Firefly: Can't Take the Sky - Character 4

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Patience Jones :: Companion[edit]

The lip stick on your collar is not my colour, if it was not such a nice clue perhaps I would feel a mite jealous.[edit]

Attributes d6[edit]

|| Physical d8 || Mental d8 || Social d8 ||

Trained Skills d6[edit]

Know d8

  • Law d6

Perform d8

Move d8

Focus d10

Influence d10

  • Seduction d6

Notice d10

  • Small Clues d6

Shoot d10

  • Pistols d6

Skill d12

Untrained Skills d4[edit]

| Craft d4 | Drive d4 | Fight d4 | Fix d4 | Fly d4 | Labor d4 | | Operate d4 | Sneak d4 | Survive d4 | Throw d4 | Treat d4 | Trick d4 |

Distinctions/Triggers d8[edit]

Bolded Triggers are active.

Registered Companion D8 - Active License in the Companion Registry

☑ Step Back: Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
☐ Inside Knowledge: When you create an asset based on individual history, biodata or Cortex records, step it up.
☑ I Know your ways: Spend 1 PP to step up or double influence when you are attempting to follow proper etiquette or put someone at ease.

Dead Eye - Your Cool Under Fire and a Keen Shot

☑ Step Back: Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
☐ Quick Draw: The first time you set the stakes in a firefight, spend 1 PP to double shoot. If your opponent raises the stakes step back shoot for the rest of the scene.
☐ Take Aim: Step back move until the end of the scene to create an In My Crosshairs D8 Asset.

Reader - You know things you shouldn't. Some call you a witch. They're just scared of what you represent.

☑ Step Back: Roll d4 Instead of d8 for 1 PP
☐ Secrets, Secrets: When you are in the presence of someone who is trying to keep a secret, spend 1PP to discover the secret with a Mental + Know action. If the roll fails step up a paranoid complication.
☑ Psychic Flashes: Once per scene spend 1PP to create a D8 Complication on a Gamemaster character by blurting out a secret or negative fate.

Signature Assets d6[edit]

Second Best Pistol d8 A finer pistol you might never find, custom made, clever little electronics for tracking and targeting, and yet Patience will tell you that it is her second best pistol. The first best is on Shion, and the temple, in a box in a shrine. It is the weapon she will be honour bound to take her life with if she ever betrays the guild.

Asset d6 Description


Patience was born on Albion, and almost immediately her family saw she was odd. She knew things she had no good reason to know, and she saw things before they were happened. Already in their small town people were starting to talk. For the well off Albion family this talk was uncomfortable, and perhaps dangerous. Her mother, worried for Patience, arranged for her to be sent for her companion training on Shion while before Patience attracted the wrong kind of attention. The Guild knew how to train and protect Readers. Her ability to read a room, to notice the little things that many people missed, led the Guild to focusing her training, a little less time spent on the standard Companion skills and little more spent on those that would allow her to work as a detective. There were in the Verse many people who wanted a Companion who could help them with complicated situations. As arm candy for the powerful few people noticed her investigating.

Patience enjoyed a few successful years as the Guild's foremost Detective. She learned many secrets during that time, but was sworn to confidentially in service of the guild.

Everything changed the day that an Hua Zhao Alliance Admiral, who had hired her only for her Companion Skills (Patience was her type), brought Patience into a room full of politicians and Blue Sun Executives. There was something in the air, she thought, and she was pulling secrets from the minds of those around her without even trying. Too many secrets.

Afterwards she thought she was okay, that she would hold all she had learned to herself, but someone must have realized what had happened. Maybe there had been another reader in the room, or maybe she had let something slip. Either way a few days later some people came to kill her. They made a mistake, did not realize she was as much a killer as any of them. With her Second Best Pistol she put them all down. She hid the bodies and cleared her schedule, grabbing the first ship out to the Rim. She wanted to be a moving target, far from the centers of power, while she made worked out her next move.

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