldarr> speed 3 version
[13:17] <Noldarr> ?
[13:18] <Nomoe_Hideaki> syntax is ".ex 25 dmg" in case you didn#t get that
[13:18] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> 10 successes apparently from his roll.
[13:18] <~Taurus_II> we'll use Nomoe's roll
[13:18] <Noldarr> yeah, didn't
[13:18] <Noldarr> .ex 25 dmg
[13:18] <Pattern_Spider> Noldarr rolled 8 successes for damage: [8, 6, 8, 6, 7, 1, 7, 4, 2, 1, 6, 1, 2, 6, 1, 8, 3, 3, 7, 1, 4, 1, 9, 3, 10]
[13:18] <Nomoe_Hideaki> better use the previous roll
[13:18] <Nomoe_Hideaki> 13HL there
[13:18] <Noldarr> lol, now it works
[13:18] <Noldarr> I think he's dead anyway
[13:18] <Noldarr> or incap
[13:18] <Noldarr> 'cause you can't kill in one shot
[13:18] <~Taurus_II> doesn't matter, Fire's down
[13:19] <Noldarr> alright, next attacks all go to the "Air" then
[13:19] <~Taurus_II> yup
[13:19] <~Taurus_II> I'm getting to that
[13:20] <Noldarr> cool
[13:23] *** Noldarr has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[13:23] <Nomoe_Hideaki> ...
[13:23] <~Taurus_II> 2 die stunt + 10 motes on Ebon Dragon Excellency via Cracked Cell Circumvention, which I'm going to assume gives 5 successes because I don't feel like rolling it
[13:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> it's not explicitely said, but I always assume that nothingis rolled for defense so whether you add dice or sux in defense, the result is pretty much the same
[13:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> ie, no roll, same increase to dv
[13:24] *** Noldarr has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[13:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> is that a flurry breaker?
[13:24] <Noldarr> wow, this is getting really bad
[13:25] <Nomoe_Hideaki> :s
[13:25] <~Taurus_II> oh hey
[13:25] <~Taurus_II> hang on
[13:25] <~Taurus_II> lemme refigure that
[13:25] <Noldarr> movement-based flurrybreakers are useless against Noldarr!
[13:26] <~Taurus_II> eh, she dodges it. And yes, I'm using the stunt to take her out of range and break the flurry.
[13:26] <~Taurus_II> because I want her to be a recurring villain, damn it
[13:26] <~Taurus_II> :P
[13:26] <~Taurus_II> can Noldarr just crash through buildings at will or something?
[13:26] <Noldarr> she dodged it with a perfect, I assume?
[13:26] <~Taurus_II> like the Kool-Aid Man?
[13:26] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> yes
[13:26] <Inkwell> No recurring villains! Break out Accuracy Without Distance!
[13:27] <Nomoe_Hideaki> not necessarily, Noldarr.
[13:27] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I don't think he has a charm for that.
[13:27] <~Taurus_II> no, she dodged it with Excellencies and Cracked Cell Circumvention
[13:27] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Hmmm though CCC was perfect curse my Ebon dragon fu!
[13:27] <~Taurus_II> and a stunt, too
[13:27] <Noldarr> okay, so she can hit a DV of at least 17...
[13:27] <Nomoe_Hideaki> his steed should have a pretty high strength+Athletics, though.
[13:27] <Noldarr> obviously I can't break into like
[13:27] <Noldarr> the jade pleasure dome or something
[13:27] <Noldarr> but wood, eh
[13:27] <~Taurus_II> no onslaught because you used your first attack on the Fire Aspect, remember?
[13:27] <Noldarr> that's pretty easy
[13:27] <Nomoe_Hideaki> but feats of strength are dramatic actions
[13:28] <~Taurus_II> only needs to be 16.
[13:28] <Noldarr> so she has a Dodge pool calculation of at least 31, alright
[13:29] <Noldarr> That's pretty intense, it might be a good thing we didn't have to fight her
[13:30] <~Taurus_II> CCC doubles the size of static pools
[13:30] <Noldarr> it works as a dodge?
[13:30] <~Taurus_II> if you are dodging through an esily-brolen window in order to get into open space, yes :P
[13:31] <Noldarr> if the window's broken now, can I charge through it?
[13:31] <~Taurus_II> you could. Your steed would have to stay behind.
[13:31] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> I'll brb.
[13:31] <~Taurus_II> However, it it not your turn yet :P
[13:31] <Noldarr> indeed
[13:32] <Noldarr> I think I need someone to chat constantly with me so I can figure out when my internet is dead
[13:32] <Nomoe_Hideaki> ping me if you want
[13:33] <~Taurus_II> What's Noldarr/his steed's Dodge DV?
[13:33] <Noldarr> my steed can't be hit
[13:33] <Noldarr> My dodge DV is like
[13:33] <Noldarr> 7?
[13:33] <~Taurus_II> ok
[13:33] <Noldarr> wait
[13:33] <Noldarr> 15
[13:33] <Noldarr> sorry
[13:34] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Back
[13:34] <Noldarr> forgot my artifact and dawn anima bonuses
[13:34] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> And why can't the robo horse not be hit?
[13:34] <Nomoe_Hideaki> wb
[13:34] <Noldarr> it's not a robo horse actually
[13:34] <~Taurus_II> damn twink :P
[13:34] <Noldarr> It's an essence construct
[13:34] <Noldarr> hey, most of that is just the dawn anima power!
[13:35] <~Taurus_II> fair enough
[13:35] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> who next. Certainly not me. Moving at 1... uh whatever is kinda slow. XD
[13:36] <Nomoe_Hideaki> you haven't arrived yet? I thought Ruby had arrived at the barn before the other had gotten noticed?
[13:36] <~Taurus_II> nope. You know you can move faster if you want
[13:36] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> I... honestly have no idea. Noldarr would have zinged pass me. XD
[13:38] <~Taurus_II> .ex 18
[13:38] <Pattern_Spider> Taurus_II rolled 9 successes against TN 7: [9, 10, 8, 2, 4, 8, 10, 4, 4, 6, 8, 4, 3, 9, 4, 5, 6, 5]
[13:38] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Poor Ruby. The rest of us unstealthy people - well, Noldarr really ;) - ruined her scouting.
[13:38] <~Taurus_II> okay, it doesn't work on Noldarr.
[13:38] <Noldarr> yup
[13:38] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> He's gonna get shot. XD Just because he's not stealthy!
[13:38] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> :p
[13:39] <Nomoe_Hideaki> only by DBs so far
[13:39] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> I imply it will be by me XD
[13:39] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Granted... I wouldn't be able to hit him.
[13:39] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> At all.
[13:39] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Ever XD
[13:40] <~Taurus_II> ok
[13:40] <~Taurus_II> nothing happens on Tick 4
[13:41] <Noldarr> oh hey
[13:41] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heh
[13:41] <~Taurus_II> so on to Tick 5
[13:41] <~Taurus_II> Wood Aspect... will shoot a bunch of arrows at Inkwell.
[13:42] <~Taurus_II> Since I believe Nomoe is still hidden
[13:42] <Noldarr> since I didn't get to use the rest of my 7 attacks
[13:42] <Noldarr> can I use them on the wall seperating us
[13:42] <Noldarr> so on my next action I can charge through
[13:42] *** Noldarr has quit IRC: Disintegrated: irc.magicstar.net
[13:42] *** Noldarr has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[13:42] * Nomoe_Hideaki shrugs. He did have 7 sux on the stealth roll. Inkwell hasn't rolled for stealth, so no idea how stealthy he is
[13:42] <Inkwell> Fortunately, I have Force-Suppression Barrier up.
[13:42] <Noldarr> Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby>Ever XD
[13:42] <Noldarr> <Noldarr>oh hey
[13:42] <Noldarr> <Noldarr>since I didn't get to use the rest of my 7 attacks
[13:42] <Noldarr> <Noldarr>can I use them on the wall seperating us
[13:42] <Noldarr> <Noldarr>so on my next action I can charge through
[13:43] <Inkwell> So even though I'm not stealthy, I've got a Parry DV of 12.
[13:43] <~Taurus_II> oh, very well
[13:43] <~Taurus_II> you can cut through the wall
[13:43] <~Taurus_II> oh
[13:43] <Inkwell> What's my position, currently? Has Nomoe moved me yet? If not, how far away from the barn am I?
[13:43] <~Taurus_II> you can take reflexive, speed 0 actions even when it's not your action, like moving, right?
[13:43] <~Taurus_II> you are 200m from the barn
[13:44] <Nomoe_Hideaki> you can move every tick
[13:44] <~Taurus_II> ok
[13:44] <Noldarr> reflexive movement once every tick, yes
[13:44] <Noldarr> hm
[13:44] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Nomoe hasn't moved yet. Unless you want me to have, Inkwell?
[13:44] <~Taurus_II> The Fiend begins dashing, then.
[13:44] <Inkwell> It's up to you! I can get up there on my own eventually... I guess it might take me a little while.
[13:45] <Noldarr> if the "Air is taking reflexive movement, I'm gonna follow her
[13:45] <~Taurus_II> 20m/tick, so quite outpaced by your horse.
[13:46] <Nomoe_Hideaki> dashing requires an actual action, though
[13:46] <~Taurus_II> not if you have Adorjan charms
[13:46] <Nomoe_Hideaki> unless she has the adorjan charm that makes Dashing a normal movemtn action ... ah
[13:46] <Noldarr> yeah
[13:47] <~Taurus_II> stupid Noldarr with his stupid horse is gonna stop her from getting away, though
[13:47] <~Taurus_II> :P
[13:47] <~Taurus_II> anyway
[13:47] <~Taurus_II> Inkwell is being shot at
[13:47] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> I'm a little shocked. No BME?
[13:47] <Inkwell> Parry! Parry!
[13:47] <Noldarr> If it's better for the plot for her to escape, I'll go fight the DBs...
