Glixi the Lorekeeper

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Back to the Campaign: Time of the Green Star

Full character sheet can be found here (outdated):

After a brief adventure with the party, Glixi decided to remain at Far Keep as Court Wizard. She occasionally pops in to help the team out with research or spells.


Glixidinyanda Sparrowflight ("Glixi") was born to a family of pixies known for being courageous and sometimes foolishly brave. Her uncle Bazorik, for example, became famous for fighting a tiger all by himself (and subsequently had his wings torn off and he lost an arm, but he defeated the foul cat-beast and was dubbed "Tigerbane" by the rest of their community).

While most of her peers were spending time with their teachers learning how to use their natural abilities, Glixi was ingrained in studies. She wanted to be able to do more than parlor tricks and been seen as a pest by the rest of the world. Rather, she wanted to show the world that even the tiniest of heroes can make a big difference in this unfair world. Being genetically warded from drawing a greatsword, she instead focused her efforts on the arcane.

This focus, however, drew away time from developing her natural abilities. She never learned how to turn invisible like her friends, and she never learned some of the other spectacular abilities that her kin are known for.

Unfortunately, her village didn't have much experience with magic. All of their abilities were natural and learning the magic used by the giant species of the world was generally frowned upon. After learning as much as she could from the limited resources her home could provide, she set out to learn about magic and prove to the world that size doesn't matter.