Firefly: Can't Take the Sky - Cat Salazar
Cat Salazar :: Pilot[edit]
Character Quote[edit]
|| Physical || Mental
|| Social
Trained Skills 
Untrained Skills
| Craft, Fix, Focus, Influence, Labor, Move, Sneak, Survive, Throw, Treat |
Bolded Triggers are active.
Ship's Pilot - The list of folk wanting to hire you is longer than your arm. You’re just that good.
- ☑ Step Back: Roll
Instead of
for 1 PP
- ☑ Born Behind the Wheel: Spend 1 PP to step up or double your ship’s Engines Attribute for your next roll.
- ☐ I’ve Never Tried That Before: If you replace your Fly or Operate Skill with a d4 for your next roll, gain a Big Damn Hero Die equal to that Skill’s normal die rating if your roll is successful.
Fashionable - You attend the most exclusive parties, dress in the latest fashions, and hire the best Companions.
- ☑ Step Back: Roll
Instead of
for 1 PP
- ☐ Clout: Step back Perform until the end of the next scene to remove a social Complication.
- ☑ I Don’t Wait In Line: You may spend 1 PP to gain entry to an exclusive club or party without an invitation.
Regretful Purplebelly - There's still a lot of Browncoats out in the black who insist that they may have been on the losing side, but they weren't on the wrong side. What you saw and did in the war keeps coming back to you, and you're starting to think they're right. Not that you can say any of this publicly - the Alliance knows who you are and what you've seen, too, and ain't keen on folks airing the dirty laundry.
- ☑ Step Back: Roll
Instead of
for 1 PP
- ☐ Nightmares: Start every Episode with an Exhausted d6 Complication. Step it up to reroll the dice on an Action. Once it exceeds d12, you are out until given medical treatment.
- ☐ I Don’t Do That Anymore: Gain 1 PP when you refuse to do a favor for an old acquaintance.
Signature Assets 
A Face for Magazines ...not just her face, but she doesn't do those kind of shoots. She's leveraged her appearance for most of her sporting career, and the Alliance leveraged it even more heavily for propaganda and recruiting. It's useful when someone might have interest in her or at least be awed by her.
Qing Motors '89 Jiuweihu Luxury Hover SUV Named for the powerful and dangerous nine-tailed fox, the Jiuweihu is fast for its size and styled like the early muscle-cars of Earth-That-Was. It's not a racer, but it can fulfill Cat's need for speed while ferrying the whole crew around dirtside in style. The Jiuweihu is not a discreet machine, especially on outer worlds, and it attracts attention much like Cat herself. At this point, it also represents almost the entirety of her net worth.
Before the Unification War, Cat Salazar was an up-and-comer on the hover-racing circuit, winning minor stakes from Bellerophon to Beaumonde, getting ready to move up to the big time. From a flush, respectable family on Santo, she of course signed up to be a pilot when the war broke out, even did a few recruiting gigs.
War didn't agree with Cat - just dragging soldiers around to die is the opposite of the flash and glory she'd first hoped for. But if that was all, she'd probably have just have gone back to her old life after the war. But there are darker memories, of having to sit in the pilot seat while Browncoat prisoners were tossed right out the side of her transport, of carting strange men with blue gloves around, of just... seeing everything go wrong.
Cat still thinks the Alliance cause was the right one in the War, that it was better to be unified than to go back to the old ways of always-squabbling nations of Earth-That-Was, but she doesn't think the Alliance itself was worthy of that cause. Her opinion crystallized when she was trying to drown her misgivings at a high-class watering hole on Greenleaf during the reunification celebrations (at least, the Alliance-friendly part of the planet was celebrating). That's when she met Gabriel, who had intended to try and provoke her into a duel she would surely have lost, but she found herself dejectedly agreeing with many of his barbs, rather than lashing out. The quick turn in his attitude led to an unexpected friendship that has lasted to this day.
After a long trip around the 'verse to find herself again, Cat's been trying to climb the circuits as she had before, but her refusal to appear in continuing propaganda for the Alliance government - or even speak in support of it - has seen her slowly blacklisted from the most prestigious races in the core. At least in the lesser leagues, her aging SJ-7 needed less upgrading to keep up, but the purses were much smaller, too. Increasingly unable to support her preferred lifestyle, she took the offered job eagerly, in hopes it would provide more opportunities to come.