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Dorius filius Ducaus is a Verditus magus looking for a covenant and saga


Character created by Dave Barnett



Wiglaf Tregarthen was a strange child and loved by few.

His grandfather was amongst them. It was from his mother's father that he had inherited The Gift. His grandfather had never been discovered and never received any training. Centuries before, he would have become a druid. It devastated the five year old Wiglaf to see is grandfather quickly wither to the ravages of age and die. He vowed then that it would not happen to him. He did not know how, but he vowed that he would.

With his grandfather dead and no other children standing his presence, Wiglaf spent the next couple of years in his father's bronze-smithy. His father was a skilled smith of Saxon birth, who had moved to Cornwall to be near the high quality tin that he used in his work. When he married, he took his wife's name, so that the farm he inherited would retain its name. Wiglaf's young hands learned the smithing quickly, but his Gift caused disquiet even in his father.

When Ducaus ex Verditus met the boy one day at market, his father accepted the magus' offer with barely a thought. So started Wiglaf's apprenticeship. He served his master well and learned quickly. He learned of the longevity potions that the Order of Hermes offered and saw how his vow could be fulfilled.

But to live for a long time was not enough. Wiglaf, in his spare time, started researching any possibility of stopping aging altogether. So, then years into his apprenticeship, the boy fell to Infernal influence. He was given promises of the immortality that he longed for. When the Quaesitors arrived he realised his mistake. He gave the names of those that had tempted him. This, along with his apprentice status, saved him from the full force of Hermetic Law. Although he realised his mistake, this does not mean the demons involved have forgotten him, nor that he may not be tempted again.

Now, Wiglaf has passed his Gauntlet. His master piece was a bronze hand that would copy the lines of the last to touch it. It was gifted by Ducaus to a Criamon palmist. Wiglaf was given the hermetic name Dorius and full status as Magus in House Verditus. Now the real work towards immortality can begin.

Dorius has seen the unaging nature of bronze and gold. He has seen busts from ancient Greece, with only the slightest traces of green corrosion, which can be cleaned easily away. If only this aspect of the metal could be transfered onto himself.

Vis Sources[edit]


There are seems amongst the mines local to his father's farm that are imbued with magical aura. Dorius has obtained an exclusive deal for their output. Twice annually, the Redcaps bring his delivery from this mine.

This provides a double Vis source of Terram.


Dorius allows the Redcaps to take a generous cut from the Vis that they deliver. In exchange they cut him in on the profits that they make from their extra cut.

The Redcaps provide a single Vis source. The form of the Vis will be dependent on the nature of the current market and will be random based on how the Redcaps have traded the Vis recently.


Laboratory complete with full metalworking forge.


Year Born
Current Season
Apparent Age 22


Intelligence 3 (Inventive)
Perception 0
Strength 1 (Precise Force)
Stamina 2 (Tenacious)
Presence -2 (Fixed Gaze)
Communication 0
Dexterity 2 (Precise)
Quickness -2 (Methodical)

Virtues & Flaws[edit]

  • Verditus Magic
  • The Gift
  • Hermetic Magus
  • Major Magic Focus (Metals)
  • Inventive Genius
  • Personal Vis Source(x3)
  • Affinity with Metalworking
  • Blatant Gift
  • Diabolic Past
  • Driven
  • Affinity with Terram


Driven 4
Sense of Humour -1


Speak English 5 (Metalworking terms)
Swim 1
Folk Ken 2
Brawl 1
England Lore 2
Awareness 1
Metalworking 4 (Bronzework)
Bargain 1
Speak Latin 4
Philosophiae 1
Artes Liberales 1
Code of Hermes 1
Finesse 1
Infernal Lore 1
Magic Lore 4
Parma Magica 1
Penetration 1



Creo 2 Animal 1 Ignem 3
Intellego 2 Aquam 1 Imaginem 2
Muto 7 Auram 1 Mentem 2
Perdo 1 Corpus 3 Terram 8
Rego 2 Herbam 1 Vim 3


Edge of the Razor MuTe 20
Rock of Viscid Clay MuTe 15
The Crystal Dart MuTe 10
Unseen Arm ReTe 5
Circular Ward against Demons ReVi 15
Scales of Magical Weight InVi 5
Sense the Nature of Vis InVi 5
Prying Eyes InIm 5
Wizard's Sidestep ReIm 10
Recollection of Memories Never Quite Lived MuMe 4
Doublet of Impenetrable Silk MuAn 15
Disguise of the Putrid Aroma ReAn 5
Footsteps of Slippery Oil CrAq 5