BREAK!!: Nightmare Over Ragged Hollow

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Player Characters[edit]

Character Species + Calling Native Plane Played by Defense Hearts Injuries Speed Allegiance Quirk
Jet Chthonios Native Human Champion Buried Kingdom Funkadelic 14/15 3/3 Average Unaligned Mage Breaker: Aura Check/Contest vs magical effects
Apricot Ziggurat Bio-Mechanoid Battle Princess Wistful Dark The Wyzard 14 3/3 Average Unaligned (Bright 1) Buster Arm: Bright damage energy cannon, can be powered by Heart
Natsumi Rai-Neko Murder Princess Buried Kingdom Falkus 14 3/3 Average Unaligned (Dark 1) Angelic Countenance: protective aura of guileless, heavenly innocence
Diamanti Rebuk't Elf Heretic Wistful Dark ESkemp 14/15 2/2 Average Unaligned (Dark 1) Ferrous: iron skin + heart make a physical and emotional fortress; body mass Snag
Zash Trignot Native Human Sage Wistful Dark Lysus 10 2/2 Severe Average Unaligned (Bright 1, Dark 1) Soul Link: can share thoughts/feelings with X, Minor Penalty when not linked

Diamanti is immune to the Ballooned and Putrefied ailments.
Apricot is immune to the Starved and Suffocated ailments.

Sample character sheet

Experience Awards[edit]

  • 1 XP for completing the first day and conducting several investigations link

Character Generation Custom Rules[edit]

Characters are Rank 2. Chargen has four main defining selections and two auxiliary components to flesh out the character.

Defining Selections:

  • Calling
  • Species
  • Homeland
  • History

Auxiliary Components:

  • Traits
  • Quirk

You have two Choice Points you can spend to make a choice with the defining selections. The other selections will each be rolled for twice, and you may select your favorite of the two rolls.

  • With Traits, you may either roll two Positive Traits and one Negative Trait, or you may select one Positive Trait but then will need to select two Negative Traits.
  • Quirks are initially determined by your Species. You may then select the category of Quirk if you wish, but will need to roll for the actual Quirk on that sub-category table. You are allowed one re-roll, but must accept it.

BREAK!! Setting Deviation[edit]

Instead of distinct geographies that experience 100% night, day, or twilight, I'd like to stipulate an environment that shifts between the three states. A magi-planar phenomenon results in a sudden shift between states every day, contingent on the homeland. The landscape, and what's in it, might shift dependent on the plane that is in effect.

The game will be set in the Twilight Meridian, where the majority of each day is spent in Twilight between the Dark and the Blaze. This transitive state has led to the Twilight Meridian becoming a natural trading zone between Dark and Blaze communities.

  • In the Twilight Meridian, it's twilight for sixteen hours each day. Dark reigns from midnight to 4am, and the Blaze reigns from 10am to 2pm. The other hours belong to Twilight.
  • In the Wistful Dark, it's Dark except for two hours from noon to 2pm when the Blaze reigns and four hours of the Twilight from 10am to noon and 2pm to 4pm.
  • In the Blazing Garden, it's Dark from midnight to 2am and Twilight from 10pm to midnight and 2am to 4am.

Natives of each planar cycle have a Minor Bonus when that cycle is active. Natives of the Buried Kingdom have a Minor Bonus underground.

Ragged Hollow[edit]

A quaint little town overlooking the river Rime, its low slate roofs nestled under the white-walled Temple of Halcyon. Best known for its flax, jumbugs, and the temple. The flax is pulped into paper and used to make books at the Temple of Halcyon, or made into cloth and oil (each family owns a loom and an oil press used during the long twilight periods). The town and its 750 inhabitants are governed by a council of priests from the Temple. There is no army or town guard.

To the west lies a mountainous region dominated by Mount Mourn that no one ever goes into. To the north across the Rime River is the Gloam Wood, a deep dark forest that one generally avoids exploring. To the south stretch the notoriously ill-famed Wailing Hills, an area few enter willingly, though a trail leading to a few frontier villages some three days walk away does cross through them. To the east begins the Kingdom, where the first important city is a week away.

Key Descriptions[edit]

1. The Temple of Halcyon[edit]

Curving white towers nestle on a lovely green lawn. Soaring stained glass windows depicting images of angels teaching, ancient scrolls, and arcane books. The temple sports greenhouse roofs and gleaming bronze doors.

2. Split Anvil Smithy[edit]

A blacksmith selling mostly farming supplies and tools. Joanna, the blacksmith, is a human woman in her 30s who immigrated to Ragged Hollow from the Wistful Dark. Gadgeteer with a Basic Workshop - Gadgeteering.

3. Sharp's General Store[edit]

General supplies like rope, canvas, glass jars, feed & seed. Run by Twelve-Seven, a bio-mechanoid. Local physician.

