Eighthmonth, Fifthyear, Sixteenth Cycle
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- Starting balance: 73,039 gp
- Mercenaries: -6987
- Hirelings: -4,444
- Supplies: -1896
- Settler Seed Money: -250
- Lifestyle Costs: -7,475
- Remaining material for Wolf Keep: -2500 gp
- Sage researching Candle: -500
- Sage researching the Ring of Second Chances: -500
- Two Restore Life and Limb: -1000
- Sale of trade goods: +9,752
- More Cash: +10,868
- Sage researches the Chelles family: -250
- Mercenary hire: -1575 (IC 985)
- Reaping in Hob: -5000
- Six units of stone (8.20): -750 gp
- Twelve units of lumber (8.20): -1500
- Eight trees of workers (8.20): -960
- Three units of stone (8.21): -375 gp
- Engineer: -250 gp
- Hippogriff trainer: -200 gp