[13:47] <~Taurus_II> Nomoe
[13:48] <~Taurus_II> you do not act until next tick
[13:48] <Nomoe_Hideaki> if the 'Air' starts fleeing I'll take that moment to reflexively relocate the two of us
[13:48] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yeah
[13:48] <Nomoe_Hideaki> this is reflexive movement, though
[13:48] <~Taurus_II> oh
[13:48] <~Taurus_II> ok
[13:48] <Nomoe_Hideaki> 4m for DFS
[13:48] <Noldarr> Nomoe is actually faster than my horse
[13:48] <Noldarr> when I'm not pursuing someone
[13:49] <~Taurus_II> .exf 19 x4
[13:49] <Inkwell> Stop shooting at me! Don't you know I have diplomatic immunity?
[13:49] <Pattern_Spider> Taurus_II rolled [11, 11, 13, 13] successes against TN7
[13:50] <Inkwell> I shall stunt to raise my DV by two. Ha, ha, arrows!
[13:50] <~Taurus_II> curses
[13:51] <Noldarr> wow
[13:51] <Noldarr> high rolls
[13:51] <Noldarr> you're immune to onslaught right?
[13:52] <~Taurus_II> I believe onslaught only applies to blows that actually hit
[13:52] <Nomoe_Hideaki> no, to all attacks
[13:52] <~Taurus_II> really?
[13:52] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yes
[13:52] <Inkwell> Even all attacks from a single flurry?
[13:53] <Nomoe_Hideaki> since everything happens basically at once, the more attacks come at the same time, the harder it is to defend
[13:53] <~Taurus_II> hm
[13:53] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yes, cumulatively
[13:53] <Inkwell> How does that interact with cover?
[13:53] <Nomoe_Hideaki> -0,- 1, -2, -3, -4, etc
[13:53] <~Taurus_II> I remember checking the book and it was confusingly worded
[13:53] <Nomoe_Hideaki> only in that cover can increase dv
[13:53] <~Taurus_II> one time when this came up before, in OMWF, as I recall
[13:54] <~Taurus_II> but ok
[13:54] *** Noldarr_ has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[13:55] <~Taurus_II> we can have it apply
[13:55] *** Nomoe_Hideaki has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer
[13:55] *** Noldarr has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[13:55] *** Noldarr_ is now known as Noldarr
[13:55] <Noldarr> I think I missed the last
[13:55] <Noldarr> 7-8 minutes
[13:56] <Inkwell> They've already missed me! It's too late to declare that they didn't!
[13:56] *** dakkareth has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[13:56] <Noldarr> Last message got was Inkwell stopping the arrows
[13:56] * Inkwell uses Retroactive Continuity Denial Prana.
[13:56] <~Taurus_II> nothing more has happened IC
[13:56] <dakkareth> k, thanks
[13:56] <Noldarr> okay
[13:56] <~Taurus_II> *has higher Essence than Inkwell*
[13:56] <~Taurus_II> :P
[13:56] <Noldarr> Inkwell, you don't have a PD?
[13:57] <~Taurus_II> the last two arrows would have penetrated DV
[13:57] <Inkwell> I have one somewhere.
[13:57] <Inkwell> I guess I can still use my Excellency to raise DV.
[13:57] <Noldarr> yup
[13:57] <Noldarr> might be cheaper actually
[13:57] <~Taurus_II> *shakes fist*
[13:57] <~Taurus_II> :P
[13:57] <Inkwell> I'll spend three motes to raise my Parry DV by two and then by one.
[13:58] <Noldarr> remember to do it in a SHLIHN manner
[13:58] <Inkwell> I block the arrows in a perfectly calm and rational manner.
[13:58] <~Taurus_II> oh, all right
[13:59] <Inkwell> Just wait until I buy Kinetic Force Reclamation, a Charm of my own creation! Then you'll all learn to fear my parrying powers.
[13:59] <Inkwell> (Link: http://forums.white-wolf.com/cs/forums/t/35787.aspx)http://forums.white-wolf.com/cs/forums/t/35787.aspx
[13:59] <Noldarr> OH GOD
[13:59] <Noldarr> It's like a game of whack a mole
[14:00] <Noldarr> only the mole is constantly being guarded by Immaculate masters
[14:00] <~Taurus_II> XD
[14:00] <~Taurus_II> "I'm an Immaculate Mastah!"
[14:00] <Noldarr> =D
[14:00] <dakkareth> How far away from the barn is the fiend at this time? Can the wter aspect get within Dex yards?
[14:01] <~Taurus_II> probably not. But he can get between you and her.
[14:01] * dakkareth nods. so what action does he/she declare?
[14:01] <Noldarr> nomoe can teleport though!
[14:01] <Noldarr> do a byakuya-esque "I appear behind you"
[14:02] <~Taurus_II> He didn't see that, and he dashed to his present location.
[14:02] <~Taurus_II> ok
[14:02] <~Taurus_II> now it's tick 6
[14:02] <dakkareth> yay
[14:02] <~Taurus_II> the unholy fussball of everybody acting at once
[14:02] <~Taurus_II> fuzz*
[14:02] <dakkareth> I'd still like to knw the distance from the barn to the fiend
[14:02] <~Taurus_II> um
[14:03] <~Taurus_II> the fiend is 20m past the barn's one edge at this point
[14:03] <~Taurus_II> so Nomoe goes to the edge then 20m more
[14:03] <dakkareth> Activating SHF and Orichalcum Fists of Battle, using a Move action to get from the barn to the Fiend
[14:04] <dakkareth> (44m jump as move action, should be enough, right?)
[14:04] <~Taurus_II> yes
[14:05] <dakkareth> Then a flurry of Clinch, Clinch, Block Movement
[14:05] <dakkareth> No wait, Clinch x3, then Block Movement
[14:06] <dakkareth> .exf 24 23 22
[14:06] <Pattern_Spider> dakkareth rolled [11, 12, 8] successes against TN7
[14:06] <Inkwell> What tick am I acting on, again?
[14:06] <dakkareth> so 16, 17, and 13 successes
[14:06] <dakkareth> this is using 1st excellency for 5 every time
[14:06] <dakkareth> and ... damn, forgot to declare Dragon Coil Technique
[14:07] <dakkareth> the Block Movement Action is meant to prevent her from moving away from Noldarr
[14:07] <~Taurus_II> this one, Ink
[14:07] <~Taurus_II> just wait a moment for Nomoe to finish
[14:08] <~Taurus_II> and roll Str or Dex + Ath
[14:08] <dakkareth> me? for her movement?
[14:08] <~Taurus_II> oh, hmm
[14:08] <~Taurus_II> *rereads*
[14:08] <~Taurus_II> okay, nevermind
[14:09] <~Taurus_II> She uses Laughing Gust Denial, btw
[14:09] <dakkareth> PD?
[14:09] <~Taurus_II> ticklong.
[14:09] <~Taurus_II> but yes.
[14:11] <dakkareth> Can she move toward the Lap? Or is that where Noldarr is, since that's the direction that is unimpeded?
[14:11] <dakkareth> Speed 6 for Nomoe Hideaki, btw
[14:12] <~Taurus_II> She's moving in an arc, maintaining equal distance to Noldarr. At this point this is taking her roughly toward the Lap
[14:13] <dakkareth> So I can't declare that I want to block all directions except toward Noldarr?
[14:13] <~Taurus_II> correct
[14:13] <~Taurus_II> Inkwell, go
[14:14] <Inkwell> Hm, time for a flurry.
[14:14] <dakkareth> mmh. Flurrying more Block Movement actions wouldn't help either?
[14:14] <dakkareth> though, strictly speaking I want to block only one direction - "away from Noldarr".
[14:15] <Inkwell> I guess I'll make four attacks, and add seven dice to each, so that's 24, 23, 22, and 21 dice rolled if I make a two-die stunt, for a total cost of ten motes, with the Wood Aspect taking a -2 penalty to DV.
[14:16] <Inkwell> .ex 24
[14:16] <Pattern_Spider> Inkwell rolled 9 successes against TN 7: [2, 1, 8, 7, 9, 6, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 5, 8, 1, 1, 6, 2, 10, 3, 5, 1, 4, 2, 6]
[14:16] <Inkwell> .ex 23
[14:16] <Pattern_Spider> Inkwell rolled 7 successes against TN 7: [4, 1, 9, 7, 1, 3, 7, 5, 5, 1, 4, 3, 2, 7, 5, 4, 1, 4, 5, 1, 10, 8, 3]
[14:16] <Inkwell> .ex 22
[14:16] <Pattern_Spider> Inkwell rolled 8 successes against TN 7: [5, 10, 9, 3, 1, 4, 6, 4, 1, 9, 1, 6, 2, 10, 3, 2, 5, 6, 9, 3, 4, 7]
[14:16] <Inkwell> .ex 21
[14:16] <Pattern_Spider> Inkwell rolled 8 successes against TN 7: [5, 3, 10, 7, 4, 3, 6, 8, 5, 2, 6, 9, 4, 3, 1, 9, 6, 2, 8, 8, 2]
[14:17] <dakkareth> Inkwell note, that you could also have used ".exf 24 23 22 21"
[14:17] <dakkareth> for less clutter in the channel ;)
[14:17] <Inkwell> Oh, I could. Maybe then your dicebot would HATE ME LESS
[14:17] <dakkareth> heh. maybe.
[14:17] <dakkareth> You are forcing him to write a lot of stuff, this way ;)
[14:18] <~Taurus_II> you know how the Pattern Spiders hate having to do extra work
[14:18] <Noldarr> you should calligraphy for him
[14:18] <Noldarr> maybe he'll like you then
[14:19] <~Taurus_II> they do like calligraphy.
[14:19] * Inkwell produces the most amazing calligraphy the world has ever seen.
