Freedom Hall

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The original Freedom League HQ was a turn of the century mansion owned by the Beaumont family in downtown Freedom City. During the 1940s and ‘50, it served as a headquarters for the Liberty League. Fletcher Beaumont, Sr. offered it to the new Freedom League as their headquarters. The mansion was destroyed during the Terminus Invasion. Daedalus designed a new headquarters for the team, built using incredibly advanced materials and construction techniques the master inventor developed over the years and paid for by Daedalus’ own considerable fortune. The new headquarters was dubbed Freedom Hall.

Freedom Hall consists of four aboveground levels and two underground levels. Only the layout of the ground floor of the headquarters (which is largely open to the public) is well known. The remaining layout of the building is kept relatively secret as a security measure.


The ground floor of Freedom Hall features the Freedom League’s public facilities. It is largely taken up by a lobby and reception area open to the public and “staffed” around the clock by a robot receptionist named “Cynthia.” Although artificially intelligent, Cynthia is not truly sentient, but she is lifelike enough to fool casual visitors into believing she is a real, living, person. Use the bystander archetype for Cynthia, but no Constitution score and Immunity 30 (Fortitude) due to her robotic nature. The first level of Freedom Hall also features a public conference room and the League’s trophy room and museum, featuring displays of their cases and other items dating back to the original League. Three elevators take passengers to the other floors of the headquarters. They are keyed to operate only for members of the Freedom League or their designated guests. Overcoming the security lockouts is a DC 30 Disable Device check.


The second floor of Freedom Hall contains the main working areas for the Freedom League, including the team’s private meeting room, monitor center, library, and related facilities. The teleportal to the Lighthouse is located on this floor as well. This is also the area where the League entertains guests allowed access to the more private areas of the headquarters, and has quarters for any guests who may stay at Freedom Hall.


Level Three is living space for League members and their dependents. The Gardeners (Captain Thunder, his wife and son), Daedalus, and Johnny Rocket live full-time at Freedom Hall (although Daedalus also has other homes scattered around the world). The other members of the League only live at Freedom Hall for short stretches of time, usually when circumstances prevent them from returning home while on-duty. Dr. Metropolis ostensibly “lives” at Freedom Hall, but the Spirit of the City is often elsewhere in Freedom City, appearing at the League’s headquarters when he’s needed.


The uppermost level of Freedom Hall contains hangar facilities (connected by a hydraulic lift to a rooftop landing pad), along with mechanical workshops. The Freedom League stores its vehicles and related equipment here while they are not in use.


The basement of Freedom Hall is specially reinforced and designed for use as a backup for the main facilities above, should anything happen to them. There are emergency quarters for the League members and their families, along with Freedom Hall’s medical lab and infirmary. The basement level has stocks of food and other supplies.


The lowest level of Freedom Hall contains the power systems, an advanced geothermal tap designed by Daedalus. It provides all the power Freedom Hall requires,


Size: Large, Toughness: 15, Features: Combat Simulator, Communications, Computer, Concealed, Defense System, Fire Prevention System, Gym, Hangar, Holding Cells, Infirmary, Laboratory, Living Space, Power System, Security System. Cost: 18 equipment points. Cost: 18 equipment points

Tales of Freedom's Fallen Heroes