Firefly: Can't Take the Sky - Character 5
Weíxiū Tsiolkovsky:: Techgnostic Cultist[edit]
Character Quote[edit]
The human body cannot reach perfection, but the products of the human mind can draw ever closer.
|| Physical || Mental
|| Social
Trained Skills 
Untrained Skills
Ship's Mechanic- A ship’s a living thing, no matter what they say. You can feel when she’s sick, and she makes you proud when she’s well.
- ☑ Step Back: Roll
Instead of
for 1 PP
- ☐ Zen & The Art of Engine Maintenance: Spend 1 PP at the beginning of a Timed Action involving ship repair or upgrades. For each of your rolls during the Timed Action, you may reroll any die that comes up 1 instead of accepting a Plot Point for that die.
- ☑ Miracle Worker: If you replace your Fix Skill with a d4 for your next roll, gain a Big Damn Hero Die equal to that Skill’s normal die rating if your roll is successful.
Technologist- Where do you get all these wonderful toys?
- ☑ Step Back: Roll
Instead of
for 1 PP
- ☑ Early Adopter: When you encounter a new technological marvel, step back Focus for the scene and create a representative d8 Asset.
- ☐ Familiar Controls: Step up Operate the first time you use a piece of tech that is similar to one of your Signature Assets.
True Faith- Shepherds aren’t the only people in the ’Verse who believe in a higher power - although most probably don't choose this one.
- ☑ Step Back: Roll
Instead of
for 1 PP
- ☐ Lost in Prayer: Step down your Social die for a scene to step up your Mental die.
- ☐ Test of Faith: Step up a Complication to step up your Focus die for your next roll.
Signature Assets 
Workshop-Shrine An unlikely combination of an impeccably-stocked maintenance and fabrication workshop and a meditation space. Each turn of a bolt a mantra, each drop of engine oil an anointment, each blueprint a mandala.
You're one of those, huh? Weíxiū's sect is widespread, with small temples scattered across the 'verse and convocations via Cortex. Its members are known as oddballs and kooks who are nontheless damn good with a soldering iron or spanner.
A member of a techgnostic cult, who believe that their obsession with tinkering and enhancing will allow them to grasp the transcendent. Xe's on a working pilgrimage, out to prove xis worth to take part in the whispered Great Work by seeking out the lowliest vessel and taking it beyond its limitations. Xe isn't too concerned the old Independence politics, and the Alliance wouldn't deign to notice the cult if if weren't for their somewhat expansive attitude to intellectual property.