Emily Watson

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Game: Capital Shadows

Emily Watson[edit]

Her Look (large image)


  • High Concept: Virgin of House Raith.
    • Emily was born into the White Court's House Raith, a clan of vampires that feed on lust. Luckily she found out about this before being tricked into killing someone for her initiation. Promptly doing a runner has had pros and cons; she doesn't have to feed on people's lust, but she doesn't get the various powers that would come with becoming a full WC Vampire.
  • Trouble: Afraid of My Own Emotions.
    • Emily knows getting somebody too hot for her is bad, but she doesn't know if that applies to other emotions, or if there's an escape clause. Or if that also applies to her own emotions.
  • Background: Child of Luxury.
    • Being raised in a multi-million dollar house with several servants has left Emily just a bit out of touch with how most people live, even after two years living by her own wits.
  • Rising Conflict: Darian Spector Wants Me Back.
    • Emily's mother had put a large amount of effort, and over a decade, into raising her. Even for an effectively-immortal vampire, that isn't something you just write off.
  • Project: No More Virgin Sacrifices.
    • Finding out that the majority of her family were secretly sex vampires, and the rest were either their victims or potential future sex vampires is one of Emily's least favourite memories. It is, however, ultimately what gave her the impetus to try and get those members of her family who aren't active sex vampires yet out and aware of their true natures.
  • Relationship: A Friend on the Force.
    • As the cop assigned to the investigation into Emily's disappearance, Zephyr Reed was able to deliberately botch it. Ignore accurate leads, follow false ones (some of which Zephyr made up entirely), that sort of thing. It recently got declared a cold case, making it that much safer for Emily to return to Richmond.
  • Other: Not Yet Defined.
    • blahblahblah will expand here.


  • Superb [+5]: Deceit, Presence
  • Great [+4]: Empathy, Rapport
  • Good [+3]: Discipline, Lore
  • Fair [+2]: Conviction, Fists
  • Average [+1]: Intimidation, Resources

Stress Tracks[edit]

  • Physical: OO
  • Mental: OOO
  • Social: OOOO (+1 mild social consequence)
  • Other: N/A

Mortal Stunts[edit]

  • Calm Blue Ocean (Gain +2 to Discipline when rolling to keep emotions under control.)
  • Make-Up Artist (Given enough time, you can create very convincing disguises, ones that will hold up to deeper inspection (although not to careful scrutiny and magic). Any attempt using Investigation or Alertness to see through your disguise is at an additional +2 difficulty.)
  • Personal Magnetism (You have a calm confidence that others find appealing. When rolling Presence to establish a “passive” reaction to you (Charisma, page 136), make the roll at +2.)
  • Sex Appeal (Folks attracted to people of your gender cannot help but notice you. You’ve got “it.” Receive a +2 to the roll on any seduction attempts you make with Rapport, provided that the target is someone who could be receptive to your advances.)
  • The Social Graces (Keen awareness of the ebb and flow of social situations makes you the master of your circumstances. When determining initiative in a social conflict, gain +2 to Empathy.)


  • Emotional Vampire [-1] (Lust)
  • Incite Emotion [-1] (Lust, Touch-only)


  • Starting: 8
  • Spent: 7
  • Remaining: 1



Character Biography[edit]

Katelyn Spector had a good life. At least until a few days before her sixteenth birthday, anyway. That's when she overheard her mother and aunt talking about how she needed to kill someone so she'd be initiated into her full powers, and they'd have to find somebody good-looking - preferably a girl - they could pay or force to seduce her for it to happen. Immediately after discovering that little tidbit is when she packed a bag, stole one of the cars in the garage, went downtown to empty her savings account, came up with a new name, and hopped the first intercity bus out of town. Fortunately, she was friends (or at least reasonably good acquaintances) with the cop assigned to her missing persons case, Zephyr Reed, who she managed to convince to deliberately botch the investigation into her disappearance.

That was two years back, and Emily has only recently returned to Richmond, Virginia. And she only returned because her younger sister, Victoria, was coming up on the age where'd she be able to transition to a full White Court Vampire, and Emily wants to save her - and anyone else she can - from that fate. Luckily she's got some allies, but she's not entirely sure how much she can trust Grace; the older woman is much more focused on killing White Court Vampires than Emily's goal of saving Virgins from becoming Vampires. Though at least meeting Grace made Emily realise she'd need to change her last name, too; becoming a Watson wasn't necessarily a bad idea, if she wanted to interact with people aware of the supernatural.