Diamanti Rebuk't
Diamanti Rebuk't[edit]
Diamanti Rebuk't (dee-ah-MAHN-tee re-BYOOKT; she/they) is a tall feminine Elf with skin like polished gunmetal and hair like incredibly fine iron wire, dressed like the lead singer of a Goth power metal band. They have a case of "resting poker face" and a metallic echo to their unusually deep voice, both of which make them rather intimidating even when returning a child's dropped doll or asking for another helping of cheese. For defense Diamanti carries a slender but sturdy outsized needle, like something out of a grim fairy tale, and a pair of dragonfly-shaped throwing irons.
- Calling: Soothsayer
- Rank 2 (XP 7/12)
- Species: Elf
- Homeland: Wistful Dark
- History: Murk Dweller
- Languages: Low Speech, Dream Call
My history grants me a Minor Bonus (+2) on...
- Dealing with the odd and arcane.
- A working knowledge of magic.
- Keeping calm in odd situations.
- Might 7 (Base 7)
- Deftness 9 (Base 9)
- Grit 10 (Base 10)
- Insight 7 (Base 7)
- Aura 8 (Base 8)
Quirks: Ferrous
- Naked Defense Rating is 14.
- Immune to Ballooned.
- Suffer a Snag when attempting to do anything where excessive body mass is a limiting factor.
- Suffer a Minor Penalty (-2) on all Aura rolls related to charm or persuasion.
- Does not need to roll to avoid Fatigue when traveling during the Blazing Garden.
Ageless: I never age beyond my physical prime, and am immune to effects that force aging.
Immortal Ego: I am immune to the Putrefied Ailment.
Fitful Sleep: Once per game session I can ask the GM for clues on anything puzzling me about my adventure. For example, the location of a nemesis or the answer to a perplexing riddle. This secret or clue is chosen by the GM and appears as a fully formed thought in my Mind.
Dire Divination: I can tap a reflective surface once, and demand to see a particular person or object. The surface must be larger than my hand but no taller than myself, such as a mirror, window, or puddle.
- Requires a Grit check to see an object, or a Grit contest vs. target's Aura to see a person or creature.
- Success: I can see or hear my target and the immediate area around them for a few minutes. If I have a Social Bond with the target, we may talk to each other, though only I can hear their words.
- Failure: The view is clouded. A second try at Divination cannot be attempted for another 24 hours.
- An individual surface may be used for Divination once every 24 hours.
Seer Kasnah: I can summon Seer Kasnah as 1 Action, requiring a Grit check.
- Success: I see whatever Kasnah sees from her vantage point in the sky. Kasnah can be directed to any point within shouting distance
- Kasnah has Defense Rating 12, Speed Rating Average, and vanishes if struck.
- Failure: Kasnah does not appear. I am blinded for 1 turn, and Kasnah ignores further summoning requests for 1 hour.
Squire Marlow: I can summon Squire Marlow as 1 Action, requiring a Grit check.
- Success: Marlow appears and carries out a single task I give him, something that he can complete in a few minutes. He will attempt to accomplish his task with competence and endeavor.
- In a Fight, Marlow performs as a Custrel (rulebook p. 186) equipped with a Quick weapon.
- Marlow vanishes at the completion of his task, or if reduced to 0 Hearts. He must be summoned again if I wish to make further use of his services.
- Failure: Marlow gently refuses my request and promptly vanishes. He cannot be called again for 24 hours.
Social Bonds & Reputations[edit]
- Allegiance: Dark 1
- Gifts:
- Hearts: 2
- Base 2
- Injuries: none
- Defense Rating: 15 (Base 10)
- Speed Rating: Average
Attack Bonus:
- Quick ( Attack +0, Quick Weapon, bonuses: 0, extra damage: 22, abilities: Darting Style (+1 to Defense Rating)
- Iron Dragonfly, Attack +0, Thrown Weapon, bonuses: 0, extra damage: 22, range: 1 Battlefield Area away, loading time: must retrieve, abilities: Hidden Fangs
- If target isn't aware of the Thrown Weapon, may attempt to Ambush them even when in plain sight
- Target must be in range, but otherwise this works like a normal Ambush (p.252)
- If Ambush is successful, others using Concealed or Thrown weapons can join in the Ambush
Retrieving items takes 2 Actions from a Backpack and 1 Action from a Traveler's Bag
Worn Outfit: Functional Outfit
Inventory Slots: 13 (additional slots: +3 Traveler's Bag)
- 8 filled, 5 available
Starting Gear:
- Quick Weapon “duelist's needle" - 1 slot
- Solvent x2 units, “ash elm sap” - 2 slots
Purchased Gear:
- 2 throwing weapons - 2 slots
- Traveler’s Bag +3 slots
- 1 torches (1 slots)
- 3 rations, 2 treats (5/10 slot)
- 28 coins, 87 stones (1 slot)
- Stones: 87
- Coins: 8
- Gems: