Forgotten Freedom:Serene

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Race: Humanoid

Classes: Bard 14

Alignment: NG

Serene was created by Terrek to be the perfect girl for Satnak and to keep her in check. Since Terrek is her creator, she sees him as something of a father figure and does all she can to please him and trusts him over any other. Terrek, for his part, exercises no direct control over her actions preferring to act in a fatherly manner and because if he did, someone would find out and Satnak would be ticked that he was trying to control her.

Terrek has “programmed” her personality to fit Satnak perfectly and adjust itself as needed. Terrek's plans for Serene have effectively succeeded now that Satnak and Serene are married. Their pairing has indeed made Satnak a bit more calm and there has been no overt interference in any of his plans in quite some time.

Serene’s personality is entirely morphic, bending itself to fit Satnak perfectly. Right now, she’s rather pleasant and has a tendency to call Satnak "Silly Girl." She has a slight disdain for combat, preferring to avoid fighting with diplomacy whenever possible. Serene also tends to give off the impression of one who needs protecting, something Satnak has fallen for, given her protective nature. Appearances to the contray, Serene is a skilled swords-woman and has a "living metal" incorporated into her body, giving her remarkable combat capabilities as well as wings and other combat-useful applications such as metal claws. She also loves to sing and her songs bring a calm to all that hear them.

Even though she was created by Terrek, Serene's genetics were taken mostly from him and so she incoporates all of Terrek's inherante capabilities - including those that he has grafted onto himself (see Terrek's Wiki}. These include things such as: bodak's eyes and "hidden" beholder stalks.

Skills: perform(sing), perform(wind instruments), diplomacy, use magic device,

Other random facts

  • Created by Terrek, treats him as father figure.
  • Satnak and Serene were recently married.
  • Creator: Cypher_Zero

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