In Search of Adventure:Home Page
by Joaquin Menchaca (taken from Pandius.com)
Dwarven Overview[edit]
Physical Description: Dwarves stand only 4 to 4 1/2 feet tall, but they are so broad and compact that they are, on average, almost as heavy as humans. Dwarven men are slightly taller and noticeably heavier than dwarven women. Dwarves' skin is typically deep tan or light brown, and their eyes are dark. Their hair can range from black, brown, red, blond, or grey, and is worn long. Dwarven men value their beards highly and groom them very carefully. Dwarves favour simple styles for their hair, beards, and clothes. Dwarves are considered adults at about age 50, and they can live to be over 400 years old.
Relations: When the dwarves of Karameikos do express a preference between Traladarans and Thyatians, the dwarves tend to prefer the company of Thyatians, who are practical people, and not the superstition-ridden like the Traladarans. The dwarves get along very well with the gnomes, whom are appreciated for their kindness, creativity, and inventiveness. Dwarves have an instinctive fear for wizards, especially those from Glantri, as they were known to abduct dwarves for experimentation. The dwarves of Rockhome have a general dislike and distrust for elves, while the Stronghollow dwarves are more accepting of elves. In fact, the dwarves are expert craftsmen of mithril works of the elves.
Alignment: Dwarves are usually lawful, and they tend toward good.
Dwarven Lands: The Dwarves of Karameikos come from the Stronghollow clan located in Highforge. Some dwarves may have migrated from the homeland known as Denwarf, or when translated to common: Rockhome.
Religion: The chief deity of the dwarves is Kagyar. He is the creator of the dwarves, and he expects his followers to work for the betterment of the dwarven race.
Language: Dwarves speak their native language of Furden, which can just be noted as dwarvish for all intents and purposes. The dwarves are very consistent with their language amongst different communities around the world, and so there is little to no dialectal changes from different communities. The language is further strengthen by the yearly religious pilgrimages to Rockhome, the homeland of the dwarves, and the original creation of the first dwarf by Kagyar.
Names: Dwarf given names are a bit hard-sounding and weighty. Family names tend to derive from wartime deeds or special abilities.