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A player character in the PbP game Daring Tales of the Space Lanes.

"Grease" - Ship's Engineer / Blob

Grease is a polite, sweet-natured blob that the crew found inside their engines after one adventure. Turning out to be a friendly genius with machines and saving their bacon, they made him part of the crew.

Much of his ability derives from actually oozing inside seams and crevices of the machinery itself. He in fact loves to sleep like this and explore strange new machinery. So the crew named him "Grease".

He seems to be a huge mono-cellular organism, possibly a part of a vastly larger being, although no one has ever seen anything similar to his kind. He has complete amnesia about his past, but considers the crew his new family.



d8 Agility --------- d8 Fighting, d8 Lockpicking, d4 Piloting
d8 Smarts ------- d4 Healing, d8 Repair, d10 Knowledge: Engineering
d6 Spirit ---------- d4 Guts, d4 Persuasion
d4 Strength ----- d4 Climbing
d6 Vigor

4 Pace { RACIAL: Oozes slowly }
6 Parry
-2 Charisma { RACIAL: Weird blob creature }
5 Toughness



McGyver - No penalty for using makeshift tools; can jury-rig one-use devices in an emergency.
Two-Fisted - Can fight with two weapons without suffering MAP.
Ambidexterous - Off-hand penalty ignored. { RACIAL: Pseudopods }
"I'm giving her all she's got Captain!" - custom Edge. You can re-root the energy in the ship, with a Engineering roll to either the shields, engines or weapons giving it a +2. It has to come from somewhere, though: so either one of the other systems will get a penalty -2 during this round, or you overload the system, and next rounds will give a -2 until you've repaired it. If you have a raise on your roll, there are no negative effects.


Clueless (Major) - Penalty to Common Knowledge rolls. { Not familiar with this galaxy or human culture }
Loyal (Minor) - Always sticks by his friends. { This crew is his new family }
Quirk (Minor) - Has a distinct foible of some description. { Oozes into machinery }
Outsider (Minor) - Doesn't fit in society, resulting in a -2 Charisma penalty and generally unpleasant treatment from most folks. { RACIAL: Weird blob creature }


  • Trusty Omni-Wrench (Toolkit/Club), Str+d4, $210 (weight 2)
  • Model I wrist computer, $100 (weight 0.5)
    • [No software]
  • $190 loose cash


  • XP: 20
  • Rank: Seasoned


5pts | Edge: "I'm giving her all she's got Captain!"
5pts | Edge: Two-Fisted
5pts | Stat: d8 Agility
5pts | Two skills below/equal to stat: d8 Fighting, d8 Lockpicking


Pace 4 - { Oozes slowly }
Hindrance: Outsider - Doesn't fit in society, resulting in a -2 Charisma penalty and generally unpleasant treatment from most folks. { Weird blob creature }
Edge: Ambidexterous - Off-hand penalty ignored. { Pseudopods }