4. Alchemical Solutions[edit]

Omar, a human man in his 40s from another place entirely, sells acids and healing supplies and can produce custom items on commission. (High-end Workshop - Alchemy)

5. Radomir[edit]

The edifice of the local Sage Radomir, a non-binary Tenebrate from the Wistful Dark. Radomir's home and parlor is only present during the Twilight Meridian and Wistful Dark periods of the day. (High-end Workshop - Artificing)

6. Lost Ox Inn[edit]

Rooms, brews, and victuals (Pleasant Room & Hearty Meal). Thurm Muttonchops, the proprietor, is a middle-aged dwarf. He's originally from the Blazing Garden.

7. Dun’Myff Paper Mill[edit]

The local industry is managed by Naofri Squeezenibble, a chib woman.

8. The Dancing Needle[edit]

A clothing and accessories store run by Laban & Leep Uluuk, a gruun couple.

9. The Hooked Fin[edit]

A fishing supplies store that sells fresh fish and eels and has basic accommodation (Basic Room & Meal), out of the home of Taar Thuuk, a gruun woman.

10. Jumbug Farm[edit]

Run by Skritch, a non-binary goblin, their brother Skrunch, and their mom TapTap. Raises jumbugs (mounts), buzzers (pets), and plump meat-beetles (food).

11. The Rime River[edit]

High grassy banks overlook this sluggish brown river. Chunks of white ice float by. Small fishing boats sit lashed to stumps and rocks. A decrepit gray house hunches on the small wooded island in the center of the current.

Neighboring Areas[edit]

  • Journeying to the Gloam Wood takes one into the Wistful Dark.
  • Mount Mourn and the Wailing Hills are both native to the Twilight Meridian

Important NPCs[edit]

Home plane

  • 01-15 Wistful Dark
  • 16-85 Twilight Meridian
  • 86-00 Blazing Garden


  • Sarm Ruby (she/her), Dwarf Sneak. Snarky and suspicious. Was supposed to leave on her Halloo the next season after you. Her boyfriend is the blacksmith's apprentice.
  • Anica Blackspear (she/her), Tenebrate Raider. Stubborn, chatty, albino. Formerly Naofri's apprentice at the paper mill, she started a boar hunting business after deciding flax just wasn't an industry for her.
  • Mermedi Bubblestop (they/them), Chib Apprentice Sage. Timid, overly polite, have a pig nose and tail. They were formerly Radomir's apprentice until they were fired for screwing around with potions. Blazing Garden native.
  • M.A.X. 77 (he/him), Bio-Mechanoid Scribe (variant Factotum). Amnesiac, dreamy, naive. Found in a fishing net in the Rime river. Adopted by a family of farmers.
  • Kaspier of Kanisborg (he/him), Native Human Factotum. Pompous, eloquent beggar who earns coin at the gates of the Temple doing oddjobs.
  • Presto (he/him), Goblin Factotum. Fatalistic, industrious. Shoemaker on the verge of bankruptcy, as most villagers prefer clogs. Wistful Dark native.


  • Partimonius (they/them), Native Human Heretic. Squinting, lisping, always smiling. They came to Ragged Hollow on your advice to consult some tomes in the temple's library.
  • Bilb and Gilb Marble (he/him) (they come as a pair), Dwarf Bruiser (variant Champion) and Dwarf Factotum. Bilbur is secretive and gruff, and has a wooden leg. He's following rumors of an ancient dwarven temple. Gilbur is loyal, cheerful, and Bilbur's cousin.
  • Loridil Ruintamer (she/her), Elf Battle Princess. Noble, friendly, always curious. Daughter of an elf lord, who prefers the life of an adventurer.
  • Leguerynn Starseeker (they/them), Elf Bladesmith (variant Raider). Austere, disdainful. Searching for their lord's missing daughter to bring her home.
  • Gargle (he/him), Goblin Mountebank. Bitter, always worried. Chased out of his village by demon-hunting neighbors. Looking for a tribe of 77 tiny blue woodland fairies the ingestion of which is said to grant fabulous powers.
  • Calimon Joygarden (he/him), Tenebrate Scoundrel (variant Sneak). Young monk fresh out of the monastery. It's his first journey; everything is new for him, yet he tries to appear stoic, calm in all circumstances.
  • Boa the Blue Knight (he/him), Promethean Champion. Grandiloquent, audacious, protective. All his equipment is painted azure blue. Knight errant wannabe.

The Ragdolls[edit]

All Rai-Neko young women

  • Hardy Ambition (she/her) - 23 years old, athletic, spiky black fur, fish-hook piercings. Skilled archer. Intelligent.
  • Spiced Coriander (she/her) - 21 years old, muscular, curly red fur, crude tattoos of snakes. Skilled wrestler. Always bored.
  • Candle Midnight Ocean (they/them) - 18 years old, petite, dresses in black. Skilled butcher. Sensitive, poetic, obsessed with death.

Rumors and Leads[edit]

Notable Posts[edit]