Griffin Cave Findings
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- The ancient maille hauberk is wrought of very fine steel in an intricate 6 ring pattern. The rings are exceptionally small. In addition, there is no visible rust on the hauberk anywhere. It is small sized. It offers 6 AP to chest, abdomen, and arms, in exchange for only 5 ENC. Not Promerian. Karam
- Bronze dagger has a Bladesharp 4 matrix. Anyone can use this. Roll 95% or less to activate it. Sacrifice 4 magic points to the god. Get +20% to hit and +4 magic damage to the dagger for a combat. The dagger does 1d4+1 damage normally. The dagger asks for prayers and gift of self in exchange for letting the blood of its foes flow freely. The dagger is even named specifically, "Bloodletter." Promerian make. Lucwo
- Spear tip of bronze has a Flamespear matrix on it. Similar to the dagger, except it does 3d6 fire damage when cast rather than it's normal damage. This is all magical damage, when that matters. It also costs 4 MP when used. The spear tip asks for prayers to Hilme in exchange for bring his divine wrath upon those who oppose his chosen baring the spear. It is named, "Hilme's Wrath." Promerian make. Lysis
- Shield Boss of bronze is functional and usable. Lysis
- TA helm made of steel. However it is heavily rusted, to the point of appearing brittle and completely beyond any functional value, but could certainly be taken back for sage types to examine. Lysis (on behalf of Flavius & Bluebird)
- The bronze chain is a mount with a light blue and white swirled, square gem stone. The chain and mount are strong, though tarnished, but the gem has a special quality about it that nobody can place. It was worn underneath the armor, so must have had some value to the original owner. Karam is holding it for now.
- Coins: Most are silver of various sizes and castings, but a good number are gold, and there are even several fine, small gems mixed in.
- Silver: 1217 ounces of silver
- Silver: 63 ounces of silver
- Gold: 335 ounces of gold
- Gems: (by value in ounces silver) 7, 9, 12, 12, 12, 12, 35, 40, 55, 63, 72, 80, 90, 120
- Final Coin Distribution:
- Fisherman #1: 37 gold, 477 silver
- Fisherman #2: 37 gold, 477 silver
- Cunobelinus: 51 gold, 197 silver
- Jabal: 54 gold, 88 silver, gems (12, 12, 12, 12)
- Jahyris: 103 gold, 11 silver, gems (120, 90, 80, 72)
- Karam: 18 gold, 10 silver, gems (63)
- Lysis: 18 gold, 18 silver, gems (55)
- Lucwo: 17 gold, 2 silver, gems (40, 35, 9, 7)
- Main Page; Griffin Island