Falling Bridges

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“Yeah, that’s a problem.”

Rivers Between Us looked over the edge of the precipice. Far below, he could see fragments of wood and steel dangling from a crag. Across the chasm, almost two hundred paces away, he could see the remnants of the other half, which still extended a dozen feet over the emptiness before ending in twisted lumber. “This was number...”

“Three.” Mite Xu stepped away from the cooking fire with a mug of mulled wine in each hand. He growled as he approached and handed one to the sorcerer. “It gets wider every day, but as of our last survey, we think it’s starting to slow down. Probably won’t get wider than a half mile.”

“How far does this go, anyway? I mean, east-west.”

“From the sea in the west, six hundred miles inland, generally west by northwest. We’re lucky it didn’t connect with the Gray.”

Rivers sipped the spiced wine and gestured at the crumbling edge of the cliff. “I don’t know about this plan. Even if we did manage to bridge it, I’m not sure that it would last very long on this soil.”

“Well, you said...”

“I know. I know. You’re right.”

Mite Xu crouched down and rubbed the massive head of his mastiff, Ogre. “Well, it’s getting dark anyway.”

“Right. We’ll pick it up again tomorrow.” He turned away from the windswept canyon and crouched facing the architect. “Well, how do you like being out of the city for a change?”

“It’s good. Less whining. Farther from the bureaucrats” He took another drink and looked out at the horizon, speaking slowly. “I heard you’re married.”

“Yeah.” Rivers scratched his ear. “Uh, could you not share that with any one?”

“Hmph.” He sat down and slapped Ogre on his flank, sending him away. “Why didn’t you tell anyone? Your circle... your sister...”

“A lot of reasons.” He finished the mug and passed it back, his eyes swimming. “Marta understands... I’m just trying to get some distance. And I need it, really. As far as the circle goes, though...”

Mite Xu’s eyes flickered toward him, then back to the sky.

“You know, they never trusted us. Either one. I know, they thought they were doing me a big favor in locking me in a manse when she tried to kill me, and they were probably just joking all those times that they reminded me of how little they trusted her...”

He shook his head. “And then, when Storm refused an eclipse oath to keep from slaying her, on the grounds that he might need her for...”

Mite Xu waved his hand, “That was a long time ago, Rivers.”

“A couple months ago.” He pulled a twist of grass out of the ground and threw it in the fire. “To them, of course everything is fine now... the threat is gone, so now they can welcome her... and me. I can forgive them, but I can’t forget... not yet. It’s not all of them... Sapphire River only just arrived, really, but I couldn’t bring some and not all, you see. It’s just...”

The Bear nodded. “I see.” He lifted himself heavily and walked over to the fire. “Well, you’re young. When you’re older, perhaps you’ll understand their reasons.”

“I don’t think so. I can’t put the mission first, and I can’t wait until someone is worthy of compassion before I demonstrate it.” He looked up at his amalgamated servant and sighed. “I’m not a leader, Mite Xu. I haven’t held council since they left. I... I file all of my directives as requests through the bureaucracy. I agree, I can’t make the decisions that they make, and I don’t want to. I’m just... not like them. The exaltation doesn’t belong with me.”

Mite Xu cleared his throat and poured another mug of wine. “Well... I mean...”

“Hey!” He stood and snapped his fingers. “Of course. Why in Malpheas would we want a bridge over this gorge? A lighter than air ferry, is what we need... we could set up a checkpoint and control the flow of spies across the border! I’ll put in an order to Ruki before midnight. Forget the bridge, start building a docking berth and a maintenance facility, barracks, a heliograph, turrets, and a watchtower. Start working now, and I’ll have three Eyes of the Sun here by the end of the week with a scale of tiger warriors and a medium implosion bow.”

He picked up his tool bag and began sketching designs on a sheaf of parchment. Mite Xu looked over his shoulder and nodded his head. Five minutes later, the plans were complete and he was throwing his equipment in his pack. As he turned to go, the Bear finally managed to get the mug into his hands. “Ruki is asleep already. You’re a married man now... you shouldn’t be flying across the Marukan in a sorceress chariot at all hours. Sit. Drink!”

Rivers sat down unsteadily. “Ah... right... right...”

“Bad leader.” The bear frowned and stroked his beard. “Yes, I never noticed, but now that I think about it...”

“Bad at being in charge.” The youth nodded his head pensively.

“I hate people myself, you know.”

“Yeah, I get that. Your staff loves you, I hear.”

“Hmph. Weaklings, all of them.” He grimaced and clenched one fist.

“I’m kind of opening my heart to the wrong person right now, aren’t I?”

“Pretty much.” He filled his mug again. “Drink. More.”

Heaven's Mandate