[14:19] <~Taurus_II> 2 die stunt to DV
[14:19] <Inkwell> .exf 24 23 22 21
[14:19] <Pattern_Spider> Inkwell rolled [18, 12, 15, 8] successes against TN7
[14:19] <Inkwell> Omigod it worked.
[14:20] <~Taurus_II> heh
[14:20] <~Taurus_II> Inkwell, what speed was that?
[14:20] <Inkwell> At least I've worked up to a six-mote discount on my Excellency.
[14:20] <Inkwell> 5, I think.
[14:21] <~Taurus_II> ok
[14:21] <Inkwell> And thankfully, no DV penalty.
[14:21] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> I suppose I should note that if anything nears Ruby, she's going to bring out the Essence Pulse cannon and hurt that person. (Uh... within the rights of Friend and Foe that is XD)
[14:21] <~Taurus_II> poor Ruby
[14:21] <~Taurus_II> still sneaking?
[14:21] <~Taurus_II> ooooh
[14:21] <~Taurus_II> maybe the Fiend will run into her
[14:21] <~Taurus_II> yes
[14:21] <Noldarr> lol
[14:21] <~Taurus_II> that is what I will do
[14:21] <Noldarr> that'd be hilarious
[14:21] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> I'm sniping sumethin' XD
[14:22] <Noldarr> she'll think she ran into an adamant land mine
[14:24] <~Taurus_II> okay. Air Immaculate, then Noldarr
[14:25] <~Taurus_II> then Fiend
[14:25] <Noldarr> we act at the same time?
[14:25] <~Taurus_II> all three of you yes
[14:25] <Noldarr> alright
[14:25] <Noldarr> My horse is going to activate its perfect
[14:26] <Noldarr> and I'm going to flurry some Blockade Movement actions along with three attacks
[14:27] <~Taurus_II> .exf 18 x4
[14:27] <Pattern_Spider> Taurus_II rolled [9, 10, 6, 10] successes against TN7
[14:27] <Noldarr> stunting my DV and getting back motes
[14:28] <~Taurus_II> ok
[14:28] <Noldarr> Horse activates its perfect, then it'll activate Blockade Movement to hem her back in towards Nomoe
[14:28] <Noldarr> if possible
[14:28] <Noldarr> or the barn
[14:28] <Noldarr> if not
[14:30] <Noldarr> .exf 33 32 31
[14:30] <Pattern_Spider> Noldarr rolled [21, 18, 20] successes against TN7
[14:30] <Noldarr> and using enemy-castigating solar judgment
[14:30] *** Ziyad has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[14:30] * dakkareth waves
[14:30] <~Taurus_II> hey
[14:30] <dakkareth> 'lo :)
[14:30] <~Taurus_II> welcome
[14:30] <Noldarr> is that lost_arts?
[14:30] <Ziyad> Greetings
[14:30] <~Taurus_II> yes
[14:30] *** Ziyad is now known as Lost_Arts
[14:30] <Noldarr> cool
[14:30] <Lost_Arts> Three guesses who I played in the old game
[14:30] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> hi hi LA!
[14:31] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Not Ziyad. Certainly not him
[14:31] <Lost_Arts> Sorry about my tardiness
[14:31] <~Taurus_II> it's okay
[14:31] <Lost_Arts> Been a crazy day
[14:31] <~Taurus_II> and I forgot to tell you what time we were playing, too
[14:31] <Noldarr> remember to put your character on the wiki!
[14:32] <Lost_Arts> I'll link to her
[14:32] <Lost_Arts> Technically it is just an orphaned page atm
[14:33] <dakkareth> 6pm GMT it is, right? Or 1pm in ... I forgot what timezone exactly.
[14:33] <~Taurus_II> 1pm on the Eastern US coast
[14:33] <~Taurus_II> 11am for me
[14:33] <Lost_Arts> Yeah 6 pm
[14:34] <dakkareth> Good old spread across the world ;)
[14:34] <~Taurus_II> .ex 7
[14:34] <Pattern_Spider> Taurus_II rolled 2 successes against TN 7: [9, 3, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3]
[14:34] <~Taurus_II> hah
[14:34] <~Taurus_II> yeah, she's not getting past Noldarr
[14:34] <Noldarr> lol
[14:34] <~Taurus_II> and Laughing Gust Denial again, to not get hit
[14:34] <~Taurus_II> just on the off chance you get a botch roll Strength/Dex + Ath
[14:34] <Lost_Arts> Shall I poke my nose into the IC thread?
[14:35] <~Taurus_II> if you want
[14:35] <Noldarr> .ex 16
[14:35] <Pattern_Spider> Noldarr rolled 9 successes against TN 7: [4, 7, 8, 4, 5, 8, 4, 10, 9, 1, 4, 7, 6, 4, 10, 3]
[14:35] <Lost_Arts> Also Snow is linked on the wiki now
[14:35] <Noldarr> using supreme perfection, etc
[14:35] <~Taurus_II> yeah
[14:35] *** dakkareth is now known as Nomoe_Hideaki
[14:36] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> There just to show I'm not sitting around doing nothing, I post saying just that XD
[14:36] <Nomoe_Hideaki> combat with 10 Exalted participants is slow
[14:36] <Noldarr> hm
[14:36] <Noldarr> if we can get an unexpected attack on her
[14:36] <Noldarr> maybe she won't have an unexpected-breaker?
[14:36] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Worth a try.
[14:36] <Noldarr> at the very least it'll drain her of essence faster
[14:36] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Though that would best come from Ruby
[14:37] <Noldarr> yeh
[14:37] <Noldarr> if she has a ticklong though we probably aren't gonna get her
[14:37] *** Lost_Arts is now known as Observer
[14:37] <Nomoe_Hideaki> since Nomoe doesn't have the Byakuya-maneuver upgrade for Divine Flash Step yet ;)
[14:38] <~Taurus_II> *adds complication*
[14:38] <Nomoe_Hideaki> note that the fiend is now hemmed in from two sides - Nomoe preventing her from moving away from Noldarr, and the other way around
[14:38] <Nomoe_Hideaki> leaving her really only a two-dimensional space for maneuvering
[14:38] <Nomoe_Hideaki> one-dimensional, if we don#t count up and down
[14:38] <~Taurus_II> but because of how Noldarr moved she can now move away from both of them
[14:39] <~Taurus_II> ...
[14:39] <Noldarr> towards the barn, right?
[14:39] <~Taurus_II> what's the term for a person from the Lap?
[14:39] <Nomoe_Hideaki> his lateral movement shiftes the line she can move on so now it runs through the barn?
[14:39] <Noldarr> a...Southerner?
[14:39] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Laplanders?
[14:39] <Nomoe_Hideaki> :p
[14:39] <Noldarr> a human?
[14:40] <~Taurus_II> yes, toward the barn and the outbuiding, which is now a big hallway thanks to Noldarr hacking through the one wall
[14:40] <Noldarr> hallways have only two exits, so we can block both ends and she'll be unable to use her perfect
[14:41] <Nomoe_Hideaki> so, who's up next?
[14:42] <Nomoe_Hideaki> what's the current initiative order?
[14:42] <Nomoe_Hideaki> had Ruby rolled for Join Battle?
[14:42] <~Taurus_II> hang on hang on
[14:42] <~Taurus_II> I'm adding complications :P
[14:42] <Nomoe_Hideaki> sry
[14:43] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> *Shakes fist at Complications. Then shoots Complications adding intense hate to the ammo XD*
[14:43] * Inkwell shall craft an anti-complications device.
[14:43] <~Taurus_II> oh...
[14:43] <Inkwell> I need to get some crafting in, since I'm the crafter.
[14:43] <~Taurus_II> mortals have to flee from Noldarr, don't they
[14:43] * Nomoe_Hideaki catches complications in mid-air and crushes them to dust
[14:43] <Noldarr> yeah
[14:43] <Noldarr> unless they can make a Difficulty 5 Valour roll
[14:43] <Noldarr> I think
[14:43] <~Taurus_II> Nomoe would -_-
[14:44] <Noldarr> or maybe they just have to flee
[14:44] <Noldarr> lol
[14:44] <Noldarr> Lappites
[14:44] <Nomoe_Hideaki> The warriors of the Lap a Hlapplites?
[14:44] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *are
[14:45] <~Taurus_II> >.<
[14:45] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heh
[14:45] <~Taurus_II> XD
[14:45] <Observer> *snicker*
[14:45] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> heh XD
[14:47] <Noldarr> I don't get it
[14:48] <~Taurus_II> he just got possessed by one of the fake solar demons
[14:48] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Interesting.
[14:49] <~Taurus_II> I know Nomoe won't care
[14:49] <~Taurus_II> but most of the other aren't as heartless :P
[14:49] <~Taurus_II> so let's see
[14:49] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Question: if you hit a possessed mortal with Holy damage, does the mortal take Agg? Or only the dmon?
[14:49] <~Taurus_II> that's a social attack
[14:49] <~Taurus_II> .ex 17
[14:49] <Pattern_Spider> Taurus_II rolled 10 successes against TN 7: [7, 8, 2, 9, 8, 6, 9, 10, 6, 10, 9, 4, 3, 4, 2, 5, 6]
[14:50] <Inkwell> Just toss him up to Inkwell and I'll use some banishing sorcery.
[14:50] <~Taurus_II> and it plays on Compassion
[14:50] <~Taurus_II> compel behavior: let the fiend go
[14:50] <Noldarr> that doesn't even get past my DV
[14:50] <Nomoe_Hideaki> NMI, right?
[14:51] <Noldarr> Can I use one of my attacks to bat him up to inkwell?
[14:51] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Conviction modification means it pings off MDV for Nomoe.
[14:51] <Noldarr> Flat of the blade
[14:51] <~Taurus_II> as for the "who takes Agg" question, the mortal doesn't, but the demon doesn't either, unless you can hit immaterial
[14:51] <Nomoe_Hideaki> And Nomoe Hideaki is not heartless. He just has a strict order of priorities.
