Firefly: Can't Take the Sky - Character 3

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Gabriel Roux : Knife-Fighting Scammer[edit]

Character Quote[edit]

I understand that you feel yourself wronged by our bargain. If you'd like me to meet you on the field of honor, I accept. As the challenged party, I choose knives.


Home world: Greenleaf

Born to a genteel family on the fairly prosperous but lightly governed border world of Greenleaf, Gabriel learned early the fine art of taking money from people with too much of it but not enough business sense. Land speculation, exchange rate schemes, fake stock certificates: if it's a shady version of a legitimate business practice, Gabriel's tried his hand at it.

Luckily, those hands are also good with a knife. In the dueling-obsessed culture of Border nobility, this has helped him resolve several business disputes that would not have gone in his favor in a real courtroom.

When the war came, he supported Independence. This wasn't out of any high-minded political ideal, but rather the simple practicality that the Alliance would institute commercial controls that would make Gabriel's schemes harder to sustain.

He had no intention of joining the military, but he helped where he could, primarily funneling money and sometimes goods through the smuggler's havens on Greenleaf to the Browncoats. He also picked a few duels with Alliance-friendly nobles and businessmen. Calling these "assassinations" would be harsh, but it's fair to say that he goaded some Alliance advocates into duels that they had no chance of winning.

When the Captain's Wager's owner asked Gabriel to sign on to the ship, he turned the offer down flat. Then, the next day when agents of the Alliance Revenue Service knocked on his door, he slipped out the back and set out for the stars.


Gabriel is an ostentatiously well-mannered man, raised in the tight social confines of Border lower nobility. He's very difficult to excite or fluster, but he's no curmudgeon - he likes having a good time.


Physical d8 Mental d8 Social d8


Knife Fighter d8
X Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8
O Deep Cut: Spend 1 PP to step up a Complication you inflicted with your blade
O This Is a Knife: When you create a bladed Asset such as a knife or a spear, step it up to a d8.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Focus, Notice

Shady Business Man d8
X Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8
X Fell Off a Truck: Step up a Complication involving the authorities to create a d8 Asset that was acquired from less than reputable sources.
O Loan Shark: Spend a PP to pass off a social Complication onto another character who owes you something.
Highlighted Skills: Influence, Notice, Trick

Steady d8
X Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8
X Got It in One: Spend 1 PP to roll your Focus and add it to your total.
O Sea of Calm: Spend 1 PP to use a Complication as an Asset for one Action; step up the Complication afterward.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, [Throw - Swapped for Notice], Sneak


  • Craft d4
  • Drive d4
  • Fight d12
  • Fix d4
  • Fly d4
  • Focus d10
  • Influence d10
  • Know d4
  • Labor d4
  • Move d4
  • Notice d8
  • Operate d4
  • Perform d4
  • Shoot d4
  • Sneak d6
  • Survive d4
  • Throw d8, Knives d6
  • Treat d4
  • Trick d10

Signature Assets[edit]

  • Custom Fighting Knife d8 - Roux had a knife made for him years ago by Xin Crandall, a famous knife maker on Persephone. It's custom fitted to his hand, balanced to his liking, and made from a titanium alloy that keeps it sharp and tough.
  • Forged Letters of Introduction d8 - Roux has a variety of letters, messages, Waves, and the like of people vouching for him. A few of them even actually did.


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