Episode 707: Columbia, Special Features

Not much is known at this point about the Director of Namira Planetoid, other than he commands respect.

Free Rider, Leviathan class medium freighter, docked at Corone Mining facility on Columbia Planetoid, the Halo, White Sun (Bai Hu) system. Rina sabotaged the sewage system on the ship to ground it, enabling her crew to take Free Rider's cargo to Namira.
Gǒu shǐ = 狗屎 = gow shih = dog shit Sound clip
Diermo/Dierma = дерьмо = dyehr-moh/mah = Sh*t, crap, and other terms of that ilk.Sound clip
(on Rina's sabotage of Free Rider)
Rina: Gou shi dierma piece'a crap ….! (tries another tool) … C'mon, babies, hump me over again, why don'cha? ….
Damn. She's going to have to find another way to get at what she needs to sabotage the ship. She'll have to go inside.
But first, she'll have to convince Wilson to let her aboard. She continues to swear and mess things further on the outside, until it's clear to even Wilson that he'll have to let her aboard. He's gone back inside and she hails him via the airlock comm.
Rina: (total Val-speak) Hellow? Anybody there? … (gets breathing over the line) …. Eww, that's so disgusting. A mouthbreather. Ew.
Wilson: (muffled) I'm wearing a respirator mask, okay? We have a leak in here.
Rina: Yah, I'm sorry, I know. I'm Little Miss Fixit over here … Look. There's something wrong. With your outside panel. So I'm gonna have to get at it from the inside. I'm sorry, man, but I mean I can't get—look, you gonna let me on or not? Cuz it's not gonna get fixed unless I'm on there.
Wilson: I dunno …
Rina: Okay. You can live with the stink, man. It's no skin off my nose. I'm goin' home. Dude. Called me out here fer nuthin'. Workin' a piece'a crap shift. Dude. I could'a done somethin' with myself. I could'a been somebody … Man …. I cut my ponytail off for this?
Wilson: All right. But I'll have to watch you while you're on here.
Rina: Yah, shur, whatever.
She gets aboard and gripes about the smell. It's pretty eye-watering.
Rina: Omigod. Can I have one of those masks? Dude, gag me. (gets one) Oh, thank yew. You're such a sweetheart. So where's engineering?
Wilson: I think the waste container is this way.
It's totally not in engineering. Rina thinks fast.
Rina: Omigod, no. Oh jeez, this is bad … Oh duuuuude …Everything runs downhill, man, you know? And everything runs to engineering. I'm gonna have to go there first. (gags) Aww, jeez. How're ya breathin' this shit, man?
Rina retraces her steps to engineering. Wilson follows. She spouts technobabble all the way.
Rina: Oh, jeez. And I'll betcha it's behind every single one'a these panels … Cuz, you know, the T-35 trunk line goes alllllll the way back here and it's like, aghh! you're gonna have to rip this out, and rip that out, and eww…. eww, Dude. Man, I hope you're made'a money …
Wilson: Hey, I can't authorize those kinds'a repairs.
Rina: Okay, hey look. I can leave the stuff behind the panels. I just need to get to engineering and get in there to where, you know, the master router is? For, you know, the bilge pump? It's back there cuz it runs off the feeder line. For the power. Okay?
Wilson leads her right to engineering. He keeps an eye on her though. Rina messes with this and that, keeping a running monologue of complaints and technical jargon going. Finally:
Rina: Hey, look, could'ya go back to one of the heads and jiggle the handle for me? Cuz I gotta check the suction on this, cuz—aw, Dude, if the suction's blown on this you really do not wanna be in here.
Wilson: Uh … okay.
Rina: Thank yew.
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