Episode 508: Into the Frying Pan, Special Features

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Unanswered Questions[edit]

  1. At the end of the episode, we awake to find we've been rescued and are getting towed along with a massive Alliance Naval Fleet. The news articles from Season Four has this to say: September 28th 2521: Alliance Navy announces a successful redeployment of its fleets, centering in the Core and along access points to the other systems. The First Fleet maintains security inside the Core, The Second Fleet maintains the White Sun –Red Sun corridor, The Third fleet the White Sun - Georgia corridor, the fourth Fleet is based in Kalidasa, the Fifth Fleet contains the Expeditionary Forces trained to deal with emerging issues, it has no base of operations and its location is classified. They’ve also announced the building of several new battle cruisers focusing on speed and range, suggesting a more agile, flexible composition.
    1. Is it the Fourth out of Kalidasa since we were leaving Kalidasa for Paquin--though that seems a bit far for them to stretch, there being no fleet specifically assigned to the Kalidasa-Red Sun corridor.
    2. Is it the Second, as we might have drifted into the Red Sun-White Sun corridor, though our angle of approach seems wrong for that by a significant arc?
    3. OR is it the Fifth, because it has no base of operations and doesn't seem to be tied to any geo-stellar position and therefore can go anywhere? And since the Expeditionary Forces are trained to deal with emerging issues (read: it's an offensive fleet, rather than a defensive one), then what is it in Red Sun for? What's their target?
    4. By getting rescued by the Fleet, what--if anything--have we stumbled onto?

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