[14:52] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Does that conclude the complications cut scene?
[14:52] <Nomoe_Hideaki> And if so, who is up next?
[14:52] <~Taurus_II> no, not quite
[14:52] <Nomoe_Hideaki> ok :)
[14:55] <~Taurus_II> actually, yes
[14:55] <~Taurus_II> *changed mind*
[14:55] <Noldarr> okay
[14:55] <Noldarr> who's up now?
[14:56] <~Taurus_II> .ex 7
[14:56] <Pattern_Spider> Taurus_II rolled 5 successes against TN 7: [2, 10, 2, 9, 10, 5, 2]
[14:56] <~Taurus_II> Water Immaculate
[14:56] <Noldarr> well, this is what happens when you don't use protection, kids
[14:56] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heheh
[14:56] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Don't give the Ebon Dragon a chance!
[14:57] <Inkwell> A Water Immaculate is capable of getting pregnant even with protection, I recall, if you use that Sidereal martial art.
[14:57] <~Taurus_II> Water Immaculate is blockading movement
[14:58] <~Taurus_II> Earth ditto
[14:58] <Noldarr> Inkwell, can your telekinesis hit the fake night caste from range?
[14:58] <Noldarr> she can't block my horse, it has a perfect movement effect
[14:59] <Inkwell> It only has a range of something like (Essence + Willpower).
[15:00] <Inkwell> Aren't you a fair distance away?
[15:00] <Noldarr> hm.
[15:00] <~Taurus_II> that's the charm, right, Nomoe?
[15:00] <Noldarr> I think we're 20m away
[15:00] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Supreme Perfection of Athletics for 4m, recovered from stunt
[15:00] <Noldarr> that might be too far then
[15:00] <Nomoe_Hideaki> .ex 23
[15:00] <Pattern_Spider> Nomoe_Hideaki rolled 11 successes against TN 7: [7, 8, 7, 6, 6, 3, 1, 3, 6, 6, 3, 3, 10, 9, 7, 9, 4, 7, 2, 6, 4, 9, 9]
[15:00] <Nomoe_Hideaki> .ex 23
[15:00] <Pattern_Spider> Nomoe_Hideaki rolled 15 successes against TN 7: [1, 8, 4, 6, 7, 4, 9, 4, 9, 5, 8, 4, 2, 6, 10, 8, 10, 8, 4, 10, 4, 5, 10]
[15:00] <Nomoe_Hideaki> wait
[15:00] <Nomoe_Hideaki> disregard the second roll
[15:00] <~Taurus_II> ok
[15:00] <Nomoe_Hideaki> waiting to see what the Earth Imm rolls first
[15:01] <~Taurus_II> they both try to block you
[15:01] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yeah, but they both need to roll separately, right?
[15:01] <~Taurus_II> .ex 18 x2
[15:01] <Pattern_Spider> invalid syntax - target number has to be an actual number
[15:01] <Nomoe_Hideaki> and if not, then one roll should be enough to overcome one opposing roll, right?
[15:01] <~Taurus_II> .exf 18 x2
[15:01] <Pattern_Spider> Taurus_II rolled [13, 7] successes against TN7
[15:02] <Inkwell> Also, I'm currently being attacked by an Immaculate Master. I mean, I can handle it, but I don't know that I can handle two of those things at once.
[15:02] <Noldarr> grr
[15:02] <~Taurus_II> so one of them blocked Nomoe, 13 < 11
[15:02] <~Taurus_II> >*
[15:02] <Nomoe_Hideaki> those were the block rolls?
[15:02] <~Taurus_II> yes
[15:02] <Noldarr> *considers buying Grass-Cutting Strike to kill all the immaculates at once*
[15:02] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I thought it was the 5 sux previously
[15:02] <Nomoe_Hideaki> anyway
[15:02] <Nomoe_Hideaki> for the second block movement, 2m in ath excellency
[15:03] <Nomoe_Hideaki> .ex 19
[15:03] <Pattern_Spider> Nomoe_Hideaki rolled 5 successes against TN 7: [9, 6, 6, 8, 6, 2, 6, 6, 8, 5, 2, 1, 6, 8, 3, 3, 5, 7, 5]
[15:03] <Nomoe_Hideaki> well, shit.
[15:03] <Nomoe_Hideaki> mmh.
[15:03] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Alright, so now I'm standing before them. Their own fault.
[15:04] *** Noldarr has quit IRC: Disintegrated: irc.magicstar.net
[15:04] *** Noldarr has joined #celestialdeliberativeOOC
[15:04] <Noldarr> last thing I got was
[15:04] <Noldarr> <Nomoe_Hideaki>anyway
[15:05] * Nomoe_Hideaki got stopped by Immaculates.
[15:06] <Nomoe_Hideaki> It's embarrassing :s
[15:06] <Noldarr> hm
[15:06] <Nomoe_Hideaki> For a speedster Athletics-specialist
[15:06] <Nomoe_Hideaki> But, well, underestimating them is totally In Character
[15:06] <Noldarr> take out your rage on them!
[15:06] <Nomoe_Hideaki>
[23:03:38] Nomoe_Hideaki: Alright, so now I'm standing before them. Their own fault.
[15:06] <~Taurus_II> .ex 18
[15:06] <Pattern_Spider> Taurus_II rolled 6 successes against TN 7: [2, 5, 9, 6, 1, 2, 3, 9, 5, 2, 3, 7, 9, 4, 6, 9, 7, 2]
[15:06] <~Taurus_II> yeah, that's a whiff
[15:06] <~Taurus_II> poor Air Aspect
[15:07] <~Taurus_II> he is totally ineffectual
[15:07] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Can't know that, though
[15:07] <Noldarr> well, he made the mistake of
[15:07] <Noldarr> constantly attacking me
[15:07] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Since I have to declare defense before knowing the result.
[15:07] <~Taurus_II> ah
[15:07] <~Taurus_II> I suppose so
[15:07] <Nomoe_Hideaki> PD, moving on
[15:08] <Nomoe_Hideaki> (stunt incoming, but you can continue)
[15:09] <Noldarr> Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby, I don't suppose you could surprise the Fiend with an Essence Cannon to the back?
[15:09] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> If it is tactically available. I shall.
[15:09] <Noldarr> who's up next?
[15:09] <~Taurus_II> Fiend's doing stuf
[15:10] <Noldarr> her Speed is lower than mine?
[15:10] <~Taurus_II> the same
[15:10] <Noldarr> act simultaneously again?
[15:10] <Nomoe_Hideaki> wait ...
[15:10] <~Taurus_II> wait?
[15:11] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Noldarr acted on tick 4 and then tick ... 7? 9?
[15:11] <Nomoe_Hideaki> what tick is it now?
[15:11] <Noldarr> 7
[15:11] <~Taurus_II> no
[15:11] <~Taurus_II> 9
[15:11] <Nomoe_Hideaki> so it's now what, 10?
[15:11] <~Taurus_II> he acted on ticks 3 6 and 9
[15:11] <Noldarr> ah, okay
[15:11] <Nomoe_Hideaki> and it is now ...?
[15:11] <~Taurus_II> it is now 9
[15:11] <Noldarr> okay
[15:11] <Nomoe_Hideaki> ah, ok.
[15:12] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I missed that Noldarr was using the Spd 3 version of his weapon
[15:12] <~Taurus_II> I should say "he hasn't acted yet on 9"
[15:12] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Because if it was the Spd 5 version Nomoe would get to act before Noldarr's third action
[15:12] <Noldarr> He uses the speed 3 by default
[15:12] <Noldarr> for future note
[15:13] <~Taurus_II> Noldarr
[15:13] <Noldarr> yes?
[15:13] <~Taurus_II> roll Perception + Awareness
[15:14] <~Taurus_II> .ex 22
[15:14] <Pattern_Spider> Taurus_II rolled 13 successes against TN 7: [10, 1, 5, 3, 9, 9, 10, 8, 1, 2, 4, 8, 5, 9, 3, 9, 1, 8, 2, 5, 9, 9]
[15:14] <Noldarr> alright
[15:14] <Noldarr> activating supreme perfection, etc
[15:15] <Noldarr> actually
[15:15] <Noldarr> before I activate any more charms
[15:15] <Noldarr> what is this for?
[15:15] <~Taurus_II> checking for unexpectedness
[15:15] <Nomoe_Hideaki> in the IC? Defense stunt.
[15:15] <Noldarr> If it's to detect the "night caste" stabbing his fiance or something, I'll want to channel Compassion
[15:15] <Nomoe_Hideaki> oh, my mistake
[15:15] <Noldarr> is it an unexpected attack on my person?
[15:15] <Noldarr> if so, I use my perfect
[15:16] <~Taurus_II> bah, you're no fun at all
[15:17] <~Taurus_II> :P
[15:17] <Noldarr> hey, don't GM exalted if you expect to ever hit a player =P
[15:18] <Noldarr> it's the system's fault!
[15:18] <Nomoe_Hideaki> hey. The last battle I STed I brought the Lunar into the Dying levels. Three times.
[15:18] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Not that it helped. But still!
[15:18] <Nomoe_Hideaki> :p
[15:18] <Noldarr> well, it's a lunar
[15:18] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Poor Lunar.
[15:18] <Noldarr> replace 'hit' with 'kill'
[15:19] <~Taurus_II> ok, go ahead Noldarr
[15:19] <Noldarr> since lunars can't die evar
[15:19] <Noldarr> invulnerable moonsilver carapace, man
[15:19] <Noldarr> is the fiend within my engagement range?
[15:19] <Noldarr> (60m)
[15:19] <~Taurus_II> um
[15:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> And if they had been a little bit slower they'd been trapped in the Labyrinth with an Ess 5 Abyssal going on Deathlord level power in his domain there. But I disgress.
