Forgotten Freedom:Martha Greyholm

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Martha Grayholm

True Neutral

Dwarf Commoner 4

Martha Grayholm is an elderly dwarf widow, with an unreliable memory and mysterious origins, at least with regards to how she got onto the Forgotten Freedom. As far as she knows, she got lost on her way home one day and somehow ended up on the airship. However, exactly what "home" referred to is somewhat mysterious. Her last reliable memories are of herself and her then-living husband living in Cyre, and she knows her address -- now in the Mournlands -- by heart, but she doesn't remember very well where she was after that: she remembers vaguely that they left Cyre for "the country" to "retire" but that's about it.

On the Forgotten Freedom, Martha serves several roles. She is a reasonably skilled seamstress, and she often repairs the rips and tears in the clothing of the Forgotten Freedom's crew. She has a generally maternal attitude, and also serves as a counselor to the crew. She frequently advises Marish on how to "find a husband worth having", recommending that she tone down her more flamboyant behaviors, act more coy and inaccessible, and raise her standards. Marish usually listens politely to this advice, or at least pretends to, while ignoring it to the letter. She frequently describes Michael McCellan as a very "charming, kindly young man", and is always surprised when he misbehaves on drunken rampages and various evil actions. She also gives Ketler advice on how to woo Jaela ("Well, thirteen is a bit young, but then, my grandma got married at that age..."), although all of her advice is too civilized for him. Whenever any of the crew are injured, ill, or otherwise in some way down, she makes chicken-broth soup for them. Somehow, she must subconsciously imbue it with some sort of magic, because the soup generally has effects similar to cure minor wounds. (she can "cast" the soup at will, with no limit of the number of times per day, but it takes a while (about an hour for a gallon, with each gallon serving ten bowls, each healing 1 hp), and requires all the usual material components of chicken soup)

Occasionally, Martha learns about the evil, bloodthirsty nature of the crew of the Forgotten Freedom. This always comes as a shock to her, and after she learns it, she always starts planning to leave them and use the "knowledge" she's gained of the ship and its crew to help authorities bring them down. Equally invariably, she forgets what she has learned about the Forgotten Freedom's crew after a day or to, and goes back into her old patterns.

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