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In Search of Adventure:Home Page

by Håvard Faanes, copied from Pandius.com

In AC1000, two races of elves live in Karameikos; the Callarii and the Vyalia.

Origins: The Callarii are newcomers, having arrived only 1800 years ago along with Mealiden’s migration. They are related to the elves of Alfheim and the Erewan elves of Glantri.

The Vyalia are remnants of an older race of wood elves living on Brun since the time when the first elves left their southern realm. They are related to the wood elves of Minrothad and Wendar, and (more distantly) to the Belcadiz elves of Glantri.

Appearance: The Callarii are healthy and robust, with tan skin, white or blonde hair and deep blue eyes.

The Vyalia have pale skin, red hair and green eyes.

Traditions: The Callarii are interested in horse riding, horse breeding and river boating. They also form the elite forces of King Stefan, the Elvenguard.

The Vyalia have different interests depending on their clans:

Blueleaf: Artists Diamarak: Hunters, Woodsmen Etherdyl: Philosophers Hierdyl: Scholars, Sages and Wizards Greenheights: Diplomats, celebrants Treeshield: Warriors

Religion: The Callarii follow Ilsundal, Mealiden and their own patron Maiden; lady Callarii. The Vyalia follow the older Immortals of elves, primarily Ordana

Lands The Callarii occupy the forests of central Karameikos, in particular the Radlebb woods as well as Achelos and the westernmost part of Dymrak. Their most important locale is the trading town of Rifllian.

The Vyalia live in the Vyalia woods on the Karameikan Thyatian border. Some Diamaraks have expanded towards the eastern parts of the Dymrak woods. Their most important stronghold is Greenheight, on the Thyatian side of the border.