[15:20] <Noldarr> also, did her attack just kill the "night" caste and the girl?
[15:20] <~Taurus_II> no, it did not
[15:20] <~Taurus_II> despite being impressively large-scale
[15:20] <Noldarr> how'd they escape?
[15:20] <~Taurus_II> it can only be used on one person
[15:20] <Noldarr> Oh, it only attacked me?
[15:20] <~Taurus_II> yes
[15:20] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Ahhhh
[15:20] <~Taurus_II> everybody else still got goosed by shadow-tongues, though.
[15:21] <~Taurus_II> you're just the only one who might maybe have taken any damage from it :P
[15:21] <Nomoe_Hideaki> nah.
[15:21] <Nomoe_Hideaki> PD.
[15:21] <Noldarr> alright, cool
[15:21] <~Taurus_II> it's not an actual attack, Nomoe. There's no need to PD unless you really want to spend the motes
[15:21] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I want to.
[15:21] <~Taurus_II> ok
[15:22] <Noldarr> so, she just tentacle raped her own immaculate friends?
[15:22] <Nomoe_Hideaki> It's undignified to let yourself be touched by icky shaodw stuff created by a Fiend.
[15:22] <Noldarr> they still don't realize that she's anathema?
[15:22] <~Taurus_II> I never said if the Fiend was in engagement range
[15:22] <~Taurus_II> they have presumably been thoroughly mind-fucked.
[15:23] <~Taurus_II> as for "is she in range"...
[15:23] <~Taurus_II> how fast can Noldar and his horse move reflexively?
[15:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> 60 yards move, IIRC?
[15:25] <Noldarr> if an attack is unavoidably large to the point where they can't run out of it, Adorjan's perfect offers no defense, right?
[15:25] <Noldarr> well, his horse is in pursuit mode right now
[15:25] <Noldarr> so it moves as fast as it needs to
[15:26] <~Taurus_II> ah
[15:26] <~Taurus_II> then yes, she obviously is in range
[15:27] <Nomoe_Hideaki> so Noldarr is attacking, despite the threat against the mortal?
[15:28] <~Taurus_II> ... Noldarr also appears to have no Virtue Flaw.
[15:28] <Noldarr> hold up, my internet is crapping out
[15:28] <Noldarr> Taurus_II>how fast can Noldar and his horse move reflexively?
[15:28] <Noldarr> <Noldarr>if an attack is unavoidably large to the point where they can't run out of it, Adorjan's perfect offers no defense, right?
[15:28] <Noldarr> <Noldarr>well, his horse is in pursuit mode right now
[15:28] <Noldarr> <Noldarr>so it moves as fast as it needs to
[15:28] <Nomoe_Hideaki>
[23:26:16] Taurus_II: ah
[15:28] <Nomoe_Hideaki>
[23:26:41] Taurus_II: then yes, she obviously is in range
[15:28] <Nomoe_Hideaki>
[23:27:02] Nomoe_Hideaki: so Noldarr is attacking, despite the threat against the mortal?
[15:28] <~Taurus_II>
[15:25] <Noldarr> if an attack is unavoidably large to the point where they can't run out of it, Adorjan's perfect offers no defense, right?
[15:28] <~Taurus_II> that is incorrect
[15:28] <~Taurus_II>
[15:25] <Noldarr> well, his horse is in pursuit mode right now
[15:25] <Noldarr> so it moves as fast as it needs to
[15:26] <~Taurus_II> ah
[15:26] <~Taurus_II> then yes, she obviously is in range
[15:28] <Noldarr> Hold up, you'll see in a sec
[15:28] <Noldarr> jeez
[15:28] <Noldarr> what's the flaw of Adorjan?
[15:29] <~Taurus_II> you have to be moving fast
[15:29] <~Taurus_II> that's it.
[15:29] <Noldarr> so if I attack the ground and she trips
[15:29] <Noldarr> will my subsequent attacks be able to hit her while she's tripped
[15:29] <~Taurus_II> ... yes.
[15:29] <Noldarr> alright then
[15:29] <Noldarr> I will flurry one attack to knock the boy unconscious
[15:30] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Can you be simultaneously be in range of the Infernal AND the mortal?
[15:30] <~Taurus_II> no.
[15:30] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I thought she'd run past him and onward.
[15:30] <~Taurus_II> that is correct.
[15:30] <~Taurus_II> You attack on or the other.
[15:30] <Noldarr> then one attack on the ground, activating golden destruction cut
[15:30] <Noldarr> then one attack on her, activating enemy-castigating solar judgment and golden destruction cut
[15:30] <Noldarr> That's why I'm using a flurry and not invincible fury of the dawn
[15:30] <Noldarr> Attack, then dash to her, then attack, then attack
[15:30] <~Taurus_II> okay. What's your limit flaw?
[15:31] <Noldarr> Pale Rider Apotheosis
[15:31] <~Taurus_II> it would be nice if that was explained on your sheet somewhere
[15:31] <~Taurus_II> so that I could look it up and know what it did
[15:31] <Noldarr> I thought it was?
[15:32] <~Taurus_II> nope.
[15:32] <~Taurus_II> No Virtue flaw, not limit track
[15:32] <~Taurus_II> just a note that he has "Greater Curse 1"
[15:32] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Unless it's relevant to the current situation that's something to be fixed later on, though. Right?
[15:33] <~Taurus_II> well I can't know if it's relevant if I don't know what it is
[15:33] <~Taurus_II> now can I?
[15:34] <Noldarr> Taurus_II>okay. What's your limit flaw?
[15:34] <Noldarr> <Noldarr>Pale Rider Apotheosis
[15:34] <Noldarr> <Taurus_II>it would be nice if that was explained on your sheet somewhere
[15:34] <Noldarr> <Noldarr>I thought it was?
[15:34] <~Taurus_II>
[15:32] <~Taurus_II> nope.
[15:32] <~Taurus_II> No Virtue flaw, not limit track
[15:32] <~Taurus_II> just a note that he has "Greater Curse 1"
[15:34] <~Taurus_II> stupid thing
[15:35] <Noldarr> alright
[15:36] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Noldarr... beat your connection into submission...
[15:36] <Noldarr> T_T
[15:36] <~Taurus_II> Noldarr, I'm going to rule that you have to suppress Compassion in order to continue pursuing the fiend instead
[15:37] <~Taurus_II> of helping the hapless mortals
[15:37] <Noldarr> My college usually has excellent internet
[15:37] <Noldarr> this is really weird
[15:38] <~Taurus_II> did you get my messages just now, Noldarr?
[15:38] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Your connection is slightly better than mine on bad days XD
[15:38] <Noldarr> .exf 33 32 3
[15:38] <Noldarr> arrgh
[15:38] <Noldarr> .exf 33 32 31
[15:38] <Pattern_Spider> Noldarr rolled [19, 16, 1] successes against TN7
[15:38] <Pattern_Spider> Noldarr rolled [28, 15, 19] successes against TN7
[15:38] <~Taurus_II> *confused*
[15:39] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> He's only getting half of this stuff I'm assume. Either that ... or he's ignoring you XD
[15:39] <~Taurus_II> did you see what I said about having to suppress your compassion?
[15:39] <Noldarr> hm
[15:39] <~Taurus_II> Noldarr, I'm going to rule that you have to suppress Compassion in order to continue pursuing the fiend instead of helping the hapless mortals
[15:39] <Noldarr> It seems that we're not getting about half each other's messages
[15:39] <~Taurus_II> so it seems
[15:40] <Nomoe_Hideaki> :s
[15:40] <Noldarr> <Noldarr>I will flurry one attack to knock the boy unconscious
[15:40] <Noldarr> <Noldarr>then one attack on the ground, activating golden destruction cut
[15:40] <Noldarr> <Noldarr>then one attack on her, activating enemy-castigating solar judgment and golden destruction cut
[15:40] <Noldarr> <Nomoe_Hideaki>Can you be simultaneously be in range of the Infernal AND the mortal?
[15:40] <Noldarr> <Taurus_II>no.
[15:40] <Noldarr> <Nomoe_Hideaki>I thought she'd run past him and onward.
[15:40] <Noldarr> <Taurus_II>that is correct.
[15:40] <Noldarr> <Noldarr>That's why I'm using a flurry and not invincible fury of the dawn
[15:40] <Noldarr> <Taurus_II>You attack on or the other.
[15:40] <Noldarr> <Noldarr>Attack, then dash to her, then attack, then attack
[15:40] <Noldarr> if that is mechanically impossible
[15:40] <~Taurus_II> hm
[15:41] <Noldarr> Then I will instead knock the boy unconscious and use my second attack on the ground
[15:41] <Noldarr> to create a massive pit that she will have to fall into
[15:41] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Seems that it would be relevant to know the Distance Noldarr<->boy, and boy<->fiend
[15:41] <Noldarr> well, I guess it'd be more like a very rough fissure
[15:41] <Nomoe_Hideaki> and then see if the movement is high enough
[15:41] <Noldarr> presumably D between me and the boy is close to zero
[15:42] <~Taurus_II> hmmm
[15:42] <Noldarr> and between me and the fiend is...however much she's run in this span
[15:42] <~Taurus_II> Noldarr has the perfect movement thing doesn't he
[15:42] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I thought you were in pursuit mode and thus always on her heels
[15:42] <Nomoe_Hideaki> so when she left the boy behind so would you
[15:42] <Noldarr> No, I haven't acted yet
[15:42] <Nomoe_Hideaki> this was before your action
[15:42] <Nomoe_Hideaki> between the complication addition and now, the reflexive movement every tick
[15:43] <~Taurus_II> he could disable it though
[15:43] <Noldarr> If I were in pursuit mode, I would drop out to deal with the boy first
[15:43] <~Taurus_II> ok.
[15:43] <~Taurus_II> and that was for your attack?
