Flamepunk: Social Traits

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Flamepunk:Main Page -> Flamepunk: Character Generation: The Forge -> Flamepunk: Social Traits

Overview of Social Traits[edit]

This page lists the Social Traits available for you to purchase at character generation or with experience points.

Trait descriptions work as follows

Trait Name[edit]

The trait name is the header. Traits are divided by broad category for ease of reference, then arranged alphabetically.

A short description then follows.

Untrained Level

The information here describes what can be achieved with this trait at the Untrained level. Note that all characters can achieve the Untrained level by default.

Proficient Level

The information here describes what can be achieved with this trait at the Proficient level.

Expert Level

The information here describes what can be achieved with this trait at the Expert level.

Master Level

The information here describes what can be achieved with this trait at the Expert level.

It is worth noting that you can always use the effects of lower levels of skill than you possess. For example, an Expert in a trait can also use the listed effects from the Proficient and Untrained level.

Social Combat Traits[edit]

This section describes the various social combat traits - you'll need at least one of these if you intend to be effective as a social combatant.

Persuasion and Debate[edit]

This trait makes you more effective at using conversation to get your way, and also makes you able to counter the points made by your opponent, deconstructing arguments, pointing out fallacies and generally showing finesse and skill in duels of words.

Untrained Level

  • At the Untrained level you can make a basic social attack, with a Hit Target of (5, 6).
  • A basic "social dodge" made by an untrained combatant is a reflexive action that costs 1 action dice, and has the effect of removing 1 dice from the attackers rolled dice pool.

Proficient Level

  • Parry Arguments: As a reflexive automatic action costing one dice you can remove up to two dice from the rolled dice pool of someone making a social attack against you, but each dice removed must have a face value of 4, 5 or 6.
  • Wordplay: When you make a social attack, you count a roll of (4, 5, 6) as a Hit Target number (instead of the usual (5, 6))

Expert Level

  • Expert Parry Arguments: As a reflexive automatic action costing one dice you can remove up to three dice from the rolled dice pool of someone making a social attack against you, but each dice removed must have a face value of 4, 5 or 6.
  • Subtle Persuasion When you make a social attack using unarmed attacks, you can choose to make it a subtle social attack. Subtle social attacks have a Hit Target number of (1, 2) instead of the usual Hit Target numbers.

Master Level

  • Flow of Argument: As a 0-dice automatic action you can change your goal in social combat. This has the same effect as "redirecting" an argument, but does not have a dice cost.
  • Quick witted: Preparing an argument is a 1-dice automatic action for you, instead of the usual 3-dice.


Charisma is the direct route to getting things done in social combat. While not as subtle and finessed as persuasion, it works a lot quicker and thus can be a more useful trait for those who want to win their arguments quickly.

Untrained Level

  • At the Untrained level you can make a basic social attack, with a Hit Target of (5, 6).
  • A basic "social dodge" made by an untrained combatant is a reflexive action that costs 1 action dice, and has the effect of removing 1 dice from the attackers rolled dice pool.

Proficient Level

  • Stubborn Mind: As a reflexive automatic action costing two dice you can remove two dice from the rolled dice pool of someone attacking you.
  • Powerful words: If you hit with a social attack, add +1 to the Magnitude of the attack.

Expert Level

  • Alpha Personality: As a reflexive automatic action costing X dice you can remove X dice from the rolled dice pool of someone attacking you.
  • Sway Crowds: You can attack any number of targets within communication range as a single attack action. Make a separate attack roll against each target, which each target can defend against separately. The defeat condition for all your targets must be the same.

Master Level

  • Affirmation of Dominance: If you make a successful Social Attack against a target, immediately regain 1 Will Point. Note that if you are using Sway Crowds, then you gain a Will Point for each successful attack you make.
  • Contempt of the Superior Soul: If you are the subject of a failed Social Attack, the attacker immediately loses 1 Will Point.

Social Specialisation Traits[edit]

This section describes various traits that improve your character's overall social condition, and represent different directions of social training.


This trait represents physical attractiveness, and can give a significant edge to certain forms of social combat.

A character may never benefit from both Attractive trait and Fearsome trait on a single attack. That is, a character can choose to bring his Attractiveness into play on an attack, or his Fearsomeness, but not both.

Untrained Level

  • This trait gives no benefit at the Untrained level.

Proficient Level

  • If you hit with a Social Attack where your attractiveness gives you an edge (e.g. seduction, persuasion and most positive interactions), add +2 to the Magnitude of the attack.

Expert Level

  • If you hit with a Social Attack where your attractiveness gives you an edge, add a further +2 to the Magnitude of the attack (for a total of +4).

Master Level

  • If you hit with a Social Attack where your attractiveness gives you an edge, add a further +4 to the Magnitude of the attack (for a total of +8.)


This trait represents that your character is especially stubborn, is particularly persistent, able to engage in many hours of debating without feeling worn out.

Untrained Level

  • This trait gives no benefit at the Untrained level.

Proficient Level

  • When a social combat ends with the defeat or withdrawal of all participants other than yourself, you regain +2 Will Points immediately. You do not gain this bonus if you relented, or if you were defeated.

Expert Level

  • When a social combat ends with the defeat or withdrawal of all participants other than yourself, you regain an additional +2 Will Points immediately (for a total of 4 Will Points). You do not gain this bonus if you relented, or if you were defeated.

Master Level

  • When a social combat ends with the defeat or withdrawal of all participants other than yourself, you regain all lost Will Points immediately. You do not gain this bonus if you relented, or if you were defeated.


This trait represents ability to intimidate, and fearsome mien, and can give a significant edge to certain forms of social combat.

A character may never benefit from both Attractive trait and Fearsome trait on a single attack. That is, a character can choose to bring his Attractiveness into play on an attack, or his Fearsomeness, but not both.

Untrained Level

  • This trait gives no benefit at the Untrained level.

Proficient Level

  • If you hit with a Social Attack where your fearsomeness gives you an edge (e.g. intimidation, facedowns and most negative interactions), add +2 to the Magnitude of the attack.

Expert Level

  • If you hit with a Social Attack where your fearsomeness gives you an edge, add a further +2 to the Magnitude of the attack (for a total of +4).

Master Level

  • If you hit with a Social Attack where your fearsomeness gives you an edge, add a further +4 to the Magnitude of the attack (for a total of +8.)


This trait makes you especially resilient against social attacks, unwilling to be swayed thanks to a code of honour, sheer stubborness of just exceptional willpower.

Untrained Level

  • This trait gives no benefit at the Untrained level.

Proficient Level

  • Reduce the magnitude of all social attacks that hit you by -1. An attack reduced to 0 Magnitude by this is considered unsuccessful.

Expert Level

  • Reduce the magnitude of all social attacks that hit you by a further -1 (for a total of -2). An attack reduced to 0 Magnitude by this is considered unsuccessful.

Master Level

  • Reduce the magnitude of all social attacks that hit you by a further -2 (for a total of -4). An attack reduced to 0 Magnitude by this is considered unsuccessful.

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