Gleeville:Skylar West
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- Player: NPC
- Actor: Skylar Astin
- Campaign: Gleeville
- System: Smallville
- Feature
- Duty D8: There's a lot needs doing, so honor your commitments
- Fame D4: Famous people hardly ever seem happy
- Fairness D10: Treating people justly would solve a lot of problems
- Love D8: It's not something to rush into
- Popularity D6: "popular" usually describes someone hated by the populace
- Truth D6: You always tell the truth when it's important
- Leads
- Warren Whitcomb D6: I like this Warren guy. He's sort of a jerk, but only sort of.
- Adam Chamberlain D6: Adam's the kind of guy you can count on
- Lauren Grey D4: Might as well come from another planet
- Ashley Brown D4: She seems... distracted
- Amethyst Fitch D6: I need to know more about this girl
- Fiona Maxwell D6: Could be the next Sammi, for good or ill
- Features
- Larry "Del" DelMasto D6: He likes crappy old-person music, but he's an okay teacher
Musical Range: Boy Next Door
- Specialties: Standards D8, Doo-Wop D6
- Stage Trick: Forthcoming -
- Stage Trick: Forthcoming -
- Limit: Forthcoming -
- Everybody Loves Skylar - Skylar is friends with everyone. The nerds. The jocks. The teachers. The custodians. The cop who pulled him over. The greeter at the Wal-Mart two towns over. You'll never go anywhere with Skylar where he won't meet someone with whom he's on a first-name basis.
- Athletic D8 - Through bodybuilding and years of team sports, your body has become a well-oiled machine, eager to take on any challenge. Roll the Distinction’s die when your athletic training, experience, and regimen would help you.
- D4: Spend a Plot Point from the Drama Pool to reroll a die in any Athletic roll.
- D8: Leads may Spend a Plot Point to have Skylar choose to use brute force over finesse.
- Likeable D12 - Whether it’s your looks, your personality, or your lovely smile, people seem to like and trust you. It doesn’t seem to take much for you to win them over—a wink and a smile and a few well-placed words and you can avoid most unsavory confrontations. Roll this Distinction’s die when your appealing nature would be a factor in getting what you want.
- D4: Give your opposition a d6 to Reroll a die in a Likeable roll.
- D8: Earn a Plot Point when you Decrease your own Afraid or Insecure Stress pool—you don’t really mean to upset anyone!
- D12: Spend a Plot Point to Reroll a die in an argument with someone that likes you.
- The Vikings 2D10
- Coach Taylor 2D10
- Darcy DeCarlo 2D6
- Football Field 2D6
- The Gym 2D8
- The Boys' Locker Room 2D10