[15:43] <Noldarr> <Pattern_Spider>Noldarr rolled [28, 15, 19] successes against TN7
[15:43] <Noldarr> this one, yeah
[15:43] <~Taurus_II> ok
[15:43] <Nomoe_Hideaki> can you switch it off, then on again?
[15:43] <~Taurus_II> yes, he can.
[15:44] <Noldarr> yes, it's reflexive
[15:44] <Nomoe_Hideaki> and no cost, I assume. That's pretty hardcore :)
[15:44] <Noldarr> yup
[15:44] <~Taurus_II> Okay... in what way is Noldarr attacking the boy?
[15:45] <~Taurus_II> flat of the blade?
[15:45] <Noldarr> flat of the blade, knocking him unconscious
[15:45] <Noldarr> I'll pull the blow enough that he won't die from it, but it will have haymaker force
[15:45] <~Taurus_II> remember he's not an essence user
[15:45] <Noldarr> just in case the demon is stronger than it looks
[15:46] <~Taurus_II> hm
[15:46] <Noldarr> grr
[15:46] <Inkwell> Once again Inkwell finds himself in the wrong place to use the magic he's actually good at!
[15:46] <Noldarr> If there's absolutely no way to not kill him with that attack
[15:46] <~Taurus_II> with a roll that high, it'd still roll over into lethal levels
[15:46] <Inkwell> Leave demons to your official demonologist!
[15:46] <Noldarr> I suppose I'll use defeat equals friendship
[15:46] <~Taurus_II> I was going to suggest that
[15:46] <Noldarr> to ensure that it doesn't kill him
[15:47] <~Taurus_II> *nod*
[15:47] <Noldarr> alright, cool
[15:47] <~Taurus_II> *waits for IC awesome*
[15:50] <~Taurus_II> *ponders how cruel he wants to be*
[15:50] <~Taurus_II> are you attack the ground/fiend now?
[15:52] <Noldarr> alright, stunt done!
[15:52] <~Taurus_II> I see
[15:52] <~Taurus_II> very nice
[15:53] <~Taurus_II> if I wasn't the ST, I'd nominate it
[15:53] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> I'd nominate but his connection leaves me miffed so -4! :p
[15:53] <~Taurus_II> :P
[15:54] <~Taurus_II> (should I take that as a nomination in seriousness, tho?)
[15:54] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Ya ya it is, sadly.
[15:54] <Nomoe_Hideaki> seconded
[15:54] <Noldarr> oh, I'm channeling Compassion into the attack on the Fiend, btw
[15:54] <~Taurus_II> ok
[15:55] <~Taurus_II> charms applied?
[15:55] <Noldarr> Noldarr>oh, I'm channeling Compassion into the attack on the Fiend, btw
[15:55] <Noldarr> enemy-castigating solar judgment, Golden Destruction Cut
[15:55] <~Taurus_II> I saw that
[15:55] <Noldarr> cool
[15:56] <~Taurus_II> ok
[15:57] <~Taurus_II> hmmm
[15:58] <~Taurus_II> I'm going to model the effects of the groundsplitting thing with the Earth Dragon charm, ok?
[15:58] <~Taurus_II> Roll Strength + Melee
[15:58] <Noldarr> alright
[15:58] <Noldarr> one sec
[15:58] <Noldarr> .ex 26
[15:59] <Pattern_Spider> Noldarr rolled 10 successes against TN 7: [6, 9, 2, 3, 6, 4, 6, 1, 9, 4, 3, 2, 4, 10, 3, 9, 9, 5, 9, 5, 10, 6, 6, 5, 9, 5]
[15:59] <Noldarr> and I'll also channel Compassion for this one
[15:59] <Noldarr> because Noldarr is REALLY pissed
[16:00] <~Taurus_II> so +5 successes?
[16:00] <Noldarr> yeah
[16:02] <~Taurus_II> hmmm
[16:03] <~Taurus_II> if I let it succeed, what will be done with her?
[16:04] <Nomoe_Hideaki> she gets the rest of the flurry?
[16:04] <Noldarr> well, Noldarr doesn't kill people
[16:04] <Noldarr> even people he hates
[16:05] <~Taurus_II> ok
[16:05] <~Taurus_II> I'll let you catch her then
[16:05] <Noldarr> yayness
[16:11] <Nomoe_Hideaki> what tick is it now?
[16:11] <~Taurus_II> tick 10
[16:11] <~Taurus_II> and god don't they take forever?
[16:11] <Noldarr> ooh, nice irony
[16:11] <Noldarr> right after Noldarr said that, too
[16:11] <Nomoe_Hideaki> can the demon already act again?
[16:11] <Noldarr> oh, that's true
[16:11] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I thought it acted last on tick 7 or so?
[16:11] <~Taurus_II> hmmm
[16:12] <~Taurus_II> good call
[16:12] <Noldarr> it used social combat somewhere between ticks 6 and 9
[16:12] <Noldarr> social combat is speed 5?
[16:12] <Nomoe_Hideaki> between 4 and 6
[16:12] <~Taurus_II> ok, that doesn't happen yet
[16:12] <~Taurus_II> tick 11
[16:13] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Inkwell!
[16:13] <~Taurus_II> .exf 17 x4
[16:13] <Pattern_Spider> Taurus_II rolled [7, 7, 6, 11] successes against TN7
[16:13] <Nomoe_Hideaki> (and when does Ruby act?)
[16:14] <~Taurus_II> (Ruby can act whenever she wants, at this point)
[16:14] <~Taurus_II> Wood Aspect used Arrows! It's super-ineffective!
[16:14] <Noldarr> it's not very effective...
[16:14] <Inkwell> Does she put the bow down?
[16:14] <~Taurus_II> is that a social attack?
[16:14] <Noldarr> Inkwell uses FIRE BLAST
[16:14] <Noldarr> FIRE > WOOD
[16:14] <Noldarr> IT'S
[16:14] <Noldarr> SUPER-EFFECTIVE
[16:15] <Inkwell> No, I just want her to surrender because she clearly isn't going to win.
[16:15] <~Taurus_II> that sounds like a social attack to me.
[16:15] <Noldarr> she's an immaculate master!
[16:15] <Inkwell> Nay! It's pure logic!
[16:16] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> lol
[16:16] <Noldarr> hm, could you imagine if Immaculate training were like pokemon
[16:16] <~Taurus_II> no, it's definitely a social attack
[16:16] <Inkwell> I refuse to use suasion! Because I suck at that!
[16:16] <Noldarr> Ash: I'll be the greatest Fire Immaculate Master of All Time!
[16:16] <Inkwell> Also it would take another ten minutes to resolve!
[16:16] <Inkwell> So I'll just assume she doesn't.
[16:16] <Noldarr> Misty: Water
[16:16] <~Taurus_II> that works
[16:16] <Noldarr> Brock: Earth
[16:16] <Inkwell> Anyway, I've stunted my defense to get four motes back.
[16:16] <Noldarr> wow, that works surprisingly well
[16:16] <~Taurus_II> who would Team Rocket be?
[16:17] <Noldarr> ANATHEMA
[16:17] <Noldarr> Meowth is obviously a cat totem lunar
[16:17] <Noldarr> jesse and james are his Retainers
[16:18] <Noldarr> and Giovanni is a crazy despotic solar
[16:18] <~Taurus_II> makes sense to me
[16:18] <Noldarr> with a different cat totem lunar (Persian) as his mate
[16:18] <~Taurus_II> *waits to see Inkwell's rolls*
[16:18] <Noldarr> he even does crazy solar experiments
[16:18] <Noldarr> like making Mewtwo!
[16:18] <Inkwell> I'll make another four-attack flurry with Mind-Hand, and add eight dice to each attack, for a total cost of three motes.
[16:19] <Inkwell> .exf 23 22 21 20
[16:19] <Pattern_Spider> Inkwell rolled [11, 6, 9, 15] successes against TN7
[16:19] <~Taurus_II> last one hit
[16:19] <Inkwell> What's her DV?
[16:19] <~Taurus_II> low enough :P
[16:19] <Inkwell> It's not a secret! Transparency!
[16:20] <Noldarr> She doesn't stand a chance anyway
[16:20] <~Taurus_II> 12 to start with
[16:20] <~Taurus_II> well
[16:20] <~Taurus_II> 11 actually
[16:20] <Inkwell> -2 thanks to Unseen Force Application.
[16:20] <~Taurus_II> *keeps forgetting action penalties*
[16:20] <Inkwell> So the first and last ones should hit.
[16:21] <Inkwell> For 5L and 11L dice, respectively.
[16:22] <~Taurus_II> ok
[16:22] <~Taurus_II> *doesn't bother waiting for rolls*
[16:23] <~Taurus_II> as this has gone on quite long already
[16:23] <Inkwell> Do I roll damage or do you, usually?
[16:23] <Noldarr> players roll
[16:23] <Inkwell> I don't actually remember because I have yet to actually do any.
[16:23] <Inkwell> .ex 16
[16:23] <Pattern_Spider> Inkwell rolled 8 successes against TN 7: [1, 7, 1, 5, 3, 10, 1, 3, 10, 6, 7, 7, 6, 4, 7, 6]
[16:23] <Inkwell> You will be incapacitated now!
[16:23] <~Taurus_II> yup
[16:23] <Noldarr> man, we have Sooooooo many prisoners
[16:23] <~Taurus_II> we'll just say she soaked the dice that didn't come up successes
[16:24] <Noldarr> lol
[16:24] <Noldarr> ten DBs, all E4+
[16:24] <Noldarr> that's like a small army right there
[16:24] <Noldarr> and a celestial
[16:24] <Observer> Well that was definitely a mistake the Wood Immaculate won't be making again?
[16:25] <~Taurus_II> what say we handwave the rest of the Immaculate being defeated?
