Gods & Monsters
A game of Gods & Monsters using the FATE system, where deities roam the proto-world and adventure before the Twilight Age takes them.
GM: Roryb
Player Characters[edit]
- Sior, the Anomaly, played by Pandorym
- Wyrd: Mistress of Fate, played by brahnamin
- Trabixian, God of Metamorphosis, played by undeadDreamer
Non-Player Characters[edit]
Angry Weather Personified (Bold)
Icy Raw Breath without End (Swift)
Unchallenged King of the Heights (Mighty)
- Bold +2* / Subtle -1
- Clever +1 / Mighty +2*
- Wise +1 / Swift +4*
Winds on High. Once per scene, if you succeed with style in a Swift attack against someone in the open air with your winds, forgo a boost and instead move your opponent down one zone.
Seejan the Crafter[edit]
Fires of Artifice and Ingenuity (Wise)
Unyielding Like Iron (Mighty)
The Only Mysteries Are That of Craft (Subtle)
- Bold +1 / Subtle +2*
- Clever +1 / Mighty +3*
- Wise +2* / Swift +0
Zarivya, the Sun God[edit]
Hot In Every Sense (Bold)
"...I don't understand."
Sculpted Physique (Mighty)
Quick-Sighted but Careless (Swift)
- Bold +3 / Subtle +0
- Clever -1 / Swift +1
- Mighty +3 / Wise +1
Tifall, the Tempest Embodied[edit]
Tempestuous Rage Personified (Bold)
Ceaselessly Spinning (Swift)
Amorphous with a Mind Only for Expanding
Gale, Surge, and Lightning (Mighty)
Eye of the Storm
- Bold +3 / Subtle -2
- Clever 0 / Swift +3
- Mighty +5 / Wise -1
- Vast. Being huge and amorphous, Tifall is largely immune to physical attacks except with equally vast constructions such as seawalls and the like.
- The Peace Within. Being surrounded by clouds, wind, and lightning, nothing can assail the mighty tempest mentally. However, within the heart of the storm lies an area of peace and tranquility. Only by battling through Tifall's outer tempests and reaching the eye of the storm can those try to beseech the furious being. The eye never answers and is incapable of verbal exchanges, but can be taken out in a mental conflict if assailants can win a contest against Tifall's might to gain access within. In such cases, Tifall cannot defend or attack with Mighty.
- Tifall if uncontested can swallow islands or topple cities and forests.
- 3 Boxes; 3 Consequences
The Forest Primeval[edit]
Pre-Human Forest; Life In All Its Forms
Regional Stunt: Ancient Heart of the Forest. The heart of the forest is thick with forgotten secrets, vine-wrapped and overgrown. Once per game session you can banish a secret here—something known by yourself and no more than two others; when you do, the knowledge will vanish from the world, buried amid the ancient roots of the forest primeval. Normal investigation cannot uncover this knowledge, but a suitable quest into the heart of the forest might be able to find it and return it to the world.
- Yggdrasil, the Great Tree of the Forest Primeval. The Wisdom of Sacrifice (Sior; power points: 0)
The Rugged Peaks[edit]
Falling Down Is Easy, Getting Up Is Hard
Regional Stunt: Proud and Unassailable. The peaks refuse to be conquered, and any who challenge them leave their broken bodies littering the mountainside. Once per session you can ignore all stress from one attack—you are like the mountains, not to be moved by the actions of your inferiors. However, if you then go on to concede the conflict, or you are taken out, the GM will begin the next scene with an additional fate point —in the harsh realm of the rugged peaks, failure finds no mercy, and the mountains punish weakness by turning the world against you.
- The Spine of the World. The Core of the Mountains that Support the World (Wyrd; power points: 0)
- Carmine Mountain. Only the Veil of the Wraith Palisade Keeps the Mountain's Destructive Powers at Bay (Place associated with Seejan the crafter)
- The Heights. Weather and Wrath Among the Heights (Howl)
The First City[edit]
Heaving With Humanity; The Start of Something Big
Regional Stunt: Crowdsourcing. Once per session you can ask the city for an item or piece of information that it possesses; by the end of the scene, a series of coincidences will have brought that item or information to you. If what you seek is rare, unique, long forgotten, or tightly guarded, it will not be delivered to you directly; instead, the GM will give you an opportunity to claim it. If what you seek does not exist, you learn this instead.
- Community: Assassins, Alchemists, and Guilds of the First City. Where We Work in Shadow (Sior; power points: 0)
- Community: Women, Shamans, Soldiers. Givers of Life, Protectors of Life, Enders of Life (Wyrd; power points: 0)
- Community: The Changed. (Trabixian; power points: 0)
The Ocean[edit]
Elemental Fury; Wonders and Terrors in Equal Measure
Regional Stunt: Terror from the Deep. Once per session you can call for a monster from the deep to aid you. The exact intervention is up to the GM: a thick tentacle might snatch an enemy off a ship’s deck; the island turtle might shift in the water, shaking and crumbling a key part of the arcane device which binds you. Whatever happens, it will solve a short-term problem for you, but long-term you will still have work to do: the snatched enemies will escape and swim to shore; even with your bindings gone, you will still have to win your way to freedom.
- An Island of Change. Change is Everywhere (Trabixian; power points: 0)