A character in the Belstead PBP Burning Wheel game.
Drogo's life so far has been short but brutal, much of that brutality committed by him. Conscripted while still little more than a boy, he had blood on his hands before he could shave. He's done horrible things, taken people for ransom or to be sold into slavery, and worse. Now he's trying to leave that life behind, trying to go straight.
Age 23
Stock Human Village Male
- Village born
- Conscript
- Outcast: Kidnapper
- Village: Barber
Will |
B4 |
Perception |
B4 |
Power |
B3 |
Forte |
B3 |
Agility |
B6 |
Speed |
B4 |
Health |
B3 |
Steel |
B7 |
Reflexes |
B4 |
Resources |
B1 |
Circles |
B2 |
Apothecary |
B4 |
Bloodletting |
B4 |
Knives |
B4 |
Anatomy |
B2 |
Foraging |
B2 |
Gossip-wise |
B2 |
Interrogation |
B2 |
Soothing Platitudes |
B2 |
Torture |
B2 |
Village-wise |
B2 |
- Agreeable
- Charming
- Hard-Hearted
- Hide Before Battle
- Thick Skinned
Superficial |
B? |
Light |
B? |
Medium |
B? |
Severe |
B? |
Traumatic |
B? |
Mortal |
B9 |
- Relationship (wife): Magda – His beloved wife
- Gear: Apothecary Tools
- Gear: Bloodletting Tools
- Gear: Run of the mill knives
- Gear: Clothes and shoes
- Gear: Cottage
- Reputation: 1D: Caring barber. The public face of Gregor, the only one he's let anyone see for many years.
- Reputation: 1D: Cold-hearted kidnapper. The reputation he's left behind.
- I'm not that man anymore. I can't be.
- I will stop at nothing to shield my family from my old life.
- I can make it work. I can have this normal life.
- Always smile pleasantly.
- Always carry a knife.
- Never leave a deadly enemy alive. Men with slit throats cause no future problems.