[16:25] <Noldarr> please do
[16:25] <~Taurus_II> which leaves only the shadow demon possessing the girl to kill the boy out of spite
[16:25] <Nomoe_Hideaki> hey
[16:25] <Noldarr> though if someone wants to stunt their epic defeat of the DBs
[16:25] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I'm typing
[16:26] <~Taurus_II> oh
[16:26] <~Taurus_II> sorry
[16:26] <Noldarr> speak of the devil
[16:26] <Inkwell> I might as well just show up and use Banishment.
[16:26] <Nomoe_Hideaki> was waiting for my action, but if we're going to wave this away I might as well post it now
[16:26] <Nomoe_Hideaki> did it cut off anywhere?
[16:26] <Inkwell> Oh, hey, Banishment has a range of 45 yards!
[16:27] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Just as well. Hideaki can prevent the demon from doing anything, but not damage or banish it.
[16:28] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> So what targets remain? None?
[16:28] <~Taurus_II> none, alas
[16:28] <~Taurus_II> sorry Ruby
[16:28] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> No problem.
[16:28] <~Taurus_II> you took out one of the Immacualtes
[16:29] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> I'm an the still the sneakiest, sneak here.
[16:29] <Nomoe_Hideaki> The water aspect might survive my attacks with BDD if he has it ...
[16:29] <~Taurus_II> he does but I don't feel like playing it out
[16:29] <Nomoe_Hideaki> the earth aspect ... unlikely. That is without that houserule.
[16:29] <Inkwell> Heh. I spent more motes on the cleanup than I did on the fight.
[16:32] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I assume there are no more DBs, Fiends or mortal Purists in the area?
[16:33] <~Taurus_II> None, and no witnesses this time, either
[16:33] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Apart from the two mortals.
[16:33] <~Taurus_II> well, yes.
[16:33] <~Taurus_II> Noldarr would take exception if you tried to execute them, though.
[16:34] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Heh.
[16:34] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Why would I?
[16:34] <~Taurus_II> oh
[16:35] <~Taurus_II> there were some documents in the outbuilding
[16:35] <Noldarr> yay
[16:35] <Noldarr> incriminating evidence!
[16:35] <~Taurus_II> more like "propaganda comics in progress"
[16:35] <Noldarr> ^_^
[16:35] <~Taurus_II> even assuming they get and send incriminating messages and directives
[16:35] <~Taurus_II> they'd have been burnt
[16:36] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Is Ruby visible again?
[16:36] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Nope. XD
[16:36] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Heh.
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[16:37] * Nomoe_Hideaki sighs
[16:37] <Nomoe_Hideaki> That Speed 3 is seriously annoying.
[16:38] <~Taurus_II> what is?
[16:38] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Especially if it means that I get to act once while Noldarr gets to act four times.
[16:38] <~Taurus_II> oh
[16:38] <~Taurus_II> yes
[16:38] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Though of course the Join Battle was part of that.
[16:38] <~Taurus_II> mhm
[16:39] <Noldarr> Sorry T_T
[16:40] <Inkwell> I guess Inkwell got to move twice in the initiative order and then cheated a third action.
[16:40] <Inkwell> Next story let's not fight anything! We'll solve all our problems with friendship and calligraphy!
[16:41] <~Taurus_II> heh
[16:42] <~Taurus_II> oh yess
[16:42] <~Taurus_II> this is the end of a story, isn't it
[16:45] <Noldarr> 'cause I forgot I could do that
[16:45] <Noldarr> =D
[16:45] <~Taurus_II> heh
[16:45] <~Taurus_II> ok, so
[16:46] <~Taurus_II> 8 XP for the session, 10 XP for the story, and Noldarr gets an extra for his awesome stunt
[16:46] <~Taurus_II> Noldarr is the new Segev, in that regard
[16:46] <Noldarr> what's a Segev?
[16:46] <~Taurus_II> a player in the old game who got a lot of 3-die stunts
[16:47] <~Taurus_II> he played the 11-yr-old hummingbird Lunar
[16:47] <~Taurus_II> from the streets of Nexus
[16:47] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Well yeah, he has 2-4 times the opportunities ;)
[16:47] <~Taurus_II> heh
[16:47] <Inkwell> Time for the delight that is custom Charms!
[16:47] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Noldarr, that is.
[16:48] <~Taurus_II> so what do you guys want to do with all your prisoners?
[16:48] <Nomoe_Hideaki> short term or long term?
[16:48] <~Taurus_II> either or both
[16:48] <Noldarr> I think we should keep the Fiend knocked out until we can figure a way to keep her our prisoner
[16:49] <Nomoe_Hideaki> it's the fiend, right?
[16:49] <~Taurus_II> yes, it is
[16:49] <Nomoe_Hideaki> not some akuma misdirecting us away from the *real* fiend. ..
[16:50] <Nomoe_Hideaki> short term: imprisonment, interrogation
[16:50] <Nomoe_Hideaki> long term: deprogramming the Purist DBs, using them against remaining cells if possible
[16:50] <~Taurus_II> her disguise as an Air Aspect is still up; Inkwell can't recognize her until it goes away
[16:51] <Nomoe_Hideaki> make sure they give official testimony - to spread around - that the Purist movement was infiltrated and used by Infernals
[16:51] <Noldarr> oh, it lasts when they're knocked out?
[16:51] <Noldarr> Hm...is it Sorcerous or something?
[16:51] <Noldarr> ooh, good idea Nomoe
[16:51] <Nomoe_Hideaki> and with the fiend, that depends on what she has to tell us
[16:52] <~Taurus_II> no, it's not sorcerous. Do commitments fade when you get knocked out?
[16:52] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Eventually she should be tried before the Deliberative and ideally put into stasis to keep her imprisoned without possibility of escape by her own power.
[16:52] <Noldarr> I don't think they do, okay, that makes sense
[16:52] <Nomoe_Hideaki> How much of that should be off-screen, how much on.screen?
[16:53] <Noldarr> Well, if we can turn her to our cause we should
[16:53] <Noldarr> It likely won't work but it does take a lot of ED charms to be fully immune to our UMI
[16:53] <~Taurus_II> <.<
[16:53] <~Taurus_II> *has a custom ED Charm on her*
[16:54] <~Taurus_II> basically an ED-ified version of Elusive Dream Defense
[16:54] <Noldarr> a triple agent would be nice
[16:54] <Nomoe_Hideaki> DBs that can't be turned to our cause we'll give back to Luyu to punish as she sees fit
[16:54] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Taurus, that's ok. I plan on taking Thunder Breaks the Clouds.
[16:54] <~Taurus_II> I'm fine to leave the treatment of the DBs offscreen
[16:55] <Nomoe_Hideaki> question: where will we start next session? Continue from here but skip stuff that's off screen? Or timeskip, change of location?
[16:55] <~Taurus_II> the Fiend likewise, since I plan on having her escape at some point.
[16:56] <~Taurus_II> I'm thinking timeskip and change of location
[16:56] <~Taurus_II> there will be some downtime
[16:56] <~Taurus_II> in between
[16:56] <Inkwell> I guess I'll use my XPs to buy Crystal-Fire Barrier Technique and Ascendant Objectivity Stance so I don't have to keep levitating myself places.
[16:56] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Ok. In that case ...
[16:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> we'll need the (relevant) intelligence we'll gain from DBs and Fiend
[16:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> relevant to the game that is, we can say that other useful intelligence that is not relevant to the game will simply be turned over to the Deliberative and that's that.
[16:57] <~Taurus_II> right
[16:58] <Nomoe_Hideaki> in particular stuff relating to the infiltration of the Purist movement, the Fiend's agenda, their knowledge of other Reclamation agents, knowledge about the Empress, ...
[16:58] <~Taurus_II> *imagines the fiend creating a prison economy based on her comics*
[16:58] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Solitary confinement for her.
[16:58] <~Taurus_II> heh
[16:59] <~Taurus_II> "That's okay. I'll just talk to my coadjutor."
[16:59] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Watches at all times by a Celestial Exalt ... oh wait, that could go wrong.
[16:59] <Noldarr> keep her unconscious except when we need her!
[16:59] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yeah
[16:59] <Nomoe_Hideaki> that's better
[16:59] <Noldarr> also essence-draining shackles
[16:59] <Noldarr> the four dot version
[16:59] <~Taurus_II> ... Oooooooh
[17:00] <~Taurus_II> *has plot idea*
[17:00] <Nomoe_Hideaki> we'll also need to know how many of the Dbs can - in time - come to "see the light", so to speak.
[17:00] <Noldarr> lol
[17:01] <Nomoe_Hideaki> And how many will need to be executed (or whatever Luyu wants to do with them - she IS the local authority after all, even if she agreed to extradite the prisoners to us, and it's only polite to return them if they are useless to us)
[17:04] <~Taurus_II> *nod*
[17:05] <Noldarr> fiend castes can swear oaths, right?
[17:05] <Noldarr> Like Eclipses?
[17:05] <Noldarr> We might be able to get info out of her that way, if social combat is totally ineffective
[17:05] <Noldarr> do they have a different consequence for breaking the oath?
[17:05] <~Taurus_II> it's pretty much the same
[17:05] <Inkwell> Fiends can use their anima to break the oath without consequences, though.
[17:05] <~Taurus_II> true
[17:05] <Inkwell> Which is admittedly kind of silly.
[17:06] <Noldarr> without consequences?!
[17:07] <Noldarr> how does that work?
[17:07] <~Taurus_II> magic
[17:07] <Noldarr> no, I mean
[17:07] <Noldarr> who gets the botches if they don't?
[17:07] <~Taurus_II> nobody.
[17:07] <Noldarr> wow
[17:07] <~Taurus_II> unless the Eclipse has the upgrade that inflicts them on Ebby
[17:08] <Noldarr> is that a charm?
[17:08] <~Taurus_II> yeah
[17:08] <Inkwell> While the Fiend commits motes to you with his anima you can break Eclipse oaths all you like.
