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Genzyme's Homepage

Though not the biggest company in the industry, Genzyme is still larger than a few hundred others and solidly on the top 10 list. They focus on rare (but serious) disorders, which means they've got experience dealing with the unusual, which could be of great help for The Survivors' understanding of how they've changed. Further, they've got a great history of charity - they've been providing about 200 patients in about 15 countries free enzyme treatment for Gaucher's disease for the last few years, with plans to expand that program as they're able. Their main facility is outside of Boston, but they have built a facility closer to Washington, D.C. to better interact with The Hopewell Foundation.

They are the first corporate partnership that the Foundation has made and currently hold Jack Bennett's insensate body and the Survivor Energy-powered Carrie Sellers in their care.

Genzyme Staff[edit]

  • Doctor Norio Ishida [age 53]: A surgeon and research physician; one of the three doctors assigned to remove the microchip from Jack's spine. Went to the future with the Main Cast.
  • Doctor Jerry Siegel [age 67]: A surgeon and research physician; one of the three doctors assigned to remove the microchip from Jack's spine. Since going to the future with the Main Cast, he's asked Brian to play a round of golf.
  • Doctor Joel Schuster [age 67]: A surgeon and research physician; one of the three doctors assigned to remove the microchip from Jack's spine. Since going to the future with the Main Cast, he's asked Brian to play a round of golf.