[17:09] <Inkwell> The consequences hit the Ebon Dragon, who is immune to the oathswearing power.
[17:09] <Inkwell> Unless the Eclipse upgrades his anima with the Charm from Glories, in which case the oaths //do// affect the Ebon Dragon and he starts collecting botches.
[17:09] <Observer> Which is hilarious.
[17:09] <Noldarr> hm.
[17:10] <Noldarr> That could be _exceedingly_ valuable
[17:10] <Noldarr> Trap 'em in an oath they gotta break, then make the ED accumulate botches
[17:10] <Noldarr> he screws up his roll to marry the Scarlet Empress
[17:10] <Noldarr> BAM
[17:10] <Noldarr> plan ended
[17:10] <Nomoe_Hideaki> heh
[17:10] <Nomoe_Hideaki> mmmhmhh
[17:10] <Nomoe_Hideaki> looks up the prereqs
[17:11] <~Taurus_II> well, I had better get going
[17:11] <Noldarr> lol
[17:11] <Noldarr> returning to the inn kinda sounds like D&D
[17:11] <Observer> Essence 4, Integrity 2
[17:12] <~Taurus_II> and you know, now that there aren't any more cells in the Lap, you have no reason to not go hang at the palace
[17:12] <Observer> And IPP
[17:12] <Observer> I think
[17:12] <Noldarr> you mean the cells are full and we have nowhere to put these DBs and the Fiend?
[17:12] <Nomoe_Hideaki> huh, thought I already had IPP, but not so
[17:12] <Observer> Actually nope I'm wrong it is Righteous Lion
[17:12] <Noldarr> if that's so, then I really will have to keep them in my room and knock them out every 8 hours
[17:12] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Righteous Lion Defense actually
[17:13] <~Taurus_II> there's room at the dungeon for them
[17:13] <~Taurus_II> I'm just saying, you don't have to hide your nature as Celestials anymore, which is the reason you went to the inn instead of asking Luyu to provide rooms for you in the palace
[17:13] <Noldarr> The fiend, at least, I'm not going to trust in the dungeon
[17:13] <Noldarr> ah okay
[17:13] <Noldarr> but but
[17:13] <Nomoe_Hideaki> True. However, asking would be impolite.
[17:13] <Noldarr> we paid for it
[17:14] <Nomoe_Hideaki> So Nomoe at most would bring the fact that they don#t have to hide anymore up in conversation ... ;)
[17:14] <~Taurus_II> true
[17:14] <Nomoe_Hideaki> If she offers, swell. if not, well, the hotel wasn't bad.
[17:14] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Though of course he'll remember it, if she ever visits Sanken ;)
[17:14] <Noldarr> there are a lot of memories in that hotel
[17:14] <Noldarr> swan dragon's memories
[17:15] <Noldarr> was swan dragon session 1 or session 2?
[17:15] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> 2
[17:15] <Noldarr> right, session 1 we were still on the Isle
[17:17] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I assume you'll answer the questions above next session, Taurus?
[17:17] <~Taurus_II> yes, I will
[17:17] <Noldarr> soo
[17:17] <Noldarr> okay
[17:18] <Inkwell> Now I must flee, to do studies.
[17:18] <Inkwell> Next time I will transcend my base movement rate and become Silver Surfer.
[17:18] <Nomoe_Hideaki> With what Charm?
[17:19] <Noldarr> sometime before the next session
[17:19] <Noldarr> We get the info about the DBs and Fiend
[17:19] <Noldarr> and where we're starting next session?
[17:19] <~Taurus_II> I'm thinking back on the Blessed Isle
[17:19] <Inkwell> Ascendent Objectivity Stance.
[17:19] *** Inkwell has quit IRC: Disintegrated: Leaving
[17:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> SWLIHN?
[17:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> ah, well
[17:20] <Noldarr> arrgh
[17:20] <Noldarr> this connection
[17:20] <Nomoe_Hideaki> if we are to give our report to certain important people IC, it would be good to have those answers before the session to prepare
[17:20] <~Taurus_II> ok
[17:20] <Noldarr> is pissing me off so much
[17:20] <~Taurus_II> of course
[17:20] <~Taurus_II> you'll get them
[17:20] <Noldarr> are we actually giving the report?
[17:21] <Noldarr> I'm terrible at giving reports IRL =p
[17:21] <~Taurus_II> I was gonna just have that happen offscreen during downtime
[17:21] <Nomoe_Hideaki> we can skip right to discussing it afterwards
[17:21] <Nomoe_Hideaki> or something
[17:21] <~Taurus_II> or something
[17:21] <~Taurus_II> anyway
[17:21] <~Taurus_II> I must be off
[17:21] * Nomoe_Hideaki will of course write the official version for the group
[17:21] <Nomoe_Hideaki> (well, he at least thinks that it should obviously be him)
[17:22] * Noldarr probably doesn't even know that there is a written report
[17:22] * Nomoe_Hideaki waves to Taurus
[17:22] <Noldarr> though, Inkwell would probably submit a memo
[17:22] <Observer> Cya Taurus
[17:22] <Noldarr> cya Tauruss
[17:22] *** Observer is now known as Lost_Arts
[17:23] <Noldarr> Lost_Arts, your character has a hatred of Sidereals?
[17:23] <Noldarr> That's great, my character has an ally who's a Sidereal. =D
[17:23] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Good thing none of the PCs are XD
[17:23] <~Taurus_II> next session will also be the introduction of Lost_Arts' character
[17:23] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> ah forgot about that. XD
[17:23] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Yeah, but she hasn't ever appeared in the game
[17:23] <Lost_Arts> That should be interesting
[17:23] <Noldarr> she's very inconspicuous
[17:23] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Oh supposedly she lies about in the background somewhere.
[17:23] <Nomoe_Hideaki> she does?
[17:23] <Nomoe_Hideaki> seriously?
[17:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *eyebrow lift*
[17:24] <Lost_Arts> Which she are you talking about?
[17:24] <Noldarr> my Ally
[17:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Sidereal ally
[17:24] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Noldarr's Sidereal Ally.
[17:24] <Lost_Arts> Just checking
[17:24] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> snap. I'm slow
[17:24] <Lost_Arts> Nice to see everyone on the same page
[17:24] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> hehe
[17:24] <Noldarr> We talked about this last game, remember Nomoe
[17:24] <Noldarr> Cowboy was asking about her
[17:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> since she has no speaking parts and hasn't ever been mentioned as present, I consider her absent
[17:25] <~Taurus_II> that pesky Arcane Fate :P
[17:25] <Noldarr> lol
[17:25] <~Taurus_II> "Guys I'm right here"
[17:25] <~Taurus_II> "
[17:25] <~Taurus_II> Who?"
[17:25] <Noldarr> Well, I would speak for her
[17:25] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Perhaps ... though if you want her to be present, you should mention that IC
[17:25] <~Taurus_II> "Did you guys hear something?"
[17:25] <Nomoe_Hideaki> absent that ...
[17:25] <Noldarr> But I thought that Allies were independant of the character
[17:25] <Noldarr> so Taurus would speak for her if she ever had anything to say
[17:25] <Nomoe_Hideaki> yeah well, she's only a Sidereal. Can be safely ignored, right?
[17:26] <Lost_Arts> *Growl*
[17:26] <Nomoe_Hideaki> There hasn't been any time in history when ignoring Sidereals has led to a bad outcome :D
[17:26] <Noldarr> Is it okay if I speak for her, the?
[17:26] <Noldarr> then*
[17:26] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Why does Lost_Arts growl?
[17:26] <Noldarr> his character doesn't like Siddies
[17:27] <Nomoe_Hideaki> I thought it might be something less obvious.
[17:27] <~Taurus_II> Noldarr can speak for her, yes
[17:27] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Mmh, should I get a DB ally?
[17:27] <Lost_Arts> My character wouldn't actually growl
[17:27] <Noldarr> get 10!
[17:27] <Noldarr> It's only 2 dots per DB
[17:27] <Lost_Arts> I on the other hand
[17:27] <~Taurus_II> there are 10 DBs conveniently available to choose from :P
[17:27] <Nomoe_Hideaki> well, we are in the OOC channel, so that's ok :D
[17:28] <Noldarr> lol
[17:28] <Noldarr> at 6xp each, they're a bargin
[17:28] <Noldarr> gain*
[17:28] <~Taurus_II> speaking of which
[17:28] <Shadow_Phoenix_Ruby> Ruby needs no allies. XD
[17:28] <~Taurus_II> I need to figure out their actual full stats
[17:28] <Nomoe_Hideaki> But all ... damaged. In some cases damaged by us :p.
[17:28] <Noldarr> lol
[17:28] <~Taurus_II> since you talked about taking the Fire and Water as Allies, Moldarr
[17:29] <Noldarr> damage can be cured
[17:29] <Noldarr> we have Inkwell
[17:29] <Nomoe_Hideaki> but seriously, without knowing anything about them except caste and style, that's hard to do.
[17:29] <Noldarr> yeah, I decided against it Taurus
[17:29] <~Taurus_II> oh ok
[17:29] <Lost_Arts> By the way do I start at the same xp as the others?
[17:29] <Nomoe_Hideaki> You'd have to chose someone your character can trust.
[17:29] <Lost_Arts> I've been assuming I do
[17:29] <~Taurus_II> yes, Lost
[17:29] <Noldarr> Noldarr, unfortunately, has no problem trusting people he ought not
[17:29] <Noldarr> =P
[17:29] <Lost_Arts> Yay, 18xp to spend
[17:30] <~Taurus_II> okay
[17:30] <~Taurus_II> now I am really truly going
[17:30] <Nomoe_Hideaki> so, do you want to give a three word description or so of all the DBs? Or should we define that if we take them as ally?
[17:30] <~Taurus_II> um
[17:30] <Lost_Arts> Cya
[17:30] <~Taurus_II> you guys can do that